Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
He’s such an ass. Fuckin’ Obama was — what, 20-30pts down a week or two ago? How’s Matthews spinning this as some kind of grand performance from Clinton?
or Tweety sucking off, er…up to the traitor. A couple of classless, Irish frat boys; that’s who they are.
Lord, don’t tell me that all we’ve fought and talked about for the last four or five years has all been to let another set of corrupt m*therf*ckers into the White House.
No need to strike out the “off”. Think ya had it right.
Obama did very well last night, and the press will figure it out soon enough. If he comes out ahead in pledged delegates going into the next few states and continues the massive fundraising from the grassroots, he’ll be in great shape.
As predicted, all the talk is about California. No other state carries nearly the weight.
I’m praying for a win here. I called my people, and got robocalled by Stevie Wonder! (Not a bad voice on my answering machine, seriously!)
But will it be enough? What scared me is that a lot of my voters were voting at the end of the day. And we know the mail in ballots probably heavily favored Clinton.
Fortunately, a smaller percent of people voted this time by mail than in past elections, so that leaves room for hope as well.
A lot depends upon the youth vote, and the black vote, and how the Latino vote was affected by last minute endorsements.
Hillary is on pretending this night was a massive victory – yuck.
My mom just called from CO. Her little precinct – for Niwot, which is pretty Republican overall – awarded 5 of it’s 6 delegates to Obama. And she was so inspired she’s going to be a county delegate! Go Mom!
Not true! It’s the framing they’ve all agreed upon. Clinton is not happy with the results considering the current spin:
The Clinton folks holding a conference call with reporters. Mark Penn, Mrs. Clinton’s top strategist, is telling reporters on the conference call that voters who made up their minds in the last day tended to support Mrs. Clinton. He says that suggests that the “momentum was turning” and given more time, she would have done even better. – Link
This was supposed to be a cakewalk – her “coronation” (dixit Carl Bernstein)
Just got back from our precinct caucus here in Colorado. The turnout was huge and we had 3 Obama and 1 Clinton delegates. The Obama enthusiasm was intense.
I don’t think I realized that this primary was going to come in like a GE – with Hillary being the “Republican” and taking outstate as big as she did. I thought it would be over earlier because he’d do better out there. Silly me.
Someone in the dKos thread I was in said that there was a lot of the Muslim smear going on in outstate and Obama didn’t do any direct mail or anything to counter it.
Markos receives a press release from the Hillary camp:
Southwest to Midwest, Clinton Picks Up Two More Toss Up States
Two more closely contested toss-up states have gone for Hillary Clinton.
Barack Obama outspent Hillary by $300,000 in TV ads in Missouri. He also benefited from the endorsements of high-profile surrogates across the state such as Representatives Carnahan and Clay, and Senator McCaskill, all of whom actively campaigned for him and appeared in ads on his behalf.
Despite these challenges – and with the help of Kansas City Congressman Emanuel Cleaver and Former Majority Leader Dick Gephardt – Hillary Clinton won this important toss-up state.
Okay, it was funny when he called North Dakota for Romney and said something like, “Romney finally won a state that he didn’t live in at some point. That we know of.”
That California map by county is awesome! Too bad there’s not much data in it yet, but California (especially Northern CA) is always SLOW at getting the counts out. Keep in mind, Obama’s strongest in Northern CA. Could be sometime tomorrow before we get decent numbers.
heh, i was just thinking that. he is doing better in the blue area of the state here, but if he would’ve thrown out more red meat, his margins would’ve been wider.
Not to be snotty or anything, but I do know what’s still out in my state.
Boone should go for him. St. Louis County isn’t an issue. The city is completely in. But there’s still a bit out in Jackson County (KC suburbs) and that county didn’t go his way.
MSNBC calls CA for Clinton. Hmmm. They might regret that call. Hardly anything counted in the north yet. But maybe exit polls were compelling. Who knows.
Damn undecided voters. I kept telling everyone to look at those 13% – 16% undecideds. I knew they’d break for Clinton. I’ll wait until more precincts report before I start cussing stupid CA voters again.
It’s such bullshit since they only play the game the day before elections. It’s kinda lame. And they act “surprised” when they went states they were expected to win.
A day or so ago, Boo wrote that a decisive Obama victory would be winning Cali, Missouri, and either NJ or CT. A decisive Clinton victory would be winning all four.
Since Obama won MO and CT, while Hillary won CT and NJ, it seems to me that the evening was as split as split can be. Which is far better than Obama could have hoped for even a week ago.
I’m going to assume the exit polls show a big victory for Hillary. Which is not a good thing.
He needs to run the table between now and March 4 and then win either or both of Texas and Ohio. I don’t see how he becomes the nominee if he doesn’t take one of the big states. He’s lost New York and California. He’s lost Florida even though it didn’t count. He needs a definitive win in a big state.
I’m watching the CA map change from Clinton to Obama in some counties and counties where the gap is closing now that they’re reporting votes.
I just want to see the final numbers already. People in CA always play it safe and vote for boring and the tried and true. With the undecided pre-vote numbers Clinton’s covered the spread if undecideds voted for her, so there shouldn’t be any surprises, but it still hurts.
The weather was so bad here that they cancelled the Fat Tuesday Parade – which is a really big deal here. Hope you had a good time and are ready to fast for 40 days. heh 😉
Right now I feel like I could fast for 40 days. I’m sure that will change in the morning 😉 That’s too bad they canceled the parade. I don’t think a Fat Tuesday parade could be rescheduled with a clean conscience.
We’re getting your bad weather here now. There are small lakes popping up all over the roads, and the sidewalks are starting to freeze. It might be a fun commute in to work in the morning.
NBC is projecting a literal 50/50 split for delegates, with Obama ahead by like 10. But there’s a big margin of error.
I still don’t buy the estimates for California based on pre-voting and exit polls. We’ll see tomorrow.
But Obama’s still looking fine. Maybe it’s time for Boo to contact the Obama campaign and start organizing in Philly. It may come down to his vote at the end of April.
Sweet Jesus, I hate Tery McAuliffe.
He’s such an ass. Fuckin’ Obama was — what, 20-30pts down a week or two ago? How’s Matthews spinning this as some kind of grand performance from Clinton?
or Tweety sucking
off, er…up to the traitor. A couple of classless, Irish frat boys; that’s who they are.Lord, don’t tell me that all we’ve fought and talked about for the last four or five years has all been to let another set of corrupt m*therf*ckers into the White House.
No need to strike out the “off”. Think ya had it right.
Obama did very well last night, and the press will figure it out soon enough. If he comes out ahead in pledged delegates going into the next few states and continues the massive fundraising from the grassroots, he’ll be in great shape.
Fucking Terry McAwful.
Not sure who to vote for? Vote Obama–if for no reason, to keep this creep out the DNC.
McAwful has a financial stake in the race, he doesn’t want to “front” Hillary and Bill a down payment for another house.
Why can’t they just get someone unbiased, instead of someone who is a member of the campaign team? Outrageous.
I wish they’d go back to Scarborough and the panel, or just let Olbermann talk.
As predicted, all the talk is about California. No other state carries nearly the weight.
I’m praying for a win here. I called my people, and got robocalled by Stevie Wonder! (Not a bad voice on my answering machine, seriously!)
But will it be enough? What scared me is that a lot of my voters were voting at the end of the day. And we know the mail in ballots probably heavily favored Clinton.
Fortunately, a smaller percent of people voted this time by mail than in past elections, so that leaves room for hope as well.
A lot depends upon the youth vote, and the black vote, and how the Latino vote was affected by last minute endorsements.
If it makes you feel better, Oakland is Obama’s town and I voted for him. There were people screaming and honking cars all day long for Obama all day.
Lots of new voters this year here and all Obama.
…and so did San Diego.
Mittens says he’s gonna gamble all the kids’ inheritance now! Go Mitt!
That is the whitest crowd I’ve ever seen. Teeth that is…
And they haven’t!
25.6% Reporting
Hillary Clinton – 92,357 or 50.5%
Barack Obama – 70,714 or 38.7%
John Edwards – 15,697 or 8.6%
I don’t know why, but every time I see him, I’m shocked he’s not a woman. I’m always so convinced that Barbour is a female.
I just cannot stand to even see that smug smarmy snake oil salesTROLL McCauliff.
He is spinning that Hillary is surging…LOSER
Hillary is on pretending this night was a massive victory – yuck.
My mom just called from CO. Her little precinct – for Niwot, which is pretty Republican overall – awarded 5 of it’s 6 delegates to Obama. And she was so inspired she’s going to be a county delegate! Go Mom!
Staying up late tonight…
Not true! It’s the framing they’ve all agreed upon. Clinton is not happy with the results considering the current spin:
This was supposed to be a cakewalk – her “coronation” (dixit Carl Bernstein)
I was going by her mood and stump speech-i-ness. And the spin keeps changing depending on who’s talking 😉
My bad! The “Not true” was not addressed to you but to Clinton’s version of events. Sorry!
Hillary’s out already? She looks serious.
Will she come out again if she wins Cali?
I dunnoooo.
AZ latest:
41.5% Reporting
Hillary Clinton – 111,909 or 50.6%
Barack Obama – 87,061 or 39.3%
John Edwards – 17,127 or 7.7%
Just called it for Clinton.
yeah, i saw that. I’m still gonna update the results as they come in. CNN seems to be behind our Secretary of State
Just got back from our precinct caucus here in Colorado. The turnout was huge and we had 3 Obama and 1 Clinton delegates. The Obama enthusiasm was intense.
Obama won in Idaho and Minnesota–just called.
Missouri is going to be a squeeker. Don’t know if he’ll pull it out or not – but it’s the urban areas that are starting to come in big for him.
7 point spread with 25% left…it’s going to be tough
Now it’s a 3.4% spread with 13% left
kansas city and St. Louis always get counted last
St. Louis City and St. Louis County are stuck at about 85% reporting. Obama is winning big. about 150,000 votes for Obama.
KC is 66-33 Obama.
Don’t know about the rest of Jackson County.
Still waiting for Greene County (Mizzou!)and the rest of the St. Louis area.
btw not all of that is in the official results yet, it’s on their BOE sites for unofficial results.
He’s behind in Jackson County 55-42. That’s not good. But about 25% of the vote there is still out.
once again downtown is always voted last…hopefully everyone asked for a paper ballot
He appears to have pulled ahead.
And Tweety just went on and on about us. Not bad for a …. rural … state. 🙂
Wow, can he really pull this out? Oh. My. God.
Obama was KC last week, he had 3,000 people inside auditorium and an overflow of 2,000 in the street and it was about 14 degrees that night
heh, i have greatly enjoyed your emergence from lurkdom 🙂
Sorry, that was Boone County (dems don’t win Green!)
91% reporting – only 9,000 vote difference!
I would like to go on record of calling Missouri for Obama on Feb. 4th..
yes you did.
Do you think anyone really believes us that ALL of our elections are like this? It gets exhausting.
But I’m very happy.
reminded me of how McCaskill beat Talent..big rural lead wiped away by KC and St.Louis
I don’t think I realized that this primary was going to come in like a GE – with Hillary being the “Republican” and taking outstate as big as she did. I thought it would be over earlier because he’d do better out there. Silly me.
Someone in the dKos thread I was in said that there was a lot of the Muslim smear going on in outstate and Obama didn’t do any direct mail or anything to counter it.
now I need to dig up some money to send to he can give Hillary the knock-out punch in the next few weeks.
Markos receives a press release from the Hillary camp:
It’s a big oops.
You’d think after all these years they might have learned something.
what a blunder, maybe that press release was suppose to be sent to Fox news and not the Orange Satan..
It’s going to be SO close. I suppose Obama could end up with more delegates even if he has fewer votes b/c of his success in the big cities.
Huckabee seems to be sweeping the south. I can’t decide which (huckabee or mccain) would be a better candidate for Clinton/Obama to fight.
Okay, it was funny when he called North Dakota for Romney and said something like, “Romney finally won a state that he didn’t live in at some point. That we know of.”
Yes, that made me chuckle.
Clinton 53.2% Obama 34.6% Edwards 9.9%
McCain 45.7% Romney 22.9% Huckabee 12.0%
2.2% reporting
Those are the early voters, right?
Now, they only have about 7% reporting, but Clinton shot up:
Clinton 55.0% Obama 32.7% Edwards 9.9%
McCain 44.5% Romney 24.4% Huckabee 11.2%
To change faster. Here is an map of California precincts reports by county.
That California map by county is awesome! Too bad there’s not much data in it yet, but California (especially Northern CA) is always SLOW at getting the counts out. Keep in mind, Obama’s strongest in Northern CA. Could be sometime tomorrow before we get decent numbers.
According to CNN, Obama’s winning blacks and whites in Cali, but losing big among Latinos and Asians
Obama has cut the lead to 1.3 in Missouri with 91% in
We’re running the #’s over in a dKos Missouri thread – he could do it.
The AP called it for Hillary about 45 minutes ago but no one else has and we think they could be wrong.
I think he’ll close the gap to about 2,000 vote just from Boone county. He can definitely still win.
3200 votes separate them with 97% in
obama is ahead according to MSNBC in Missouri ??
Obama is up 5000 now with 98% in – NYTimes
Obama: “Our Time Has Come.”
NOW he gives a big speech using the politics of contrast.
heh, i was just thinking that. he is doing better in the blue area of the state here, but if he would’ve thrown out more red meat, his margins would’ve been wider.
I love this crowd. It’s like a prayer meeting. 😉
And that list of states he won looks great running under that speech.
Wow…watching the Hillary speech and the Obama speech, it was hands down Obama. What an orator.
Things have been tightening…
64.5% Reporting
Hillary Clinton – 143,292 or 50.2%
Barack Obama – 117,325 or 41.1%
John Edwards – 18,313 or 6.4%
and I’m in Arizona, in case you didn’t know that
who wouldn’t know that??
you’d be surprised how many people lurk and never, ever, comment at a blog.
off topic..what ever happen to the picture of the Arizona desert on your blog
i finally designed a logo that I liked. I’ve been working on another overhaul, tho, so maybe it’ll get worked back in somewhere, someday.
Hillary wins California
I so wanted him to pull it out – but didn’t think he could. So we need final numbers.
CNN hasn’t called it, but MSNBC has? That’s what I think has happened.
MSNBC hasn’t called it (they did for Clinton and then took it back)
Only Boone county is really out there and it’s where the University is. I think he’s probably done it – but I want to hear it. 🙂
yeah, he’s won Missouri. There’s still some votes out in St. Louis Co., too. There’s nowhere for Clinton to get any more votes.
Not to be snotty or anything, but I do know what’s still out in my state.
Boone should go for him. St. Louis County isn’t an issue. The city is completely in. But there’s still a bit out in Jackson County (KC suburbs) and that county didn’t go his way.
woop MSNBC just called it for him!
I still think it is too early to tell, but CA is not a winner take all state.
Does anyone know of a map being displayed with repub and demo wins called so far? A visual representation would really make me happy.
here it is
Thanks, I love the CA graphic, but I was hoping for a national one. Actually, I see they have one. Never mind. :>)
MSNBC calls CA for Clinton. Hmmm. They might regret that call. Hardly anything counted in the north yet. But maybe exit polls were compelling. Who knows.
I bet it was the pre-voting.
CNN won’t call it.
CNN has called Clinton for California
no wait, that’s California for Clinton…it’s getting late
Damn undecided voters. I kept telling everyone to look at those 13% – 16% undecideds. I knew they’d break for Clinton. I’ll wait until more precincts report before I start cussing stupid CA voters again.
i’m tired of Hillary “lower expectations” campaign, it reminds me of W’s 2000 campaign.
It’s such bullshit since they only play the game the day before elections. It’s kinda lame. And they act “surprised” when they went states they were expected to win.
A day or so ago, Boo wrote that a decisive Obama victory would be winning Cali, Missouri, and either NJ or CT. A decisive Clinton victory would be winning all four.
Since Obama won MO and CT, while Hillary won CT and NJ, it seems to me that the evening was as split as split can be. Which is far better than Obama could have hoped for even a week ago.
What are they projecting the final California vote will be percentage-wise?
It looks like some of the votes we’re seeing are just from early voting with no precincts reporting.
I’m going to assume the exit polls show a big victory for Hillary. Which is not a good thing.
He needs to run the table between now and March 4 and then win either or both of Texas and Ohio. I don’t see how he becomes the nominee if he doesn’t take one of the big states. He’s lost New York and California. He’s lost Florida even though it didn’t count. He needs a definitive win in a big state.
Not impossible. But uphill for him.
I’m watching the CA map change from Clinton to Obama in some counties and counties where the gap is closing now that they’re reporting votes.
I just want to see the final numbers already. People in CA always play it safe and vote for boring and the tried and true. With the undecided pre-vote numbers Clinton’s covered the spread if undecideds voted for her, so there shouldn’t be any surprises, but it still hurts.
I have no idea, but I just got home from a Super Fat Tuesday party and wanted to say good work to you and the rest of MO. How exciting!
Thanks ej!
The weather was so bad here that they cancelled the Fat Tuesday Parade – which is a really big deal here. Hope you had a good time and are ready to fast for 40 days. heh 😉
Right now I feel like I could fast for 40 days. I’m sure that will change in the morning 😉 That’s too bad they canceled the parade. I don’t think a Fat Tuesday parade could be rescheduled with a clean conscience.
We’re getting your bad weather here now. There are small lakes popping up all over the roads, and the sidewalks are starting to freeze. It might be a fun commute in to work in the morning.
NBC is projecting a literal 50/50 split for delegates, with Obama ahead by like 10. But there’s a big margin of error.
I still don’t buy the estimates for California based on pre-voting and exit polls. We’ll see tomorrow.
But Obama’s still looking fine. Maybe it’s time for Boo to contact the Obama campaign and start organizing in Philly. It may come down to his vote at the end of April.