Good morning, CG! Thank you for that lovely photo up top — just the type of scene I enjoy so much. No other environment gives me such a sense of peace.
Hope you’re doing well today. Me, I’m happy to report that we’ve just gotten about 22 seconds of downpour here in Miami Beach. I doubt it’ll help much with regional drought, but it’s refreshing.
Hi ww! I feel like I’m always just missing you in the cafe. I’m just lazing around the house, tidying up, playing with my knitting, probably going to work on a work project for an hour or so and go grocery shopping before the CBs come home for dinner. Maybe a walk with the dogs, who knows?
I love that pic up there – it’s AndiF’s woods, of course.
I know you’re looking forward to getting back up north, but I’m a little envious of your Miami Beach interlude. I could totally handle some warm rain.
I’d send you some of this heat if I could, CG. It doesn’t suit me well at all!
Please don’t feel too envious. Imho, the ‘sun ‘n fun’ image of this part of the world may have related to actuality at one time, but I don’t believe it does any longer. What may have once been a pretty resort area has been completely overrun by development, causing extensive congestion, overcrowding, intense strain on infrastructure & untold harm to whatever natural environment remains.
The Beach’s main drag, running along the ocean, is also Highway A1A & it sure feels that way. On some days, exhaust + eternal humidity actually make it difficult to breathe. One can’t even see the ocean from there, for the 20 & 30 floor highrises crowding together against it like an enormous, steel security fence.
Likewise, people don’t seem to respect the beach itself & seem to consider it one soft, massive trash can. The sea birds poke around in the detritus; lack of actual sewers causes rainfall to sit & fester in odorous puddles along the streets.
There’s a tremendous amount of aggression in people here; not even in New York City have I experienced drive-by verbal abuse (at top volume) for no apparent reason. I’ve actually seen fender-bender altercations that made me want to dive to the ground. Guns are very common here & state law actually allows shooting on suspicion.
To me, it’s all quite depressing. Frankly, I’d rather be where you are! If it weren’t for family ..
Sounds like you’re set for a very mellow, lovely Sunday. Just remember: spring won’t be long now .. but Trump is forever.
Please pardon the diatribe. When one loves true nature the way I do, it’s hard not to spout off given a sniff of opportunity.
I’m consoling myself with the forecast of two days in the 50s (and trying to ignore that the temp is going to drop like a rock to the teens Tuesday night).
Pretty soon it will be summer again and we’ll be complaining about the heat.
I’m complaining about a relative at the moment. He’s due in this morning and decided to call here at 3:30 this morning to let us know he’s two hours out. I’d much rather he called from the carport and said he’s here. Geeze!
He must be really eager to see you folks if he’s driving through the night to get there. I think you should go back to sleep and leave him a note saying hello and asking him to take George out.
He prefers driving at night. Anytime he has to drive a long way, you can count on him getting there in the middle of the night or early morning. I think George would have something to say about being taken out by him. For some reason George really hates him. It’s a constant barkfest when this relative shows up.
Oh well I’m up and have been up. Instead of waiting for coffee, I’m almost through the third cup.
Yuck. Somebody needs to tell him he should hang out at a truckstop until a decent hour of the morning if he wants to drive at night so he isn’t punishing the innocent with his late night arrival.
We’ve complained about his early arrivals before, but it doesn’t do any good. I’m waiting for him to show up now so I can let him in and then go back to sleep.
Wow, how thoughtful. 😉 At least he’s excited to see you.
If it makes you feel any better, CBtY’s cell phone alarm went off at 4 am outside my bedroom door. And then I couldn’t figure out how to turn it off all the way, so it went off again 10 minutes later. arg.
I’m not allowed to slack on walks — once she thinks it’s time to go, Giddy follows me around everywhere I go and pokes me with her nose until we go walk. For some reason, she’s very good at hounding.
I really really liked it. I think Ellen Page was wonderful in it. It was warm and funny and a little sad at the same time, I thought the parents were great (the ultrasound technician had it coming, IMO), it was especially nice to see teenagers portrayed as real people who have real thoughts and feelings and concern for each other, instead of just bags of hormones capable of no deeper thought than the Friday night football game. I also liked the ending, especially with the picture over the crib.
I know some people have complained about how it wasn’t very realistic, it romanticized the topic, yadda, yadda, yadda, but I don’t go to the movies for real life…I have enough of that at home. 🙂
Well the rel got in, said he was sleepy and went straight to bed. I also found out that he didn’t call at 3:30. FMom called him to find out where he was and decided to wake me up to let me know. I’m looking back now and thinking about when I lived alone. It did have its advantages.
I was watching the news and was wondering who’s up to play “Spy Satellite Crash Roulette”? Spin the world and where it lands nobody knows.
I guess you could say it’s something to look forward to. The best outcome would be that it all burns up in re-entry and that there’s a good light show.
I’ve never had good luck – never won anything in my whole life. But watch, I know that satellite is going to crash into my house out of the millions of other houses on the planet.
Yep that’s not the kind of luck you want. But just think, after it destroys your house you would be all over the new, you could write a book and make millions. Then you could buy your own island and since you’ve already been hit by a satellite, you’d only have to worry about a tsunami.
Actually it was almost 50 yesterday and it’s in the 40s right now but tonight it’s going to be 19° with wind gusts of up to 35 mph. So the ice is melting but it’ll be back.
Actually the forecast has gotten worse … we’re going from a high of 55 to a low of 13 with winds up to 50 mph. Oh and there are thunderstorms forecast.
So I’m delighted to escape my future by reading all about your lovely weather. And I hope you are having a lovely time to match that lovely weather.
Thunderstorms, howling winds, horizontal rain, and a freaky temperature drop. Between 8 and 10, we went from 54 to 29 on our way to a low of 13. All the rain on the deck froze so fast, we could almost have skated on it.
Well I can be a slacker when I want and putting salt down is a hell of a lot easier than teaching anything (that isn’t related to eating or sleeping) to the dogs.
I didn’t realize how full the old one was getting – sorry!
How is everyone today?
It seems we’re in chatty mode this morning! Maybe its energy overflow from last night in SC;-)
Unfortunately, I can’t stick around. Its time for me to go prep for brunch and go pick up my mom. Have a great day!
mmm. brunch.
Have fun!
Good morning, CG! Thank you for that lovely photo up top — just the type of scene I enjoy so much. No other environment gives me such a sense of peace.
Hope you’re doing well today. Me, I’m happy to report that we’ve just gotten about 22 seconds of downpour here in Miami Beach. I doubt it’ll help much with regional drought, but it’s refreshing.
Hi ww! I feel like I’m always just missing you in the cafe. I’m just lazing around the house, tidying up, playing with my knitting, probably going to work on a work project for an hour or so and go grocery shopping before the CBs come home for dinner. Maybe a walk with the dogs, who knows?
I love that pic up there – it’s AndiF’s woods, of course.
I know you’re looking forward to getting back up north, but I’m a little envious of your Miami Beach interlude. I could totally handle some warm rain.
I’d send you some of this heat if I could, CG. It doesn’t suit me well at all!
Please don’t feel too envious. Imho, the ‘sun ‘n fun’ image of this part of the world may have related to actuality at one time, but I don’t believe it does any longer. What may have once been a pretty resort area has been completely overrun by development, causing extensive congestion, overcrowding, intense strain on infrastructure & untold harm to whatever natural environment remains.
The Beach’s main drag, running along the ocean, is also Highway A1A & it sure feels that way. On some days, exhaust + eternal humidity actually make it difficult to breathe. One can’t even see the ocean from there, for the 20 & 30 floor highrises crowding together against it like an enormous, steel security fence.
Likewise, people don’t seem to respect the beach itself & seem to consider it one soft, massive trash can. The sea birds poke around in the detritus; lack of actual sewers causes rainfall to sit & fester in odorous puddles along the streets.
There’s a tremendous amount of aggression in people here; not even in New York City have I experienced drive-by verbal abuse (at top volume) for no apparent reason. I’ve actually seen fender-bender altercations that made me want to dive to the ground. Guns are very common here & state law actually allows shooting on suspicion.
To me, it’s all quite depressing. Frankly, I’d rather be where you are! If it weren’t for family ..
Sounds like you’re set for a very mellow, lovely Sunday. Just remember: spring won’t be long now .. but Trump is forever.
Please pardon the diatribe. When one loves true nature the way I do, it’s hard not to spout off given a sniff of opportunity.
Gotta go out into that mess right now & run errands. Hope to see you again soon!
I guess you can forget about that job with the Miami Beach travel and tourism department…
OMG. Turn on Fox News.
It’s so touching. It almost makes me sad that it’s his final year.
I know, but I keep hoping they’ll vote him off the ranch.
And extinguish his beautiful flame? 🙁
I love the chumps they have following him around. Dumb and dumberer and dumberest.
Am tv’less. Who hit the dirt?
Fox news did a mockumentary on Bush talking about his legacy as he heads into the last year of his pResidency…you didn’t miss anything, believe me.
GWB: I’ll have a Hella legacy. [Laughs.] Get it?
Interviewer (confused): Get, um …?
GWB: It’s a pun. You know, that guy in the vampire movie. Bella Legacy. I said Hella instead of —
Interviewer: You mean Lugosi?
GWB (confused himself now, trying to cover it): That’s what I just said. Let’s go see the guy in the vampire movie.
And on it goes …
(Take heart: Less than a year and jokes like this will be as obsolete as jokes about blue dresses and —
Oh, dear.)
I’m sure you’ll get over it.
But at least it’s going to be in the 50s today.
Morning all.
Another wonderful Monday to wake up to. Oh joy! 🙂
I’m consoling myself with the forecast of two days in the 50s (and trying to ignore that the temp is going to drop like a rock to the teens Tuesday night).
Pretty soon it will be summer again and we’ll be complaining about the heat.
I’m complaining about a relative at the moment. He’s due in this morning and decided to call here at 3:30 this morning to let us know he’s two hours out. I’d much rather he called from the carport and said he’s here. Geeze!
He must be really eager to see you folks if he’s driving through the night to get there. I think you should go back to sleep and leave him a note saying hello and asking him to take George out.
He prefers driving at night. Anytime he has to drive a long way, you can count on him getting there in the middle of the night or early morning. I think George would have something to say about being taken out by him. For some reason George really hates him. It’s a constant barkfest when this relative shows up.
Oh well I’m up and have been up. Instead of waiting for coffee, I’m almost through the third cup.
Yuck. Somebody needs to tell him he should hang out at a truckstop until a decent hour of the morning if he wants to drive at night so he isn’t punishing the innocent with his late night arrival.
We’ve complained about his early arrivals before, but it doesn’t do any good. I’m waiting for him to show up now so I can let him in and then go back to sleep.
Wow, how thoughtful. 😉 At least he’s excited to see you.
If it makes you feel any better, CBtY’s cell phone alarm went off at 4 am outside my bedroom door. And then I couldn’t figure out how to turn it off all the way, so it went off again 10 minutes later. arg.
Another reason not to have a cell phone! 🙂
We’re supposed to get the 50 degree weather tomorrow. Heck, even being in the 40s is a welcome change from last week.
I think I’ll be going for a walk with the pooches today -I was a total slacker last week.
I was a total slacker last week.
Good for you!
I’m not allowed to slack on walks — once she thinks it’s time to go, Giddy follows me around everywhere I go and pokes me with her nose until we go walk. For some reason, she’s very good at hounding.
I’ve gotten away with it because they weren’t keen on going out in the cold either…but they’re hounding me something awful now.
I get the head butt of the hand on the keyboard (or with the coffee mg in it) when Gracie is really feeling pushy.
On another subject … so we know the value of Juno to Obama campaign but how did you like the movie?
I really really liked it. I think Ellen Page was wonderful in it. It was warm and funny and a little sad at the same time, I thought the parents were great (the ultrasound technician had it coming, IMO), it was especially nice to see teenagers portrayed as real people who have real thoughts and feelings and concern for each other, instead of just bags of hormones capable of no deeper thought than the Friday night football game. I also liked the ending, especially with the picture over the crib.
I know some people have complained about how it wasn’t very realistic, it romanticized the topic, yadda, yadda, yadda, but I don’t go to the movies for real life…I have enough of that at home. 🙂
So accolades for “Meet the Spartans”. I hear it’s a very deep and moving movie. 🙂
That should have been – So no accolades.
I’m guessing it portrays teenagers as stupid horndogs and bimbos? 🙂
Yeah, probably no accolades from me.
Actually I don’t know. I’ve just seen some trailers on TV. However, from reading the news it was the #1 money maker this w/e.
Thanks for the review. Sounds good and like Ellen Page really deserved that oscar nod.
The rel just pulled in and George is yapping, so gotta go.
See ya’ll.
Well the rel got in, said he was sleepy and went straight to bed. I also found out that he didn’t call at 3:30. FMom called him to find out where he was and decided to wake me up to let me know. I’m looking back now and thinking about when I lived alone. It did have its advantages.
I was watching the news and was wondering who’s up to play “Spy Satellite Crash Roulette”? Spin the world and where it lands nobody knows.
Heh. I have that story open right now – I was going to put it in the news bucket.
I guess you could say it’s something to look forward to. The best outcome would be that it all burns up in re-entry and that there’s a good light show.
I’ve never had good luck – never won anything in my whole life. But watch, I know that satellite is going to crash into my house out of the millions of other houses on the planet.
Morning SN.
Yep that’s not the kind of luck you want. But just think, after it destroys your house you would be all over the new, you could write a book and make millions. Then you could buy your own island and since you’ve already been hit by a satellite, you’d only have to worry about a tsunami.
Gee, you always make me feel better about things, FM. 🙂
Always glad to help. 🙂
But think of how rich your kids will be with all that money they’ll make from the lawsuit. 😉
even though it’s not cool that I have to go work. Ta.
Have a good day at work and enjoy your warm weather.
love it … 😀
Good morning all. A chilly 25 degrees here. But it will go up, eventually.
Morning Boran.
We were down to 25 early this morning, but we’re already up to 28. Looks like it will be a scorcher today.
Umbrella drinks for everyone!
I think I’ll have mine out by the beach.
That looks very familiar at the moment.
Good morning, ask! I was just wondering if you were going to be able to pop in from your remote island location this week.
How’s the weather?
Good morning, CG!
See below for forecast.
The service is quite unreliable – out all yesterday, just came back for the SOTU.
OMG, we do exist.
I like that quote, ‘we’re not arguing over nuance’
Anyone want some more ice? Well, too bad because I got more to get rid of. 😉
We’re at a sweltering 48 right now. No ice around here. 🙁
Actually it was almost 50 yesterday and it’s in the 40s right now but tonight it’s going to be 19° with wind gusts of up to 35 mph. So the ice is melting but it’ll be back.
Good morning Andi and FM!
I should probably keep quiet about the conditions where we are.
But here goes.
Actually the forecast has gotten worse … we’re going from a high of 55 to a low of 13 with winds up to 50 mph. Oh and there are thunderstorms forecast.
So I’m delighted to escape my future by reading all about your lovely weather. And I hope you are having a lovely time to match that lovely weather.
We’re at a small resort some miles north of town. Very peaceful, half a mile to the next one.

It’s beautiful and it looks so peaceful and relaxing.
It looks wonderful. Warm and sunny and low-key.
All you need is a chi-chi frozen drink in your hand. Well, maybe not for breakfast…
That too, I guess.
All sorts of colorful drinks in the bar above water (at left in pic – right click for bigger version).
Good morning SN and CG. After seeing the picture, I’m beginning to believe I need a vacation.
Lucky you!
Hi boran!
Yes, we do feel fortunate now – a break from winter.
Great place and staff, unpretentious and low key – only 32 units.
Have a great time, ask!
We do.
We’re off for snorkeling now.
Hol Chan
Have a good time Ask.
Hey Ask.
It looks like a wonderful place. Can you bottle some of that place and send it here. 😉
We’re just below freezing at the moment. Thank the FSM it’s Saturday. 😉
Thank the FSM it’s Saturday. 😉
Wasn’t that yesterday? ;;)
Morning Ask.
Everyday is Saturday. Just depends on how you look at it. Are ya’ll still having a blast on the vacation?
We had a great time snorkeling yesterday.
Up close to stingrays, nurse sharks, barracuda, moray eels and countless colorful species that I can’t name.
It’s 5.05 local time – we’re heading to the southern part of the country later today for the rest of the vacation.
I don’t know. Some of those things you saw, I’d rather see them from behind a big sheet of glass.
I just looked at the web page for Placencia and now I want to go there.
I’ve been up since 12:30 this morning and I’m nodding off in my chair. I think it’s nap time.
Have a good time today Ask.
Hope you get some z’s.
Thunderstorms, howling winds, horizontal rain, and a freaky temperature drop. Between 8 and 10, we went from 54 to 29 on our way to a low of 13. All the rain on the deck froze so fast, we could almost have skated on it.
Good morning/afternoon/evening all.
If you go ice skating I want pictures. 🙂
It would have to be Jim since I don’t skate. I did some major slipping and sliding though just walking a couple of feet to get wood for the stove.
Definitely don’t want you falling. You need to teach the pack how to go and fetch the wood to you.
Well I can be a slacker when I want and putting salt down is a hell of a lot easier than teaching anything (that isn’t related to eating or sleeping) to the dogs.
I know what you mean. Any time someone tells me I need to teach George how to do something, I just shake my head and tell them – you don’t know.
Right about now, I’d like them to teach me the art of the instant nap.
Morning, FM and Andi!
You have my sympathy – that sounds nasty.
How’s the sun and surf Ask?
But who cares so long as your weather is good, eh? 😉
I did say you have my sympathy, but I guess it doesn’t count for much given your sub-arctic conditions.
The weather here is close to perfect; daytime 82-85 – night 70-72. A constant light breeze from the ocean is welcome.
The stove is cranking out heat — it’s almost tropical inside. 🙂
Have you just been being a beach bum or have done any exciting stuff?
So far it has all been beach/water/food oriented.
We’ll probably do some excursion(s) from Placencia to archaeological sites, but have no rigid plans.
No rigid plans — the mantra of every great vacation.