On this apolitical day when every eye and ear is focused on the Superbowl, the candidates are reportedly settling down somewhere to watch the game. For the Democratic candidates, the Superbowl is nonetheless a grand political event, and which team each candidate supports, the Giants or New England, could make or break the election on Big Tuesday. And if you don’t believe that, just ask any American this question: who is the most important celebrity in the United States right now: Barak Obama, Hillary Clinton, or Britany Spears? No more need be said.

Conceivably, the winner of the Superbowl could determine the election on the Democratic side, depending upon whose fans are irritated the most. The Republican candidates are less committed.

The following information is stolen from a New York Times article on the topic, where we are informed that “the campaigns are…going dark…phone banks are shutting down, and campaign events will be at a minimum.”

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton said on the “Tavis Smiley Show” that she’ll be rooting for the New York Giants, hardly surprising given she represents the state. She’s holding a rally and game watch party in Minneapolis, but frankly, we think the more interesting gathering will be that of her husband and Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico. Former president Bill Clinton is set to watch the game with the erstwhile candidate for the Democratic nomination in Red River, N.M., and he’s likely to push Mr. Richardson to formally root for Mrs. Clinton.

It is no surprise that Hillary is going with the Giants. Still, the most important political event for Hillary during the Superbowl is what will happen in Bill Richardson’s living room. A few beers and some Slick Willie talk, promises of a cabinet position or perhaps even Secretary of State, and the entire southwest Latino community will presumably jump for Hillary on Tuesday on Richardson’s say so. That’s where the TV cameras should be during the game: in Richardson’s living room


As Mr. Obama flew to Minnesota on Saturday from Idaho, he predicted the Patriots would win the Super Bowl. He is scheduled to squeeze in a Super Bowl watching session – and a visit with his family – on Sunday in Chicago. “I think it is just going to be quiet,” he said. “I am going to invite the secret service guys over so they can watch. I don’t want them having to sit outside. We’ll probably just do something at my house.”

We’re sure it’s just a coincidence that Mr. Obama is siding with his Harvard Law, and not his Columbia University undergraduate, loyalties.

Obama’s strategy then is: take Massachusetts, forsake New York, and pray that Richardson remains sober during the game. Based on reverse psychology, a New England win could also bring more irritated Giants supporters into the Obama camp.

On the Republican side,


The Times’s Michael Luo, who is traveling with Mitt Romney’s campaign, reports that that former Massachusetts governor will hold a kick-off party at a Dave & Busters in Maryland Heights, Mo., before going to Nashville, where he’ll try to catch the end.

The ex-governor of Massachusetts appears strangely noncommittal.


….Senator John McCain will be in Mr. Romney’s adopted hometown, Boston, to watch the game in his hotel, according to Jill Hazelbaker, a campaign spokeswoman. She pled ignorance when asked if Mr. McCain will be supporting the local team, the New England Patriots.

McCain wants to have it both ways, apparently.


One candidate is holding a conventional campaign appearance. Mike Huckabee has a speech scheduled at a church in Memphis during the big game. “Originally we had it cleared,” said Alice Stewart, a campaign spokeswoman, but they ultimately decided to accept the church’s invitation to have the former Arkansas governor speak.

Huckabee will be staying on message: football is sinful.


A spokesman for Representative Ron Paul did not respond to inquiries about his Super Bowl plans. The campaign has not released a public schedule for Sunday.

I suspect that Paul will spend the day reading Kant.

So these are the candidates’ game plans. Have different ideas?