I’m so angry at what those 2 so called “leaders” have said, done, not said, not done and allowed to happen that I can just spit.
By declaring that impeachment is off the table, by allowing right wing extremists such as Rush Limbaugh and Mitch McConnell to dictate what gets done in the Senate, by enabling the destruction of the Constitution by Jay Rockefeller and only standing up to Chris Dodd, Russ Feingold and the entire progressive movement, by not enforcing subpoenas that have been ignored, Reid and Pelosi and a good number of other Congressional democrats (sorry, no big “D” there) are, as so eloquently put by MichiganGirl just as guilty when it comes to being responsible for the crimes perpetuated by this administration.
And no, I’m not just talking about torture, although frankly, the fact that Senator Durbin has to call for an investigation into whether something that is pretty much universally known as torture was done with the knowledge and approval by the President of the United States is beyond disgraceful. The parsing of whether waterboarding is or isn’t torture because the lying and not-yet-convicted felon Alberto Gonzales (or John Ashcroft if he had anything to do with this) said that it wasn’t torture is one of the most cowardly and shameless assertions I have ever heard.
Reid allowed subpoenas to be ignored by administration members and didn’t follow up with any call for accountability. Pelosi allowed subpoenas to be ignored by administration members and didn’t follow up with any call for accountability. The PR battle over the nonsensical “surge working” hasn’t only been lost by the Democrats, it wasn’t even fought all that much by leadership – which could be another lie that leads to a President McCain.
Reid allowed a vote to condemn MoveOn – an entity that has been entirely supportive of the Democratic Party over the years, and then inexplicably had Rush Limbaugh praised officially on the Senate floor by republicans when his comments insulted the troops who were actually fighting this clusterfuck in Iraq. As for Iraq itself, well how many tens of billions were pledged under Reid and Pelosi’s leadership over the past year? And what kind of constraints were put on these blank checks? On a similar note, how does an inflammatory bill like Kyl/Lieberman get to the Senate floor, let alone pass – especially since we now know from the NIE how much of a threat Iran isn’t to us?
A FISA law needed a technical correction, and yet, we now are faced with expanded and illegal powers by this administration to continue breaking the law. And on top of that, when two bills are prepared that would fix the technical issue, one allowing for retroactive immunity for telecom companies that willfully broke the law to help this administration break the law and one without such immunity, what bill does Reid bring to the floor? The one that allows for retroactive immunity, and a kick in the teeth to the fourth amendment, not to mention We the People.
With republicans setting the world record for filibusters in one year (with absolutely no pushback) and the asinine “we need 60 votes for anything” suddenly becoming the new rule, who does Reid stick it to on a filibuster? His own damn party – brave folks and true leaders like Chris Dodd and Russ Feingold. When republican Senators put holds on bill after bill, Reid respects the hold. But when one of his own party does the same, he overrides it.
Back in January 2007, Pelosi declared that there was a “new Congress in town”. And yes, there have been some successes in legislation. She passed the “100 hours promise” to her credit. But when it comes to accountability and standing up for the Constitution, where has she been? What happened to those investigations into the US Attorney firings? What happened to the investigations into the “missing” emails? What happened to oversight?
A budget that is more than $3 billion has been submitted. Billions more for Iraq not included or paid for. Major cuts to social security, Medicare and many other domestic programs. Huge increases for “defense”. Cuts to programs that aid seniors. More tax cuts for the wealthy. Fuzzy math on the AMT, which is already such a joke that it hits people hard (even with the “patch”) who just have a job and own a home.
I could go on and on, but you get the picture. As much as we hated them, Hastert, Frist, DeLay and Gingrich would never have let this happen. The majority would set the agenda, and at a minimum not be complicit with crimes of the administration. Would they ever let one of their own turn against their party as Lieberman has done? Would any of them ever let Bill Clinton get away with any of this (rhetorical question, of course)?
Some may say that Reid and Pelosi are weak. Some may say they are ineffective. Some may say they are cynical political opportunists. Some may say that they are just as guilty.
To me, none of the “why” matters. What matters is that in the past year, we have worse FISA laws, more crimes committed by this administration – all of which have had no accountability, prior crimes by this administration being uncovered with no accountability, another 1,000 or so of our troops killed in Iraq with no end in sight – either in money or in lives, more people uninsured and an economy that is worsening by the day with no real plan other than bogus “rebate” checks that will do nothing to stimulate the economy or help the general population.
What matters is that these two leaders have done very little leading when it comes to what many people in the Democratic Party as well as the country in general, want from their leadership.
You have articulated the latest versions of long standing arguments that have driven many millions of Americans away from the Democratic Party in the past dozen years.
I quit the Democrats in 1996 over pretty much the same expressions of abandonment inspired in me by Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Don’t blame Harry and Nancy. They’re just doing what the people in their party want them to do. Blame the American citizens who continue to aid and abet both the Democratic and Republican parties in their crimes. If you have given money to or voted for any Democrat or Republican, no matter who they are, you are just as responsible for these crimes as the Bushes and the Clintons. Wake up, grow up, take responsibility for your actions, and stop blaming others. It’s YOU and YOU and YOU…
You write, “If you have given money to or voted for any Democrat or Republican, no matter who they are, you are just as responsible for these crimes as the Bushes and the Clintons.”
what about people who support Russ Feingold, who has gone to the mat over fisa again and again and again?
What about Chris Dodd, who single-handedly held up this bullshit?
So if voting for democrats or republicans is to be just as culpable for these crimes, the solution is… don’t vote? write in candidates from what are generally acknowledged as fringe parties that don’t even win dog catcher? Ya know, we don’t have the luxury of living in a parliamentary system like Canada’s as much as I wish that were true (Booman and I engaged in spirited debate over that a few threads ago. I don’t think either of us won).
If the candidates for whatever office don’t hear from the voters and aren’t held accountable by voters, who do you think they will represent in their office, even more than they do now ?
It’s not like Brewster’s Millions where if no one votes no one wins.
I think that most people have little clue as to what is really going on – we just follow it obsessively.
But unless you tell someone what is happening with FISA, with the US attorneys, with a lot of the other stuff, they would never know otherwise.
sad, but true.
I gotta tellya folks, at this moment in the history of this screwed up country, ya better shut the fuck up and get out there and be ready to actively support the Democratic candidate in November or you wont have a country! That’s how serious this election is. Sure, I agree with your comments but file them for now. Our sole goals have to be to increase the majorities in the Senate and the House and to take the Presidency. I ain’t gonna list what is obvious and I ain’t gonna belittle the difficulty of achieving these goals, but again- quit the party at your own risk. Support some third party at your own risk. Stay home and don’t vote at your own risk.
OR- if you give a damn about the horrors that await a Mccain presidency, the get you asses in gear and make sure that that psychotic piece of shit doesn’t get elected. Its a bitter pill but the alternative is beyond belief!
“I gotta tellya folks, at this moment in the history of this screwed up country, ya better shut the fuck up and get out there and be ready to actively support the Democratic candidate in November or you wont have a country! That’s how serious this election is.”
I’ve heard this in every election that I have voted in since 1972. Every time the party hacks promoting this type of fear-mongering were doing so to keep people who no longer feel represented by the two dominance parties from abandoning either of the two dominance parties.
WHEN the Democrats reflect and respect my social justice constitutional values I support them. Most of them don’t. In return I do not support those who do not reflect or respect my social justice values.
It was also true in 1972, only no one thought so. And also in 1968–a real Hobson’s choice if there ever was one.
If you don’t like the choices, you need to start building a third party from the ground up. It will take a generation for it to have impact at the national level. But until then, you only have two impossible choices.
One does not get folks in office who reflect social justice and constitutional values by not voting. It just doesn’t work that way. There is a great difference among party hacks. You want the ones who will provide enough space to begin to work on social justice and constitutional values.
Oh, by the way engaging people locally is the way to begin getting more than just party hacks. Unless, of course, you class anyone in politics as a party hack.
I have repeatedly said that I will vote for the Democratic nominee, regardless of who it is.
But I will be working in my district to get a right wing extremist (Scott Garrett) out of Congress. I will not be working for Obama or Clinton’s campaign, nor will either of them get any money for me.
I have a series of diaries on this at Big Orange over the past 2 weeks….
Thats what should be the focus! You are so right!
With apologies to Russ and Chris…..see below!
get a clue… the dems are now and have been fully as complicit in what’s happening in this country as the r’s and the bush administration itself… what’s even more disturbing than that is that we still have damn near a year of this to go with virtually no guarantee that a new president, dem OR r, is going to change a goddam thing… it’s like standing in the surf and feeling the retreating water sluice the sand right out from under my feet… there isn’t a hell of a lot left of our country as it is, and, by the time this bunch gets through, we might as well change the name and get a new flag…
Good summary of the Democratic Congress’ failures. Reid and Pelosi share a lot of the blame but I also blame the other leaders in the Democratic establishment. First and foremost I blame Senators Obama and Clinton for failing to lead. They are probably the two most important Democrats and they could have made a huge difference if they would have chosen to do so. On all the issues you mention–the failed Iraq occupation, Bush’s illegal spying on Americans, the little tussle over MoveOn, Petreus, and Rush Limbaugh–Senators Clinton and Obama failed to lead or advocate the “change” they seem to be advocating in their campaigns.
I agree completely on Obama and Clinton. Been saying that for months now, and is a big reason why I supported Dodd and then nobody (although I voted for Obama on Tuesday…)
My favorite sign in Tombstone (yes, that Tombstone):