So Ralph Nader has launched an exploratory website, looking at the possibility of running another vanity campaign. Ralph, please don’t. As much as I’m disappointed in the choices left for president, another Nader campaign will only help the Republican candidate.
I would love to have a viable progressive third party candidate, but Nader isn’t one. My view might be different if Nader spent the years between elections building a party or supporting a movement. Instead, he only shows up in time for the election touting his activism from decades ago. There’s no hard work, only a very large ego looking to be stroked.
Here’s the basic problem with a third party candidate in a two party system: they usually draw votes away from the more popular candidate, and help the less popular candidate. This presidential election will be (I’m afraid) much closer than many people seem to think. The Democrats are not a sure thing, no matter how it looks right now. Nader’s entry will only help the Republicans.
Don’t do it, Ralph! (I’ve sent him that message, and I hope you will too).
can’t help himself …ralph owns this franchise. Most likely ralph has obtained a TM and a patent. Read he told Bloomberg not to enter the race.
Imho, ralph is playing a worn deck of cards.
Go Ralph Go!
As long as the Jim Crow Democrats continue to support the war on drugs I will continue to vote for third party and Independent candidates who reflect and respect my social justice, civil liberties and human rights based opposition to the war on drugs.
Go Ralph Go!
My view would be different if he stood a chance of winning. By helping the republicans, Nader helps keep our regressive drug laws in place. But you’re free to vote your ideals, even when it doesn’t advance your goals.
Its not about winning its about the issues.
Even if the candidate I support wins I win nothing if I support Democrats who, to me, are no different from the Republicans.
The Democrats are just as much a bunch of Jim Crow drug warriors as are the GOP. Even more so these past couple of years.
I have supported Nader in every campaign since 1996 because he, unlike the Democrats and Republicans, understands how the war on drugs is undermining American democracy, increasing the violent crime on our streets, increasing the spread of addictive substances and supporting stateless terrorist armies around the world, including alQaeda and the Taliban. Why should I support winning Democrats or Republicans when they support policies that are putting billions of dollars into the hands of America’s sworn enemies?
I will continue to support third party and Independent candidates until the Democrats and Republicans forsake their crime fostering and terrorist funding support of the Jim Crow drug war.
Support for the war on drugs is giving “aid and comfort” to America’s enemies. TREASON! Democrats and Republicans are committing treason. Ralph Nader opposes this treason so I support Ralph.
It is simply disinformation and misrepresentation to say that Nader “helps keep our regressive drug laws in place”.
The FACT is that as Bush, of all people, has tried to cut to zero the budget for the corrupt and violent inter-jurisdictional drug task forces the Democrats in congress have, for the past three years, worked to restore the money in the budget.
I have more statements of opposition to the drug war from Republicans than I do from Democrats. Personally, I do not like or trust Republicans. But I see the pro-drug war record of the Democrats and it is not a record that positively disposes me to support the Democrats either.
When the Democrats start looking critically at this Jim Crow, crime fostering and terrorist funding drug war policy I will continue to support Independent and third party candidates who DO OPPOSE the drug war.
As to advancing my goals you are just blowing smoke and fear-mongering. The FACT is that the past dozen years of drug policy advocacy in America has been a success electorally and legislatively BECAUSE the reform community in the mid-1990’s took up with the Greens and Libertarians and this gave the movement more activists and a direct threat to the political viability of he Democrats. The Democrats know that they are losing constituents over this issue. This, and only this, has inspired some Democrats to moderate their opposition and consider drug policy reform issues.
Its a tough love thing. I will continue to refuse to give the embrace of my political franchise to politicians who support drug war policies that are a danger to my country. I will work to destabilize the political viability of any politician who does support the drug war. Regardless of party.