I am a HUGE New York Giants fan (grew up in Central Jersey), so this is a big day for me. I’ll be fine as long as the Giants play well. If they get blown out, I’ll probably be kind of stinky. Where are you watching the game? What’s on the menu? Or are you going to be searching for the latest political polls?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Huh. Who knew?
Oh yeah, the Seahawks aren’t in this one… 😉
Yeah, rub salt in it why don’t ya.
I’ll be watching at a friend’s house, he throws a huge bash every year. I’m actually heading out in about 10 minutes. I don’t know the whole menu but I know it includes deep fried turkey and hush puppies, several pizzas made from scratch, numerous snacks such as nuts, pita & hummus, chips & (home made) salsa, etc.
I’m rooting for the Pats, but I think the Giants have a real shot. Both teams have QBs that will be accurate and secondaries that are questionable.
I’ll go ahead and throw in my 2 cents on the X factor : I think it is this Bradshaw kid for the Giants. If Bradshaw gets into the second level, watch out. The Patriots linebackers aren’t going to be able to catch him.
Grew up on the Jersey Shore, but my dad harbored grudges against the Giants for the lack of availability of tickets, so I was raised a New York Titans fan. I remember seeing them in the Polo Grounds on a snowy December day, beating the Oakland Raiders, riding in the subway back to the Port Authority with lots of fans. Saw one game when they moved out to Shea Stadium and became the Jets but Jets’ tickets became hard to get, then there was the rest of the sixties, getting drafted, sent up to Fort Devens in MA, then moving out west. I converted to the Niners three decades ago, just in time to be part of the Walsh miracle, so I’ve had my fun.
I have no dog in this fight, I’ll just lean back, drink beer and take in all the pageantry. This week I picked up a copy of “A Fan’s Notes” but I’ll root half-heartedly for the Pats so that the tomb of the ’72 Dolphins can be closed forever. If only someone would push Arlen Specter into it before tomb is sealed.
If I hear Mercury Morris and Don Shula one more time, I am gonna projectile-vomit. Shula is such a whiner with his BS about the “asterisk on the season”. He knows what’s coming, and is trying to spray gelt on the poop.
The Pats are not playing the Giants, they are playing the Dolphins.
Yeah, and I’m tired already of Arlen “Magic Bullet” Specter and the Zapruder, er, Spygate film. Asterisk on the season? Do they have an asterisk on JFK’s assassination, Arlen?
One more beer and I’ll be ready for the game.
There are giants in New York? Huh. I thought it was just an urban legend.
There’s also rats so big that you can ride them. Beats ridng the F train. And then there’s the alligators.
Thanks to you I’ll be having a Super Rat party. My bet’s on the Rats.
I read somewhere that the superbowl was going to be canceled and that the aggregate salaries of the players and coaches, (as well as the money that would have been spent on advertising, and the salaries from TV, advertising, and related corporate execs), were going to be spent on rebuilding the public school systems of gulf coast states destroyed by hurricanes and callous government responses to them.
And the leftover money would go toward drug rehab.
Or we could all drink a lot of beer.
Nah, that was some other country. But they will donate 5 percent of ad revenues to give growth hormone to all the NYC schoolchildren so the city can produce a new generation of giants.
we’re going to Somegirl and rich Cranium’s place for the Super Bowl. On the menu: boneless pork loin, chips and homemade pico de gallo, and probably homemade guacamole too.
Oh, and a meeting of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
I see you’ve been trolling youtube, like me. Great call on the video. As far as I’m concerned, the Giants epitomize what an NFL team should be. They aren’t flashy. They don’t talk (much) trash. They power the ball down the field and best of all, they bring a ferocious defense on gameday. Great defense overcomes great offense and wins championships.
As for eats…
I’m on a low budget (what did you say?), so I’m going with the standard chili dogs (cuz they help me relax!) and various appetizers. Maybe a few beers, too. My son invited (unbeknownst to me) one Patriot fan shit kid, so I relented and set up a seat just outside the living room window where he can cheer for his team out in the front yard. I might toss him a mercy dog later if he behaves. Bipartisanship…fuck that :o)
This one’ll cause a catch in your throat.
Wellington Mara said once (paraphrasing), there’s nothing more satisfying than seeing arrogance silenced. And I think that sums up the history of the franchise. This year they’ve finally gotten back to their historic roots. Boss wearing Bavaro’s #89 is very satisfying to me, even though Bavaro’s # should be retired.. The linebackers harken back to those dominant days of Martin, Taylor, and Carson. Manning is a level headed, soft spoken, underachiever like Simms, who goes out and does his job. Jacobs…that beast is in a class all his own, but he does remind me of Otis Anderson’s windmill blast against some nameless Buffalo defender. Power football, man. I love it.
Btw, I’ve seen this one too. And I’ll never admit to getting choked up over football.
One more thing, BooMan. It’s corny maybe, but I really enjoy sharing a love of our team with you and talking about it once in a while. It’s a cool common denominator.
Not chocked up, eh?
That things had both Jim Burt’s hit:
And Leonard Marshall’s:
Plus, Bavaro’s most famous romp, also against Montana’s 49ers.
Okay, I’m ready for kickoff.
I said I’d never admit to it :o)
I watched those games. In fact, that year, 1990, I kept a running, game by game score sheet in pencil, on my fridge, including their 4-0 preseason. That game in SanFran was justice all the way, since we knew the 49rs had their bags packed for Tampa, overlooking the Giants. It’s things like that that make this year so reminicent of 1990, at least for me. If Norwood had made that field goal and won the game I wouldn’t be here n ow. Shit, my family was real close to calling the paramedics as it was!
Enjoy the game, dude. They’re gonna take it.
I remember when the *Patriots were the un-arrogant ones. It was in ’02, not long after 9/11. They were the no-name brand: no hype,n o fuss…they were just the Patriots. Now they are just too damned arrogant for words, and a bunch of cheaters to boot. And when caught, don’t even feign embarrassment. It’s unlikely that the Giants can get it done today–but it would be all the sweeter if they pulled it off. Go Giants!
Belichick was the architect of those awesome Giants defensive teams of the 80’s and 90’s, so I’ve always had immense respect for him and have wished more than a few times that he was our coach. But now,…I just wish none of this had come up.
On the bright side…here’s my own personal Blue Crew :o)

The rally just ended. 20K folks.Obama said kind words about Biden, but he wasn’t around. Was hoping for an endorsement, but no dice. Heard a few ppl say “Joe could never get this many ppl out.”
Big game?
Y’all are talking about the Puppy Bowl, right? 😉
I checked it out last year, and as far as I could tell, it was just a bunch of puppies running around aimlessly.
Then again, that’s pretty much what football looks like to me. Except with humans.
Although a product of New Jersey, but still a Packer fan, I am rooting for the Giants only because they are the underdog.
Saying this, I have also forgiven the Packer defense coach for not double-teaming Burress, and Fauve for again throwing a bungled pass/interception when the game was on the line. He always seems to revert to sandlot when the going gets tough.
Good luck with that Giants thing Booman. Politics aside, I’m rooting for you on this one.
i’m at an obama rally right now. we’re inside right now but they keep moving us around for the cameras.
boo your site renders like crap on my ppc phone. it took me 10 min.to get to this page.
I got a lot of photos, but I also posted some on my blog.
He didn’t practice on Friday.
he’s practiced like two days in the last 15 weeks.
he didnt need practice evidently
Obama is doing a Super Bowl Ad in some markets. Check it out.
Right now I’m watching the Michelle Obama / Oprah Winfrey /Caroline Kennedy rally from L.A. on C-Span. It’s a little late getting started but should be done before the Superbowl starts, if anyone’s interested.
Oh. My. God.
Not only did Michelle Obama sneak in Stevie Wonder at this rally… But she also got Maria Shriver (Arnold’s Wife) to close the event. That is just TOO awesome.
Yep. We were watching that just now. Wow!
And OMG! It was amazing. When Michelle Obama said, “First Lady of Cali-“, the crowd went fucking nuts!
Did y’all see when Michelle Obama and Stevie Wonder entered together that he fell off the staircase leading to the stage? Oooh. That must have hurt. The Secret Service guys picked him up and brought him on stage, but… ooohh how embarrassing.
When they were going up the stage, Mrs. Obama was wobbly and then she fell, and then Wonder fell.
Funny thing, I show my daughter a lot of old Stevie Wonder clips. I mean, when we like 15. She recognized him off the bat and asked if he brought his harmonica.
I was actually just a little surprised that they didn’t have a grand piano hidden away for him to sing an original new Barack Obama song at. Now wouldn’t that be cool? Of course I was not at all disappointed… but that would be cool.
I’m off to my sister-in-law’s to watch the game. Her husband is at the game.
My mother-in-law will be there too (not Phoenix, at her daughter’s house)
Got my game face on. Focued and ready to kick ass. Will not let any dumb ass remark by the MiL throw me off.
Shock the World Baby!!!
Giants! With ya Boo
Holy Carp, Bro. That was unreal. They knocked Brady on his ass EIGHTEEN times, not including the sacks. And that last Alford sack was like a huge cherry on top. He just leveled him. They’re going to have buy a bathtub full of ice for Brady for the long flight home.
Nobody messes with the G-Men. No one.
Hey Booman 🙂
watching the game here in my kitchen. Got my laptop here at the eat-in counter next to the tv. just made pigs-n-blanket, spincah dip w/mountain bread, hardtimes cafe texas chili w/corona beer, and chips and assorted dips. yes, i am checking realclearpolitics every hour, and just finished watching the Obama rally on c-span with Oprah, Caroline, Michelle ans the surprise endorser, Maria Shriver. The superbowl is now on and I am trying to pay attention, but my mind is on Tuesday. It seems to me that Tuesday will indicate to me what kind of future my kids will expectto experience; one filled with hope and and possibility and optimism or one filled with more cynicism, doubt, gridlock and partisanship.
oh, and touchdown NE.
Right on!
Watching the Super Bowl now as well. But Michelle Obama’s rally really got me going. You’re right. Tuesday and beyond are WAY more important to the future – and it’s looking bright.
But I’m trying to fit in here by learning to appreciate the football thing. And waiting for awesome commercials.
Meatball sandwiches here. And cocktails, of course.
I’m starving over here and we don’t have anything to eat at all!
feeling good at the half, BMan?
The defense is awesome so far but won’t hold ’em forever. So, the O needs to score…in a bad way.
Are you watchin this??? Party it up, Babe!:-D;-D;-D
i switched to the puppy bowl the last few minutes so i wouldnt jinx it.
im so happy the CHEATERS didnt win.
Well well, that turned into a game after all didn’t it?
good on you BooMan!
I just read that your team won. I bet you’re feeling pretty good right now.
Congrats BooMan and supersoling and all the other NY fans (and the people who live with them and are relieved)!
Like I said, great defense overcomes great offense.
Amazing, historic football.
congrats super, boo, all the giants fans!…one hell of a football game.
Enjoy the night Booman! Man, what a game. That play — best football play ever?
You go, Boo! I didn’t think it would happen, but I’m damned happy they did.
What was that about the Perfect Patriots*??? HA!!!!!!!
Eat, drink and be merry, Giants fans! You deserve it! I’m so proud. A grateful country salutes you!
Boo, when you submit your G-Men Win! post can you please entitle it “Yes, We Can!” Just kinda seems appropriate, you know?
wow – congrats to Boo’s Gints. I did NOT see that coming. Outstanding Game.
Carville and Frist co-starring in a Super Bowl commercial. Oh good grief…
Right… as if Carville has a hard time “bridging the partisan divide”. I imagine he bridges that divide as often as he can manage it.
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZcdYMHmcz4[youtube] 🙂