A windstorm knocked down some trees and I lost power around 3pm this afternoon. I’m amused to see that Clinton got her ass kicked in Maine. I was genuinely worried about the outcome there. The beatdown continues…
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I’m reading commentary here. I did not realize you were becoming something of a lightning rod for your anti-Clinton writings. It must be a tough time to be a blog landlord.
Obviously, being a lightening rod against Clinton has been a boon for his page visits and site hits. So, intentions aside, I can’t see that it’s tough being a bloglord under those conditions. It’s good for business.
A question for you Joe, knowing your deep disgust for American exceptionalism, how do you see Barack Obama in that scheme of things? Do you honestly believe he’s anything different than all the rest?
For myself, I’m done rewarding democrats for deserting me and I’m done falling for empty rhetoric.
I thought that Maine was Clinton’s. So far, your predictions are bearing out. So far.
It never was…following the humor and snark of “Bill From Portland Maine” at Daily Kos has been revealing this past week.
Obama was going to do good there, what surprises me is that he did so good.
see? Things always work out when you aren’t on line. Make sure you have something to do on March 4.
Obama was predicting 107 delegates this weekend to Hillary’s 78. By my count he got 118 to her 67. And he got them with blowout wins. Great narrative.
On the NBC news tonight they basically said that Hillary didn’t expect to win anything before March 4. So I guess that means she isn’t going to ‘strongly’ contest any of these elections, thus depriving Obama the chance of saying that he beat her head on in a contested state. Of course now he can’t lose any states or she takes back the narrative.
she’s great at spin. All Obama’s win in 20 states don’t count. “small states; caucus states; the Af-Am vote; he outspent us;his supporters don’t work; blah, blah blah.
Clintons’ spent a lot of resources and time in Maine. I’m surprised Obama took it away.
In October 2007 polls had Clinton 46% to Obama 10%.
hilarious. Obama takes it 59% to Clinton’s 41%. What happened?
MSNBC is running a photo of the one black guy in Maine (yes, I’m being facetious). And he’s African. So, obviously, it was the black vote in Maine that put Obama over the top.
Not many of those up there. They probably had to look for a long while just to find a black man in Maine.
If all it takes to secure an Obama sweep on the 4th is Boo losing power I will personally go cut his lines and steal the meter.
who knew?
Still feeling hopeful?
I sure am. I’ve been reading all the posts on blogs of individual caucus experiences. Really amazing to see people so pumped up for change.
I had to photograph a building today and my husband took the kids to see Grandma. Grandma is a Republican. I say she’s a racist and a bigot, my husband says, “She’s just Hungarian and she’s 76.” Whatever. This is a woman who would cry when she spoke of Bush and Reagan. She lives in Orange County and marched lock step with all her neighbors. After I shot my site, I picked them up so we could eat.
As I was driving, annoyed at having to be forced to share space with this woman, she leaned over, “How about Obama? He’s doing well.” I nodded. I don’t speak to her unless it’s absolutely necessary. “I like him”, she said, “He’ll be good for the country. He’s a smart man. I’m all about change.”
Imagine me trying to negotiate a left hand turn with 5 people in a Mini Cooper, 2 of them in carseats. Change? This woman thinks that a big change is going from buying a gallon milk to half a gallon of milk. I was waiting for something like, “He’s a credit to your race.” She said something similar about an uncle, “He’s very handsome for a man of your race.” Ick. Meanwhile, I’m just sitting there not saying anything. My husband is in the backseat with his mouth hanging open.
She goes on to list all of his accomplishments in the Illinois Senate. This woman does not have access to the Internet (we’re making sure she never does). How did she find this all out? She doesn’t have cable TV and when she watches TV, it’s usually those televangelist shows. “I don’t think people want another Clinton. America needs something different. We need someone who can put the country back on track. Senator Clinton won’t do that.” At this point my husband and I are glancing at each other in the rearview. Then she told us that not only did she change her party affiliation, but she’s donated money to the Obama campaign. This is a woman who thinks the only people who should get her money are the televangelist and my husband.
Damn. She had me rethinking my stance on Obama. LOL~
It’s almost like a scene out of a movie – especially all the people crammed in the mini-cooper with two car seats 🙂
Maybe an alien took over your mil’s body.
Maybe you should rethink your stance on your mother-in-law. She’s coming around. I know what it’s like when older relatives find a new “religion.” Give her a call more often.
Good story.
Do I have to? Every time I suspect she’s beginning to behave like a human being again, she does something stupid. It’ll take time, but I guarantee it’ll happen.
Yikes! I’m thinkin you’ll want to wait a bit more before you embrace your newly reformed mil. Those OC 76’rs can be tricky when they want to be. I still get calls from the OC Rep party (they’re too stupid to notice it’s long distance to another state) asking if they can pick my dad up and take him to the polls. I just say you betcha, here’s the address….(he died some 7 yrs ago). Hey, who am I to deny a Rep in need of a road trip?
Yeah, I’d just look at it as a sign the apocalypse is coming. Probably the crafty Lucifer trying to trick you.
What a great story! But FIVE people in a mini?
Before we planned on having kids. My MIL doesn’t drive. We’re too broke to be able to afford taking two trips, so my husband squeezed his narrow ass into the backseat with the babies.
My mother grew up white in the Mississippi Delta in the thirties. For years it was always strained with her. In the last ten years she’s gotten better in accepting people for who they are, not skin color. Not perfect, but a hell of a lot better. I actually think that the country has changed for the better regarding race and she’s getting tugged along with the rest of the world.
To her dying day, my mother always called my dog by my spouses’ name. Was a little embarassing when we had company.
But all I was left wondering was, “Is she still white?” LOL!
She’s still alive, but she’s yellowing now.
Speaking as half of an interracial couple – I will tell you that you are doing that old woman a world of good just by being a part of her family!
You really have to wonder in what directions Bill Clinton, the mastermind, will take Hillary campaign from here. TX, PA, and OH would seem to constitute their last chance. Heard him talking today on TV and the bags under his eyes have never been so pronounced, not since the Lewinsky affair.
Many Democrats are rethinking the Clintons and where they have taken the Democratic party and want to get off the bus.
… but can we save the “beatdown” language for the republicans.
it’s just ugly language, IMO.
But then, I work for an agency that deals extensively with domestic violence, so maybe I’m being a little hypersensitive.
oh christ, not from you brendan. from anyone else. not from you. She’s no privileged pol that deserves special leniency from vituperation.
Maybe I’m being hypersensitive then. I DID deal with a lot of DV related stuff. And the whole notion of campaigning is basically a fight for the prize.
All the candidates KNOW it’s a fight. I guess the metaphor just got me this time.
Carry on.
you feeling sorry for the Clintons?
I don’t. Their restoration project is all about the continuation of:
Money and Power Politics
there’s also that mining deal netting a tidy $131.5 million.
Hey, Ringo’s accepting a Grammy. And he looks pretty much the same as ever.
What the hell happened to Cher’s lips? She looks like a duck.
How old is Tina Turner? She looks great as usual.
wiki says she’s 68. wow.
I hope Beyonce comes back out and sings with her. I loved when she did the tribute to Tina at the Kennedy Center.
As you wish. Tina could be her grandmother. I just can’t get over how amazing she looks….and without obvious plastic surgery?
Not obvious. At least not to me. She looked as good as Beyonce. That was great!
Now Andy Williams has had work done.
he had his neck shortened
Sounds like he had a stroke? Did I miss that?
Now I feel bad for making fun of him. Amy Winehouse won. Oh no, no no.
I don’t know who that is. But I seldom know who most of the people at the Grammy are. Last year I had no idea who Mary J. Blige was. I didn’t know who Beyonce was until she performed with Prince at the Grammys.
Sure you know her: trying to make me go to rehab I said no..no..no.
I feel like a cradle robber thinking Justin Bateman is cute. I loved him in Juno even though his character was … ambiguous.
He’s not much younger than we are…is he? I’ve always thought he was cute. And I sort of had a girl-crush on his sister. 😉
Ok, he’s nine years younger. Perfect.
purrrrrfect 😉
Mmmm hmmm…
ok I just watched her. I had no idea who she was and I didn’t like her too much.
Once we saw him, apparently right after some work was done on his face. He was shiny…he looked like someone sprayed him with super-hi gloss spray. Our waitress said, “Man, I keep expecting his head to melt.”
from you in LA. I can see Andy Williams in Branson 🙂
I was in New Mexico!
oh, well that’s ok then … 😉
Tina Turner looks incredible…isn’t she like 70?
jinx 😉
Hey I heard Obama won a Grammy for the audio-book version of “Audacity of Hope.”
I heard that. I think it was announced earlier with the awards not awarded during the ceremony.
Hay Hillary, Ya can’t get there from here.
Virgin Islands
…Obama’s GRAMMY, beating out Bill Clinton, Maya Angelou (another Clinton supporter), Alan Alda, and even President Carter!
That’s hilarious. I wonder what the spin from Bill will be this time?
I’m also glad to hear that he got lawyers going to Washington regarding the ballot counting. I thought it was BS that with 200 some-odd votes separating McCain and Huckabee, that the State Republican Party Chair halted counting and called it for McCain. That’s shady. Apparently there’s still some 1500 ballots not counted. Besides, which isn’t it odd that the State Party Chair halts ballot counting? Isn’t that was the Registrar of Voter or Secretary of State is supposed to do?
The caucus is an internal party affair. The Secretary of State has nothing to do with it. In fact he was on TV the other day trying to get people to vote in the primary, when we Democrats won’t be using the primary to select any of our delegates. (The Republicans select half of theirs through the primary and half through the caucus. Republicans are weird.)
Hillary’s campaign manager resigns…or is fired?
well there goes the Hispanic vote..
Of course fired. No one ever quits these things (unless they really feel they’ve ruined it, in which case assuredly the candidate has noticed first.)
In a memo from Obama’s campaign manager David Plouffe re:the win in Maine:
That’s the final paragraph of the memo. I am so glad that they are finally using the down-ticket races as a selling point for Obama. This is so important to stress and the media has never brought it up, that I have noticed.
I am so glad that this race is going on so long. This will keep people interested and paying attention to the field work being done by Obama in all of the late states. This will help so much in November. Imagine Obama winning even states like Texas in both the primaries and the general. It IS possible with his brand of field organization.
Sounds like a pitch to the super delegates.
He’ll be stronger in red states. The built-in animus against Clinton just won’t be there.
Agreed. My state of Colorado, for example.
And to the “pinhead” Dem voters critiquing every nuance of every written plan… “Gee, I don’t know. He said Social Security’s got problems. Uhhh, I think I’ll go for what’s familiar – The Clintons. Gee, he doesn’t provide true Universal Healthcare without that mandate.” And on and on…
I just want to tell these people to STFU because Hillary’s not gonna get anything through the Senate anyway once she tears apart both parties with her hysterical brawl to win the white house back. Obama could clear out ALOT of republican seats in the house and also the senate because he’ll bring more dems to the polls in November than McCain can draw republicans. Even in places like Orange County, you could see Roherbacher lose his seat because not enough republicans showed up to vote for him to keep his seat. Seriously. Obama supporters are so energized that they will go through anything to get their vote counted. That’s why he does so well in caucuses and Hillary doesn’t.
Latest count of delegates at RealClearPolitics
≈ Cross-posted from my diary — HRC Fires Campaign Manager Patti Doyle ≈
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Hello all. Thanks for such an outstanding blog Booman. I’m new to this blog so I just wanted to send out a hello to everyone…Hello.
I’m not going to delve into a long explanation but I am pulling for Obama. I am pleased with the results from this weekend.
I think all the controversy and discussion regarding BO and HRC, although a bit ridiculous at times, is a good thing overall. At least more people are paying attention to and discussing that silly little thing known as “government.” Any discussion is better than none at all I suppose. Now if we can just get the mainstream media to actually pay attention to real issues (I’m not holding my breath.)
Hi jdogg. Welcome to the Frog Pond. We’re a pretty good bunch here and don’t bite much unless asked. You should stop by the Welcome Wagon on Wednesday and say hello and introduce yourself.