MSNBC has called Georgia for Obama and they are saying that he did so well that might have gotten as many as 60 of the 87 available delegates, which is considerably higher than they had hoped.
Meanwhile, McCain’s supporters in West Virginia threw all their support behind Huckabee and cost Romney all the delegates there.
Update [2008-2-5 20:2:23 by BooMan]: MSNBC projects Illinois for Obama and Oklahoma for Clinton. They project Illinois and Connecticut to McCain, and Massachusetts for Romney.
Update [2008-2-5 20:18:51 by BooMan]: MSNBC calls Tennessee for Clinton.
Update [2008-2-5 20:36:0 by BooMan]: MSNBC calls Delaware for McCain.
Update [2008-2-5 21:4:46 by BooMan]: MSNBC calls Delaware for Obama. It’s nice to see him win one in this area of the country.
Update [2008-2-5 21:26:18 by BooMan]: Obama crushed Clinton in Alabama. But he lost in New Jersey.
“He won overwhelmingly among blacks, as in South Carolina, but he did even better among white voters in Georgia (more than 40 percent) than he did in South Carolina (about one quarter). This is a good but early sign for Mr. Obama, if Southern whites are supporting him.” – Link
If Barack Obama can take Georgia, then this nation has come a long way. If he can take it in the general election, then anything is possible.
That according to exit polls, Obama received 43% of the white vote. In Georgia. In Georgia! I was looking at CNNs exit polling data and I was stunned that 63% of Democratic voters were female. That’s huge too!
i think the big thing is Obama won white men, 50 to 45
On MSNBC, they mentioned some percentages from exit polling data:
52% of the vote was black
44% of the vote was white
Obama got 86% of the black vote.
Obama got 43% of the white vote.
Keith Olbermann said, if you run your DVR back, we just gave you enough info to calculate the percentage victory our exit polls are showing.
I ran the numbers – looks like Obama beats Clinton nearly 2 to 1!
And already, all the talk is about Obama nearly doubling the percent of the white vote he got from SC to GA.
Lou Dobbs is pointing out that the South is a lot more integrated and sophisticated now than it ever was, and that the commentators are sort of exhibiting a kind of racism against Southerners, expecting white men there to reject a black man. He said it much more subtly, but that’s what he was saying.
The next polls close in 15 minutes..!
the inverse black/white voting in Ga. by age is just amazing.
so is what we are learning the fact that southern white male democrats will vote for an articulate well educated half black man before they will vote for a woman?
People like to focus on sexism, but it’s Hillary Clinton. You couldn’t pay me to vote for her. We’d get a better explanation if any other woman was in the race.
Huckabee is up over McCain by 3 votes.
Undecideds split evenly in Georgia per CNN.
Not the best news for Obama if he’s looking for huge wins. But maybe it’s just the south.
I very much agree with the comment by Lisa above. Most MSM commentators have outdated ideas about Southern men. I’m not one bit surprised at the white vote for Obama in today’s Georgia primary.
Polls just closed in a gajillion states. CNN is projecting winners.
McCain for Illinois and Connecticut
Romney: Massachussetts
Obama: Illinois
Clinton: Oklahoma
They’re projecting McCain gets New Jersey.
so far no surprises.
Yes, they just called New Jersey for Clinton, but that was also expected.
NBC just retracted the Clinton win in ok. TOO CLOSE TO CALL
Actually, it says too early to call. Maybe the polls haven’t closed everywhere.
MSNBC was being cautious about the TN race, but then called it for Clinton.
They seem to have given OK back to her.
MSNBC says Clinton has won Tennessee
NPR also.
Clinton won NPR? Figured as much. They seemed to be leaning towards her.
I was waiting for somebody to make that gag.
Ugh, I think I’m going to take a benadryl and knock myself out for the evening. I can’t take all of the nonsense of calling states with 0% of the precincts reporting. Have they learned nothing from past sElections?
Arkansas to Clinton and Huckabee per MSNBC. No surprise there.
I’m shocked.
an exit poll shows mccain tied with romney in ARIZONA!
msnbc is calling it for him.
Big night for the Huckster.
I finally voted a short while ago. And announced my long-awaited endorsement. Now I’m ready to hear some more results.
Mike Gravel?
I’ve endorsed the O man, but grudgingly. (Like so many things in my life.) I’m still feeling the absence of Edwards.
Politics is politics. 🙂
You pick a person, you vote for him/her. If they win, you never trust them and you keep the pressure on. That’s the key.
Good advice.
It is good advice. Vote for the person you have the best chance of influencing if they win.
I missed the endorsement boran2. Who?
Hi Salunga! See it directly above.
Is killing me…Clinton is ahead in so many states, but her delegate count is still pretty low. Chuck Todd didn’t do a good job of explaining why.
Damn, Massachusetts for Hillary
No surprise, but considering the Gov. and both Senators endorsed Obama, that stings a bit.
Howard Fineman on MSNBC was claiming that the Legislature is the real force in Mass. Even Deval Patrick put his ass out there, and it was handed back to him re Obama.
I cannot STAND Tweety. KO sits there hunched at times as if he doesn’t know quite what to do about him. I know Brokaw is trying to keep the conversation level.
I guess the southern states are no longer a reliable bloc. LOL…I’m amazed that each of these states have gone their own way.
Has Romney won any other state?
Obama wins Delaware
Obama wins delaware
Minnesota is a caucus state, but still…
MN 0%
Obama 79%
Clinton 18%
That’s a nice huge victory in an almost all white state.
Could Ron Paul win Minnesota.
Kansas, another caucus state:
Obama 1,269 74%
Clinton 444 26%
12% reporting
Are the MN numbers final?
no, follow the link I put in there.
Aimeeinkc says the turnout in Kansas is huge. People’s caucus locations were being changed because the turnout was so big. In Olathe 2500 had to caucus outside because they couldn’t fit inside – they usually have about 60 people.
We need to attract some men into the Democratic party. The gender gap in voting (I don’t mean who they voted for, just the numbers voting) is too wide.
Hillary is winning by 14 points in New Jersey with 24% in
Hillary is winning by 19 in Missouri with just 5% in
You can’t really pay much attention to Missouri early in the night. The small counties in the middle of nowhere come in first. The cities come in last.
I’m guessing that Obama won the absentee vote in St. Louis County because he’s ahead with 0% reporting. St. Louis City hasn’t reported at all (no surprise there). Jackson County (KC) just started reporting.
Have there been many power failures up there? That’s slowing down the vote count down here — but of course, there’s no suspense down here.
I haven’t heard of any. This is just how it is. Every election.
Hillary wins NJ – not a surprise.
I’m still disappointed with MA and NJ. Maybe he can pull out CT.
She was polling ahead in those states.
You always dream of an upset though.
I was hoping for some upsets and nothing has really surprised me so far.
one of the exit polls earlier tonight showed Obama ahead in both
As Marc Ambinder said at the beginning of the night when people started to publish the first exit polls:
the exits gave me hope…was i too audacious?
the audacity of … you!
MSNBC just called it for him.
Memo to Fineman: Not everyone who speaks spanish is an immigrant!!!!
My shoe almost went through the TV at that comment.
Arizona – polls closed 30 minutes ago (9pm Eastern/7pm local). Results will start coming in at the top of the hour here
If you’re wondering why we have so many candidates on the ballot, it’s because of the snarkmeisters at the Tucson Weekly’s Project Whitehouse program.
Tweety: “Hillary was won a huge upset over Obama in Massachusetts, a huge upset victory over Teddy Kennedy and the establishment, even though Hillary was favored in the early polls.”
I said, “You’re a fucking moron, Chris.”
Complete ass. Especially given where he was.
“Money, Money, Money Here’s a hint about Mrs. Clinton’s strong showing in Mass. She way outspent Mr. Obama on television. Per the Campaign Media Analysis Group: She ran 309 spots, costing $65,000, compared with 120 spots by Mr. Obama, who spent $27,000. That spending in Massachusetts is from Jan. 2007 through Feb. 3, 2008.” – Link
Also, Carl Bernstein on CNN earlier said that one must consider that the Kennedy announced his support for Obama not that long ago.
Are you guys seeing this info about tornadoes in TN and KY?
Yeah, a dorm collapsed? What a disaster.
That movie, “There Will Be Blood” looks so incredibly DULL. I want to sleep every time they show that and the McCain ad.
AZ results starting to trickle in:
0% Reporting
Hillary Clinton – 631 or 38.1%
Barack Obama – 825 or 49.8%
that looks good.
2.7% Reporting
Clinton – 3,275 or 39.1%
Obama – 4,480 or 53.6%
(I am updating these number regularly at my blog)
your blog rocks.
thanks! your’s rules!
Why did MSNBC switch colors? Obama was originally dark blue, and Clinton light blue. But then it changed, and I heard no explanation why. Anyone know?
So the question is whether the Clinton campaign really sees problems for themselves in the CA exit polls or whether they are just saying that so she can be a comeback kid.
Either Utah really likes white dudes or there is a reporting error here.
Maybe they think Edwards is a Mormon for some reason
I think MSNBC called Utah for Obama.
I just reloaded and saw Edwards at 39%. I cold have sworn I saw MSNBC give Utah to Obama.
Obama’s up 31 in Minnesota with 21% in
Huckabee on talking about his “fair tax”. Meaning fair for the rich and completely unfair for everyone else. Putting an “out of bussiness sign on the IRS”. Yeah because its bankrupt. The economy is falling apart and still the same BS from that guy. Blind zealot.
According to local blogger Matthew at Archcitychronicle
That has to be good for obama.
Although in out-state Hillary seems to be beating him 60-40.
Do you think they have a bet over who can make the most movie references throughout the night? Every time someone makes a movie reference, people off camera start laughing.
Maybe that it the drinking game cue…
I only have Sierra Nevada and white wine, neither of which I’m desperate enough to drink right now.
Alright! CNN’s giving CT to Obama
Now THAT’S great news!
Those people at the Romney campaign actually have foam mitts.
21.1% Reporting
Hillary Clinton – 87,423 or 50.6%
Barack Obama – 65,904 or 38.1%
Obama is not doing well in CDs 7 and 8, which are the blue/southern part of the state.
It was a big jump in reported results. Caught me off guard abit.
CNN calls MN for Obama.
Did Romney just compare Bush Sr with Teddy Roosevelt?
Hey everybody. There’s a new thread. Boo never tells us these things.
Is Mitt Romney hearing his words? Bush the Elder and Hoover gave us strong economies? The oil producing states are sapping our pocketbooks? Does he want to go there with Republicans?
And the people behind him were looking like, “Uh…whatchootalkinboutRomney?”