Since 1996 Ralph Nader has run for president of the United States not to win but to inject into the campaigns social values too long missing from the Democratic candidates policies and platforms. Last week Ralph Nader opened an exploratory campaign for the 2008 presidential election.
In every presidential election cycle since 1996 I have supported Nader because I too believe that there are major social justice values that have been abandoned by the Democratic leadership, under the control of the right-wing Democratic Leadership Council and the Jim Crow Clinton dynasty. And in each election I have tried hard to get the Democrats to understand why Nader runs and why I support him.

I have also articulated what I believe is the solution to this division. Simply put if the Democratic leaders should meet with Nader. They should  try to find a common ground with him. Demonstrate respect for and themselves reflect the social justice, human rights and civil liberties that he articulates, that this division could be mended and the Democratic Party would then have, within its ranks, a large contingent of dedicated social justice political ACTIVISTS who live and campaign for their values. Activists, a powerful weapon in any campaign.

So once again I am making the same plea that I have made in every presidential cycle since 1996, that the Democratic leaders meet with and  recognize the valid and vitally important issues that Ralph Nader brings to the table.

In 1996 Clinton snubbed Nader.

In 2000 Gore Snubbed Nader.

In 2004 Kerry snubbed Nader.

Will Barack Obama be a consistent Democrat and snub Nader in 2008? Or will Obama truly try to be different from the DLC pack and bring Nader into his campaign by meeting with him and by trying to understand and respect the issues that Nader brings to the table?