Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
OVER the years, I’ve been deeply moved by the people who’ve told me they wished they could feel inspired and hopeful about America the way people did when my father was president. This sense is even more profound today. That is why I am supporting a presidential candidate in the Democratic primaries, Barack Obama.[.]
Sometimes it takes a while to recognize that someone has a special ability to get us to believe in ourselves, to tie that belief to our highest ideals and imagine that together we can do great things. In those rare moments, when such a person comes along, we need to put aside our plans and reach for what we know is possible.
makes it hard for Ted to endorse Clinton. Ted has asked Clinton to pipe down.
“Further confrontations with both Clintons are inevitable. Indeed, The Sunday Telegraph has learned that Bill Clinton will play a bigger role in his wife’s Hillary’s election campaign than her vice presidential running mate if she wins the Democratic nomination, .
In late night strategy sessions Mr and Mrs Clinton have decided together that the former president will stay in the spotlight for the rest of the primary campaign and then in the general election.
One Clinton camp figure familiar with discussions in her inner circle told The Sunday Telegraph: “WJC [William Jefferson Clinton] is going to be there from now on. Bill’s doing what running mates normally do; he’s acting as the lightning rod. Whoever is the running mate will have to get used to the idea that he is in the lead.
“Just as, when she’s president, whoever is her secretary of state will have to deal with the fact that Bill can just get on the phone to Gordon Brown and go to Britain and ask him to help out on an issue. That’s a fact of life.” [.]
they want it that badly. The party is just the vehicle they drive to get there.
It’ll take more than stories. People are tired of stories. He’s a good speaker but speeches are stories. He should be courting those seniors with real solutions for them to pay their medication bills and their property taxes.
Shaming the clintons on every possible point in subtle, convincing terms, embracing the race issues they raised and turning it all into an asset: I may be the black candidate, but I’m the black candidate that everyone can get with; that can return the nation to that one we learned about in school, the scouts, the army.
If anyone is watching, he’s doing a pretty good job of picking up the reigns of the party that everyone dropped during the last debate.
Bill Clinton would still be warming up in his famously onanistic oratory style. This guy hit all the points in a concise and extremely effect speech that was head and shoulders above what I’ve seen from him so far – and all with just a touch of aw-shucks that sells, sells, sells in Peoria..
My Republican friends are cautiously optimistic about Obama, and if Romney becomes the GOP nominee then they’ll flock to Obama.
All of them.
However, if Hillary is the nominee – regardless of who becomes the GOP nominee – then they’ll enthusiastically vote for the GOP nominee, and I’d expect a good number of Democrats to join them…
I was just watching it the other day and I was thinking about you. You should totally watch it. It’s really cool. My kids like it and my oldest is 4. The downside is that after watching the movie, she pretends to be a junkie.
You just answered a question that’s been nagging at me for over 20 years. I could never remember the name of this movie. I saw it when it came out in ’81 with my then girlfriend. She died in ’83 and over the years when I think of her, I think of this movie for some reason and had always wanted to find it as way to recapture a little time with her :o)
And here you are, outta the blue, with the answer!
That’s so damned cool :o)
Not that I care about Bill Bennett – but he’s right that he did what Reagan did – he was uplifting BUT he also gave a vision of a different world. Kennedy could do it. Reagan could do it. Obama is learning to do it. Combine his Hope theme with an actual vision of what to hope for.
Funny thing. When I signing up to caucus in NV, the woman in front of me in line was with her father and her son (like 10 yr old.) Even though she and her dad were adamantly for Hillary, the kid (who’s there to observe) was strongly for Obama. His grandpa then told him that Obama’s a terrorist. The kid laid into old gramps for that crap.
Clinton needs to rethink her candidacy. She has gone from inevitable to a struggling, bitter loser. I so want to see Obama tear into the Republican candidate in the general election. Hillary needs to get out of the way.
The text of Caroline Kennedy’s endorsement
in the New York Times. Endorsements don’t mean a lot in my opinion, and of course she was a child when her father died. But she is the last remaining member of that nuclear family and there has to be some symbolic value to this for Obama.
I have never had a president who inspired me the way people tell me that my father inspired them. But for the first time, I believe I have found the man who could be that president — not just for me, but for a new generation of Americans.
For those of us who lived during Kennedy’s presidency but don’t remember him because we were too young … who feel cheated … “the way people tell me that my father inspired them”. There’s something poignant about that.
Don’t worry – I’ll get over the sentimentalism by tomorrow 🙂
In the speech, when he just talked about the status quo, I think he might have been referring to The Village Media.
It’s talking more like a Democrat tonight. That’s good.
And now he’s attacking the conservative movement politics. Good!
Sounds a lot like the convention speech in 04 that electrified everyone…
He is amazing.
I agree.
This is good – what kind of country we want and how hard we are willing to work for it.
Caroline Kennedy endorses Obama in an OP-ED, 01.27. 2008.
Sunday New York Times via Huffpost.
A President Like My Father
makes it hard for Ted to endorse Clinton. Ted has asked Clinton to pipe down.
Glad to see he’s got teleprompters tonight.
and glad to see the Clintons have no intention of changing strategy.
The Sunday Telegraph, UK
they want it that badly. The party is just the vehicle they drive to get there.
MMMMmmm.. donuts…
$3.01 – awesome. What a great story.
Yes. It was a great story.
I went to the movies and saw Juno. Excellent movie. Now I’m back and the country is different.
It was that good, huh? 😉
Hey, is any talking about the crazy turnout? It looks like over 400,000 and they told me 350,000 going in.
via Devilstower
Total Turnout:
Democrats 507,320
Republicans 442,918
The dems turned out more than the Republicans. It’s a record night all around.
Can you go to the movies every election night? 🙂
yeah, last time I went to an Obama party and he got smoked. Luam wanted me to go again and I was like ‘f-no, I’m going to the movies.’
I don’t go to the Obama headquarters here to watch because they don’t serve beer. Very odd.
Dude, bookmark this page for next Tuesday… 😉
It did work out pretty well, didn’t it?
You are in charge of this strategy in the future.
No problem. I’ll have to check the schedule for the 5th…
Smart. Courting the Seniors & Hispanics with stories. He’ll need them in CA.
It’ll take more than stories. People are tired of stories. He’s a good speaker but speeches are stories. He should be courting those seniors with real solutions for them to pay their medication bills and their property taxes.
Time will tell if he’s got more than pretty talk.
Yes. Always good to remember.
But I’m enjoying the massive victory over the Clintons tonight 🙂
Shaming the clintons on every possible point in subtle, convincing terms, embracing the race issues they raised and turning it all into an asset: I may be the black candidate, but I’m the black candidate that everyone can get with; that can return the nation to that one we learned about in school, the scouts, the army.
If anyone is watching, he’s doing a pretty good job of picking up the reigns of the party that everyone dropped during the last debate.
He broke out E pluribus unum! He’s good.
Incredible speech. It’s hard to end it better than he did tonight.
And the Clintons wound up with rug burns on their foreheads to boot – perfect.
Bill Clinton would still be warming up in his famously onanistic oratory style. This guy hit all the points in a concise and extremely effect speech that was head and shoulders above what I’ve seen from him so far – and all with just a touch of aw-shucks that sells, sells, sells in Peoria..
Now Hillary is going to give a speech? I thought she only did the written statement?
So the Clintons would get two speeches.
yeah what’s up with that? I thought the concession speeches always came first.
She is! She’s going to speak from Tennessee. I hope there is a backlash against her getting TWO speeches.
They should let Elizabeth Edwards speak after Clinton.
It worries me that EE isn’t there. I think the local media here in Raleigh mentioned more cancer treatments this week…
I was wondering about that too.
The anchors should speak over her and give us a “wrap-up” when she’s done, like they do with boring congressional hearings.
Who the fuck is running in that family?
I am so sick of their crap. I hope there’s a huge backlash for their cheap tricks.
they need to have the last word. Go see my comment upthread on article in The Sunday Telegraph, UK. It’s all about the Clintons.
Shoot, then Michelle needs to get her vocal chords ready.
Michelle is The Closer
Wow, I’m watching Fox and Major Garrett’s face is bright orange and his hands are white. I think he should fire his makeup crew.
Joe Scarborough’s almost welling up raving about this speech.
I wonder if there are a bunch of republicans feeling all jealous and left out and feeling like they’re on the wrong team…
I hope so.
I hope so. It’s always nice when people want to jump on your bandwagon.
My Republican friends are cautiously optimistic about Obama, and if Romney becomes the GOP nominee then they’ll flock to Obama.
All of them.
However, if Hillary is the nominee – regardless of who becomes the GOP nominee – then they’ll enthusiastically vote for the GOP nominee, and I’d expect a good number of Democrats to join them…
I love Edwards, but he needs some new material.
“Why are we going on after Hendrix? We’re going to look like shit after Hendrix.” (American Pop)
Okay, Edwards’ speech is like Obama’s speech.
That’s hilarious! I’d never heard of that movie before. I’m ashamed to admit my ignorance.
I was just watching it the other day and I was thinking about you. You should totally watch it. It’s really cool. My kids like it and my oldest is 4. The downside is that after watching the movie, she pretends to be a junkie.
You just answered a question that’s been nagging at me for over 20 years. I could never remember the name of this movie. I saw it when it came out in ’81 with my then girlfriend. She died in ’83 and over the years when I think of her, I think of this movie for some reason and had always wanted to find it as way to recapture a little time with her :o)
And here you are, outta the blue, with the answer!
That’s so damned cool :o)
Fox got tired of covering the dems and have moved onto the exciting romney/mccain race.
MSNBC Taibbi giving a “stump speech” not a concession speech!!!!!
oops, I mean referring to clinton
Olbermann is saying that Hillary is going to do a stump speech, not a concession speech. So will she get airtime?
Not that I care about Bill Bennett – but he’s right that he did what Reagan did – he was uplifting BUT he also gave a vision of a different world. Kennedy could do it. Reagan could do it. Obama is learning to do it. Combine his Hope theme with an actual vision of what to hope for.
Howard Fineman re: Hillary…
“How many delegates are there in the state of Denial?”
Fineman:something big and real…an uncorked force, re: Obama
I just posted that too…I had to run in to see if that was actually Fineman. Meow!
Damn. I’m still laughing.
That was funny.
“Well how many delegates are there in the state of denial.” This is in reference to American Samoa in her statement.
They brought out a half a million people to vote Democratic – in SOUTH CAROLINA. Amazing. Absolutely amazing.
The Repubicans might be screwed in November, eh?
Well, at least there might be a real contest.
in the south I mean.
Unless Hillary manages to become the nominee – then the Democrats will have, once again, snatched defeat from the gaping jaws of victory.
I agree with you 100% on that. If anyone can screw this for the Dems, its those greedy-ass scumbag Clintons.
he probably could have won a general election over McCain based on these results.
His numbers in SC beat McCain and Huckabee combined.
it’s going to be obama versus mccain, so i guess we indeed will see….
Scar: Herman’s Hermits following the Beatles. Hahaha!
also “the Clintons just refuse to play by the rules”
So Hillary’s talking. If she doesn’t conced within 1 minute, they should cut away. Period.
They need to go back to Dateline or something.
Olberman…I think we heard the entire reference to South Carolina.
That’s some serious bullshit The Clinton’s pulled there.
Yeah, “Lockup” or “To catch a predator”
Give it up…that was embarassing. “I want to thank the band.”??? She’s dropping her black people cred.
Hmmm…three minutes in and not a mention of congrats to the guy who slaughtered her
She did”I want to thank Barack Obama and South Carolina.”
And Keith appropriately cut her off.
hah! they cut away!
Keith rocks! As usual.
not on CNN
CNN cut away for commercials…
Never been so glad to see a commercial…
WTF is this all about? We’ve heard the Bill version of the stump speech tonight and now we hear her?
Although the contrast if you just watched Obama’s speech. Maybe they should keep her on.
I didn’t look at it that way. If they kept Clinton up there uncomfortably flirting with the room, it would contrast horribly with Obama’s speech.
It wasn’t so bad when they had the split screen showing the votes for Obama vs Clintoon.
CNN kept her on longer than MSNBC and it was clear she was talking to a room of old people. Because she was talking about .. our kids.
Well the kids are with Obama. It was quite a contrast.
Funny thing. When I signing up to caucus in NV, the woman in front of me in line was with her father and her son (like 10 yr old.) Even though she and her dad were adamantly for Hillary, the kid (who’s there to observe) was strongly for Obama. His grandpa then told him that Obama’s a terrorist. The kid laid into old gramps for that crap.
Is it just me or do Hillary’s
propssupporters look not-too-pleased to be there?They rounded up any old body on the street to fill that place. I seriously doubt it was planned for her to give a televised speech tonight.
Clinton needs to rethink her candidacy. She has gone from inevitable to a struggling, bitter loser. I so want to see Obama tear into the Republican candidate in the general election. Hillary needs to get out of the way.
The text of Caroline Kennedy’s endorsement
in the New York Times. Endorsements don’t mean a lot in my opinion, and of course she was a child when her father died. But she is the last remaining member of that nuclear family and there has to be some symbolic value to this for Obama.
For those of us who lived during Kennedy’s presidency but don’t remember him because we were too young … who feel cheated … “the way people tell me that my father inspired them”. There’s something poignant about that.
Don’t worry – I’ll get over the sentimentalism by tomorrow 🙂
God, Clinton is still speaking!
Are you still listening? Please tell me you aren’t.
No, but I had to check on cspan….
If a Clinton speaks before a forest of geriatrics but everyone is online raving about Obama’s speech, is the Clinton really speaking?