the fisa bill will be back in the spotlight today, under the consent agreement terms agreed to by reid and mcconnell, and it’s imperative that the heat is kept on the senate, especially regarding the teleCON amesty provision.

CREDO action, part of the Working Assets, is making it easy to contact your senators and urging them to support the Dodd-Feingold amendment stripping the retroactive amensty from the bill under consideration. click the link above to send this message, or one of your own:

I’m writing you today to urge you to vote for the Dodd-Feingold amendment to pull retroactive amnesty for the telecom companies out of the wiretapping legislation currently under consideration.  If that amendment is not approved, I ask that you vote against the entire bill.

The rule of law is important to me, and I hope it is to you as well.  Both the Bush Administration and the big telecom companies knew that FISA was the law of the land when they started eavesdropping without the warrants required under FISA.  Retroactively granting amnesty for these violations would make a mockery of the principle that no one is above the law…

additional contact information for the other senators, such as reid, feinstein, HERE, that includes phone, fax and web contact info.

free fax services, if you so choose are available at FreeFax, eFax, and faxzero.

for more options and details see Christy Hardin Smith’s (fdl)
article at alternet, and BooMan’s excellent FISA: What to Ask of Your Senators.

let’s light those phone lines and fill up the inboxes, shall we.