In the midst of the inherently heated internecine fighting that goes with primary season, I’d like to take a minute to get some honest and hopefully well-reasoned opinions from folks in the Clinton camp about why they support their candidate. Let me start by saying that I’m not looking for a debate nor am I encouraging one — we have plenty of that going on already. I’m just genuinely curious about the motivations of Clinton supporters.
First, the full disclosure: I’m an Obama supporter because a) I don’t trust the Clintons and they aren’t liberal enough for me, and b) the candidate I really wanted to win, John Edwards, just dropped out of the race. For me, it’s just a matter of choosing the lesser of two evils — Obama has no real appeal for me in and of himself, though I don’t notice any serious red flags in his record, either.

That said, I’m not terribly interested in the opinions of people who support Clinton as the lesser of two evils, because that devolves pretty quickly into a discussion of Obama. I want to hear from people who support Clinton because they really want her to win. And I want to know why. What is it that you really like about Hillary Clinton, both as a person and in terms of her policies? What do you think that Clinton will do as president that you look forward to?

Let me reiterate that I’m not looking for a debate here. I just want to learn what you think.