From Romney’s concession speech:
Soon, the face of liberalism in America will have a new name. Whether it is Barack or Hillary, the result would be the same if they were to win the Presidency. The opponents of American culture would push the throttle, devising new justifications for judges to depart from the constitution. Economic neophytes would layer heavier and heavier burdens on employers and families, slowing our economy and opening the way for foreign competition to further erode our lead.
Even though we face an uphill fight, I know that many in this room are fully behind my campaign.” You are with me all the way to the convention. Fight on, just like Ronald Reagan did in 1976. But there is an important difference from 1976: today… we are a nation at war.
And Barack and Hillary have made their intentions clear regarding Iraq and the war on terror. They would retreat and declare defeat. And the consequence of that would be devastating. It would mean attacks on America, launched from safe havens that make Afghanistan under the Taliban look like child’s play. About this, I have no doubt.
Sounds like he’s angling for VP
Such blantant fear-mongering with a side of lies. How do Republicans sleep at night being such a constant state of fear?
Lots and lots of pharmaceutical help…
meds or dollars?
The guy is an idiot, good riddence.
It’s not so bad the he believes what he says, but that he teaches his kids the same millionaire nonsense and we have to fight the same fight in twenty years. They have no social conscience at all.
I fucking hate them, I really do.
Well, personally it makes me chortle, but I suppose the real question is what kind of agreement and in what numbers would this kind of message appeal to the troglodytes whom we know make up a certain percentage of our population.
But given the comparatively tepid turnout of the Republicans in their primaries, and their comparatively tepid fundraising, I’m inclined to believe that this message is defunct.
I hope it’s not Hillary vs McCain, though. I think that would be a problem, as she will not activate the real Democratic base, but she will certainly activate the Republican base. And I do mean base.
He’s already forgotten.
The only people left in the Republican Party are fear mongering wackos.
What a string of conservative Repubican approved clauses. Even Republicans didn’t buy that he meant any of it.
Red meat for the pack of hungry wolves he’s addressing.
Remember the Max Blumenthal unauthorized documentary of CPAC from last year? These are some very scary folks.
Just re-watching it now, I am reminded of “Flipper” the anti-Romney dolphin. They really didn’t like him last year. But today he’s god-like.
Fuck Mitt Romney and the neo-con horse he flip-flopped in on.
A good body with a dull brain is as cheap as life itself.
Here’s a pictorial representation of my thoughts for Mitt:
At least he’s coherent.
the ape is coherent.
Thoughts? OK- what we are about to experience has never before taken place in this country. It will be the nastiest, most violent campaign in our history.
I’m snickering at all the personal millions of his that he pissed away. What a fucking moron he is with this parting shot, sustaining the rampant fear of a terrorist in every closet approach to politics.
RATpubs are a bad investment.
guess he’ll just strap the dog to the top of the wagon, hike up his magic underwear and fade away.
pissed away?
pissed away?
why I’ll have you know that this whole recession was personally held back by the Mittster’s spending for almost a year. He loves America!
McClatchy Romney quits GOP Campaign before he informed his staff which leaves a Conservative leader saying: ‘I’m not sure conservatives trust’ McCain
But wait, Quick. Lookie here:
McCain Will Arrive At CPAC With George Allen A Macaca for VP?
This is truly demented.
“About this, I have no doubt.”
Republicans never have doubts. It wouldn’t be prudent.
The extent to with partisan dems and partisan repubs differ in the way they see the world is mind-boggling.
Partisan Dems think: Republicans are obviously only using the terror card for political gain
Partisan Repubs think: Dems are obviously more interested in political gain than in defending the country from a real threat
Oddly enough, I’d tend to agree with the Partisan Repubs concerning some Dems — though we might disagree about the ‘real threat’.
HA, I am thrilled that his kids won’t have that money to piss away after he is dead and burried.
May he rot in hell.
McCain is now speaking at the CPAC conference. Roaring applause. These authoritarian robots really can do a 180 – just like that. Just hit their reset buttons and watch them all reboot. From sneering hatred one minute – to adoration of and submission to “The New Leader” – just like that.
Like we now have a new face of conservatism and it’s John McCain. Everybody update their glossaries.
I seriously doubt this is the same group as when Romney was speaking.
Rush wants to raise money for Hillary so that the GOP can survive with McCain. “Keep her in it, so we can win it” is the mantra.
As if there’s a chance of her dropping out without the dittoheads.
Well, now that his five sons are no longer “serving the country” helping him get elected, they have the opportunity to go fight that war that they think is so vital to the nation’s security…
Yeah, like that’s ever gonna happen.
… and the Republicans don’t have it to compete in primaries and for the presidential race this fall. What empire was he talking about? Decay from within pointing to liberals and the poor! I thought for sure he was referring to Caligula and the Roman Empire in analogy to Bush and his 8 years lacking in stewardship and leadership of this great nation. Everlasting war for corporations, profits and expansion of power. The so called conservatives have abandoned their true principles on government spending, balanced budget and investment in the national economy including creation of jobs.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Sounds just like McCain