throughout the night (CET) by following CNN – BBC – Sky News – CNBC broadcasts by satellite reception. Always enjoy the exit poll analysis of voter motivation. I do find the results in the Mid-West surprising. A strong performance by Barack Obama. A disappointment of the California electorate, I thought they would be more evenly divided between Clinton and Obama. The Hispanic vote (30%) went 2:1 for Clinton, which means a 10% advantage for Hillary in the final result. With the spread of coming primaries, this could give Obama the edge going into the convention. The party super delegates may decide in the end … how democratic!
My mom started a sweater for me to take to college in 1968. Some time in the late 70s she decided she was never going to finish it and unraveled it and made an afghan instead … just providing some inspiration. 🙂
Luckily, I tend to be a finisher of knitting projects. 🙂
Although I do have a baby present sweater that’s halfway done and in need of finishing. I figure eventually someone I know will spur me on to finish it for their impending arrival.
The baby blanket that I started in 1961 for my nephew, evolved into a 20 year joke as I subsequently apologized for the unfinished baby gift then moved it up for the next nephew, then niece, then niece….sucker is still sitting in a brown bag in the closet.
that would provide (needed!) external motivation … lol
Going okay so far. We’re getting more snow today. The snowbank at the end of the drive is over 6ft again (it had melted w/ some rain a couple weeks back). I’m so sick of snow … 🙂
I have been hangin in all sorts of unsavory places and generally being happy. I spent the day with a bunch of Canada Geese yesterday and the company was stellar. 🙂
Tell me about it. I still can’t pass up a bamboo cutting board without buying it. Oh, and pepper mills. Just how many do I need? Oh yeah, I forgot the cast iron and porcelain dutch oven I just bought there. Now I might actually have to start cooking again now.
I wish I could nap till Friday…but I have deadlines instead. And then dinner with my friend who is also going to be my preceptor for my clinical rotations.
And with 3, there’s always someone needing some ‘me’ time. Pet me, walk me, feed me, scratch-my-belly me, feed me, let me out, sit next to me, pet me, talk to me…
Nearly all of Indiana had flood warnings yesterday. My mom always worries we’ll be flooded even though I always point out to her that I am 600 ft higher than her (and about 2/3 of the rest of the state) and that if I were to get flooded, she’ll be gone.
They were forecasting a lot of rain from that system that spawned the tornadoes in TN, but as usual in this drought pattern we’re in, it fell apart over the mountains. So we’ve been near 80, very windy, but no rain. Except for the continuing drought, I love this winter weather!
We noticed cat paw decorations on the home office copier the other day.
Good morning all! We finished filling all our candidate slots for local office at central committee last night. I’m very pleased with the crop this year!
Speaking of elections, there’s something I’ve been wanting to ask you — in 2006 I got hassled at the voting site because my signature has deteriorated significantly since my ancient registration signature. I showed my drivers license and my credit cards and one person was still hemming and hawing until several people in line jeered at him and he let me vote. Can I do something to change the signature before the next election so I don’t have to go through this again?
Hmmm… I’ll call the election lady at the clerk’s office and see what she has to say. If nothing else, I’ll alert the Dems who will be working the polls where you vote to watch your back. I work at W-3, which is the New Life Church on 135 N. According to the map, you’re at N. Salem, is that right?
Yep I’m at North Salem. Thanks for the offer to call the office — I’ll be glad to call, though, if you can tell me whom to ask for. That’s the main reason I haven’t done anything up to now; I wasn’t sure what person to call.
I talked to the election lady and her first suggestion was for you to vote absentee. Then she said she would talk to the County Clerk about what else we could do. I just talked to the Dem county chairman and he wanted to know if the guy who hassled you had a faint accent of a Germanic nature? We’ve apparently had difficulty with a certain individual there before. I’ll let you know when I hear more from the clerk’s office. If nothing else, I’ll give you my cell number and when you get ready to go vote, I’ll meet you there with a lawyer and camera, we’ll record for posterity, and scare the pants off ’em as well!
I don’t remember if he had an accent or not — I was kind of in shock at being challenged after all these years. I appreciate the offer to come to my aid — I think what I’ll do is to bring my passport as well; I doubt anyone will be willing to argue with that.
I don’t really have a signature! First of all my name keeps changing and I think I’ve just gotten lazier over the years so now it’s just illegible. If they’re going by a signature I’m in big trouble.
Well I think hassling people is the new plan to keep them from voting — and that’s the problem with my signature, it’s turned into a nearly flat line scrawl whereas my ancient one is actually legible.
To challenge the pompous is one of my great joys in life, especially if they’re Repubs! I’ve been having fun with one of the new state reps ever since he added one of the most self-serving amendments I’ve ever seen to the the house tax bill! Our entire state association is fighting him over it. If you want to check it out, its Amendment 14 to HB 1001.
New improved faster loading cafe over here! 🙂
Good morning, CG!
Up late?
I gave it up at 12:30, so not too bad.
Would I be a bad person if I said I’m ready for primary season to be over – it’s been going on forever now?
throughout the night (CET) by following CNN – BBC – Sky News – CNBC broadcasts by satellite reception. Always enjoy the exit poll analysis of voter motivation. I do find the results in the Mid-West surprising. A strong performance by Barack Obama. A disappointment of the California electorate, I thought they would be more evenly divided between Clinton and Obama. The Hispanic vote (30%) went 2:1 for Clinton, which means a 10% advantage for Hillary in the final result. With the spread of coming primaries, this could give Obama the edge going into the convention. The party super delegates may decide in the end … how democratic!
… and of course a good morning to you CG and ask!
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Wanted to let you know I loved seeing your photos you posted from your trip … looks like a beautiful place.
Thanks, olivia!
It was a little peace of paradise + very nice people all over. We are determined to go back, so much more to see and do.
But peace was also a part of the equation.
Thanks for the new cafe — I’m sure I’ll appreciate it if I get stuck on dial-up again.
I’m sorry I didn’t change it sooner – I was avoiding the internets yesterday. 😉
I got a lot of sock-knitting done, though. Maybe I’ll be able to cast on for my sweater before the weekend…
My mom started a sweater for me to take to college in 1968. Some time in the late 70s she decided she was never going to finish it and unraveled it and made an afghan instead … just providing some inspiration. 🙂
Luckily, I tend to be a finisher of knitting projects. 🙂
Although I do have a baby present sweater that’s halfway done and in need of finishing. I figure eventually someone I know will spur me on to finish it for their impending arrival.
The baby blanket that I started in 1961 for my nephew, evolved into a 20 year joke as I subsequently apologized for the unfinished baby gift then moved it up for the next nephew, then niece, then niece….sucker is still sitting in a brown bag in the closet.
You could do a weekly sweater update in the w/e knit-a-palooza and we can all see how you’re progressing … 🙂
Morning everyone!
Ah, but then you’ll have to post updates of your projects too. 🙂
How are you this week?
that would provide (needed!) external motivation … lol
Going okay so far. We’re getting more snow today. The snowbank at the end of the drive is over 6ft again (it had melted w/ some rain a couple weeks back). I’m so sick of snow … 🙂
… Stupor Wednesday.
MMM, couch cushions.
Have I mentioned that the new down comforter on the bed is amazing? I’m finally warm enough to sleep well every night. Maybe too well.
We’ve been using down comforters for years and love them. We have ours in a flannel comforter cover — so soft and no need for a topsheet.
The boys have wool filled comforters on their beds and have for years, but I was too cheap/poor to get one for myself at the time.
We still need to get a cover for ours. I’m thinking of ordering one from overstocks.com, but I hate ordering something I can’t feel first.
I get my flannel comforter covers from either Lands End or The Company Store — whichever is cheaper at the time — and can highly recommend both.
They’re on sale at the Company Store. Am I crazy for wanting plain white?
White is classic. I got a 500-tc “Hotel” brand duvet set at TJMaxx and it’s gorgeous in white.
Where ya been hangin’?
I have been hangin in all sorts of unsavory places and generally being happy. I spent the day with a bunch of Canada Geese yesterday and the company was stellar. 🙂
So it’s honk if you want to SN to stop by?
Hmm, maybe I’ll look there too. Of course, then all their kitchen stuff will tempt me….
Tell me about it. I still can’t pass up a bamboo cutting board without buying it. Oh, and pepper mills. Just how many do I need? Oh yeah, I forgot the cast iron and porcelain dutch oven I just bought there. Now I might actually have to start cooking again now.
I want one of those dutch ovens so bad…did you get a good buy on it?
And dishes…so many, so pretty, and so little time to use them all.
Of course it is impossible to have too many martini glasses.
It was marked down from $79 to $39 because there was a chip in the enamel on the lid.
Nice score! A chip in the lid wouldn’t bother me at all at that price.
If you let the dogs on the bed … yes.
I don’t let dogs in, but there are the CBs who like to flop down on the bed and watch some teevee.
Well, it’s not like teenage boys leave a funky smell wherever they go…
Well as long as the CBs don’t shed …
Oops, I need to stop playing and get going.
See ya.
Heh. See SN’s comment above.
I have to go do some work too, but I’ll check back in a bit.
Now that is a perfect photo … 🙂
Sniff + the love of his life = picture perfect. 🙂
Good morning all. Very warm here but very rainy. You can’t have everything.
The rain has finally left us after having dumped around 5″ in two days. Ah well, at least it wasn’t ice and snow.
I think we have the wet weather now, although it was blowing through here pretty fast last night.
Why isn’t it Friday yet?
We had howling winds all day yesterday but they seemed to have died down.
If you just close your eyes and take a very long nap, it will be Friday!
I wish I could nap till Friday…but I have deadlines instead. And then dinner with my friend who is also going to be my preceptor for my clinical rotations.
Not too mention dogs who think that their needs come first.
I keep trying to tell them that it’s really all about me, but they just give me that plaintive “feed me” look and wiggle their butts in response…sigh
They understand it’s really all about me really well — it’s just that they have a very narrowly defined concept of what “me” means.
And with 3, there’s always someone needing some ‘me’ time. Pet me, walk me, feed me, scratch-my-belly me, feed me, let me out, sit next to me, pet me, talk to me…
Three dogs, or boys?
I guess it does apply to both, doesn’t it? 😉
Good morning!
It looks dark and wet; I’m not going out to verify.
If you’re getting the weather we’ve had, I’d advise burrowing back under the covers.
Let’s see; it rained heavily last night, showers today, rainy day tomorrow – flood warnings in parts of the state (we should be OK)…
Nearly all of Indiana had flood warnings yesterday. My mom always worries we’ll be flooded even though I always point out to her that I am 600 ft higher than her (and about 2/3 of the rest of the state) and that if I were to get flooded, she’ll be gone.
They were forecasting a lot of rain from that system that spawned the tornadoes in TN, but as usual in this drought pattern we’re in, it fell apart over the mountains. So we’ve been near 80, very windy, but no rain. Except for the continuing drought, I love this winter weather!
I’d love to send you some of rain — I am living in a giant mud wrestling pit.
That’s got to be a treat with 12 paws constantly going in and out of the house.
I have given up trying to keep the floor clean for now. When it gets bad enough that I can plant a garden, I’ll clean it up.
We noticed cat paw decorations on the home office copier the other day.
Good morning all! We finished filling all our candidate slots for local office at central committee last night. I’m very pleased with the crop this year!
Speaking of elections, there’s something I’ve been wanting to ask you — in 2006 I got hassled at the voting site because my signature has deteriorated significantly since my ancient registration signature. I showed my drivers license and my credit cards and one person was still hemming and hawing until several people in line jeered at him and he let me vote. Can I do something to change the signature before the next election so I don’t have to go through this again?
Hmmm… I’ll call the election lady at the clerk’s office and see what she has to say. If nothing else, I’ll alert the Dems who will be working the polls where you vote to watch your back. I work at W-3, which is the New Life Church on 135 N. According to the map, you’re at N. Salem, is that right?
Yep I’m at North Salem. Thanks for the offer to call the office — I’ll be glad to call, though, if you can tell me whom to ask for. That’s the main reason I haven’t done anything up to now; I wasn’t sure what person to call.
I talked to the election lady and her first suggestion was for you to vote absentee. Then she said she would talk to the County Clerk about what else we could do. I just talked to the Dem county chairman and he wanted to know if the guy who hassled you had a faint accent of a Germanic nature? We’ve apparently had difficulty with a certain individual there before. I’ll let you know when I hear more from the clerk’s office. If nothing else, I’ll give you my cell number and when you get ready to go vote, I’ll meet you there with a lawyer and camera, we’ll record for posterity, and scare the pants off ’em as well!
I don’t remember if he had an accent or not — I was kind of in shock at being challenged after all these years. I appreciate the offer to come to my aid — I think what I’ll do is to bring my passport as well; I doubt anyone will be willing to argue with that.
I don’t really have a signature! First of all my name keeps changing and I think I’ve just gotten lazier over the years so now it’s just illegible. If they’re going by a signature I’m in big trouble.
Well I think hassling people is the new plan to keep them from voting — and that’s the problem with my signature, it’s turned into a nearly flat line scrawl whereas my ancient one is actually legible.
Oh, I think you’re right on the mark. I’m watching the supremes on this with great interest, but my hopes aren’t very high.
Yeah, I’m sure the law is going to stand.
Also, thanks again for all the effort you’ve made this morning. It’s really above and beyond.
To challenge the pompous is one of my great joys in life, especially if they’re Repubs! I’ve been having fun with one of the new state reps ever since he added one of the most self-serving amendments I’ve ever seen to the the house tax bill! Our entire state association is fighting him over it. If you want to check it out, its Amendment 14 to HB 1001.
My mouth is hanging open. Does it have any realistic chance of getting passed?
Hopefully not, but one never knows…
I wrote a long screed to Senator Simpson about it almost 2 weeks ago, but have not had a reply.
Don’t know if you’re familiar with rep. M. Smith, but he is a tax representative from Columbus.
I’m kind of surprised at this — her office has always been really responsive to my emails.
I’d never heard of Smith but I’ll be telling everyone I know in Columbus to vote against him when they get the chance.
I could never be upset with her. She got us 100K for our last fire engine!
It’ still kinda dark and wet. But not to cold. It’s like a raw spring day actually.
Hi boran2! Dang, I’m out of chocolate:(
I find this very humorous:
As I was only recently reminding Mrs. Dem…;-)
and yet she still looks unimpressed…
I know. Can you believe it?
Morning/Afternoon/Evening All
Good morning, Andi!
It’s that special day again.