Well, this is interesting:
While congressional leaders generally don’t make endorsements in presidential primaries, the addition of California Rep. Anna Eshoo to the list of lawmakers backing Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois today may provide clues to where House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is leaning.
Eshoo is one of Pelosi’s closest friends and political allies in the House, as is California Rep. George Miller, who endorsed Obama earlier this month. Rep. Xavier Becerra, hand-picked by Pelosi to be assistant to the speaker when Democrats took control of the chamber, also endorsed Obama this week.
“Barack Obama inspires me. He gives me hope,” Eshoo said in a statement. “He appeals to the best in us, and in doing so he restores the sense of idealism that brought me to public service. He challenges us to dream bigger and reach farther.”
Pelosi, who has already said she will not publicly endorse, acknowledged to her hometown paper, the San Francisco Chronicle, on Tuesday that she was awed by Sen. Edward Kennedy’s endorsement of Obama.
Pelosi has long-admired former President John F. Kennedy, regularly citing him as an inspiration; in her office, she prominently displays a photograph of herself as a young woman standing with JFK.
“Did you ever see anything like that?” Pelosi said to the Chronicle. “Transferring the mantle from John F. Kennedy to Barack Obama. It was the most stunning thing. I mean, I couldn’t take my eyes off it. And I didn’t have any time to sit there and watch TV, you know–we had a whole schedule. I just was mesmerized by it.”
She’s probably still a Clinton supporter though, right?
It’s amazing to see all this Establishment hostility oozing out of the woodwork. I thought that Hillary Clinton had done a good job of keeping her head down and doing a good job as a senator. Apparently, these 10 year-old wounds never healed. I think, actually, that they did heal, but the Big Dog ripped off the scab.
Nancy may have missed her chance, now that Hulk Hogan’s made his Obama endorsement, she’s gonna have to get in line.
The antiHulk Hogan crowd left weeks ago. They went to the McCain campaign, which I notice is getting off on the Terminator endorsement. Problem is that McCain never made it to Reagan’s stature as a B movie actor, the minimal qualifications for the presidency.
The Mark Pera of IL-03 D.W. Lipinski opposition. That’s related as in family. Cousin or some such.
I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen any reporter mention Anna Eshoo’s opinion as if it mattered. She’s my congresscritter, so I’d notice.
If I hadn’t seen this here I wouldn’t have known she’d endorsed anyone. Whoever she made her “statement” to, it isn’t reported on her website or in the San Jose Mercury. What good is an endorsement if the endorser barely makes it public?
because Clinton did not help his cause or the dem cause in the interim elections. People were really incensed about it. I think it was then that the term triangulation began to be a term that was derogatory when applied to Clinton tactics. That tactic only favored repubs never dems in that only repub ideas were used never progressive ideas. Clinton did manage to clean up Reagan’s mess (deficits), but only to see Bush take the mess higher and deeper. He never was able to do anything with the so-called “peace benefit”. And Bush made sure we had no peace, damn him.
YUP! The ’96 “Coordinated Campaign” only helped Clinton. So he not only didn’t help, but was a drag on the ticket, too. But he always expected congressional Dems to clean up his messes while he’d cut deals w/ repubs.
He did some good things, but the crappy things were REALLY crappy, and they do not want to return to those days.
And yet, some of our CBC pals are firmly squawking for the Clinton’s. Color me disgusted.
Well said re Big Dog ripping off the bandaid. I think that’s a very apt analogy. That’s how I felt. I had forgiven them a lot, but Bill’s actions before and after SC really angered me, as did the who Nevada caucus debacle.
Anyway – two quick items. Three, really.
To take fabooj’s term–wowsers! And January technically isn’t over.
I know I gave twice, and I think I’ll be sending more money his way, though I have to save money since I have a family member running for the school board!