I am fairly sick today and I have a painfully stiff neck so typing up a long diary will have to wait until later days. However I want to do a shorter diary about taking action for Obama. The most important thing you can do right now if you’re for Obama isn’t to hover in the comments arguing with people who have already voted.  It just isn’t. The best thing you can do right now is take action! Barack has won 20 out of 31 states so far and the delegate battle is close. We’ve got DC, Maryland and Virgina voting on Tuesday then Wisconsin and Hawaii a week later. Then two weeks later is the Super Tuesday (Not to be confused with Super Super Tuesday) in which Vermont, Rhode Island, Ohio and Texas will vote. The party nominee might become clear at that point and every win before then and every vote then will help Obama. So now is the time to take action! Keep reading to find out how.
The Basics:

If you’re interested in participating in this effort to help elect Senator Barack Obama President and win upcoming primaries and caucuses, you should click on one of the two links below:


It’s that simple.

If you click on EVENTS you will be taken to a page where you can enter your Zip Code and a radius and find a list of events near you.

Some of the events involve doing visibility  (I highly recommend this option for those who are shy or new to GOTV), some of the events involve rallies (yet another easy way to break into GOTV and do something social at the same time) and some of the events involve phonebanking and canvassing and also feature training sessions where you can learn to phone bank or canvass in a supportive and positive environment.

Clicking on EVENTS is a no muss, no fuss way to get involved. You can RSVP or, in some cases, just show up, but you don’t have to sign up for anything. This is a way to participate and find out what level of participation is right for you.

Now, if you know you want to be involved directly in the effort to do voter outreach for Barack Obama, especially if you are a seasoned volunteer, you can click on the link that reads VOLUNTEER. Clicking on VOLUNTEER will take you to a page that explains the volunteer philosophy of the Obama campaign and allows you to register as a volunteer at my.barackobama.com.

This is the most powerful thing you can do this weekend, wherever you live in the country, to get involved in electing Barack Obama President of the United States.

When you sign up to VOLUNTEER, you join the team of activists that’s been on the ground in Iowa, in New Hampshire, in Nevada, in South Carolina, and in every Tsunami Tuesday state. You can phone bank from your house, you can hold events of your own, and if you live in one of the upcoming states, you can join other folks just like you in Getting Out the Vote.

That’s it. It’s that simple. Two easy ways to get involved. Now on to another way that you can help out. Hitting the phones!


Phone Banking:

mindoca wrote a great call to action today on phone banking. I recomend you read it all but if you just want to know how to start here goes:

Join the National Call Team. It’s easy. Just go here. From mindoca’s great diary:

You get twenty names at a time, an outline of scripts for your particular state and more.  You can easily open the backgrounder and issues pages simultaenously to have all the information you need at your fingertips.

Sounds easy, right? If you need some more help read “How to (Ba)Rock a Phone Bank” by the great Elise. It will get you going.

That’s not all though:

And finally — and this is muy, muy importante people — if you speak Spanish, you can begin calling into the great state of Texas by linking to the campaign’s Spanish-language calling tool directed specifically at TX.  If you want to get jazzed about TX, have a look at Kath25’s great diary from last night with an on-the-ground report about Texans for Obama and the gargantuan grassroots organizing going on across the state.


Hope that covers phone banking. Now let’s move on.

I know a lot of you are from states that have already voted. One way to help is by joining the National Call Team. Another even easier way is go to ObamaCycle.com and send you’re left over materials to upcoming states were they are needed most. You can respond to specific requests or offer up whatever you have. The official Obama Store is way backlogged so any help to activists in upcoming states is hugely important. Once again, go to ObamaCycle!

The campaign needs every penny it can get to win the nomination. So as I said, every penny helps. To let the campaign know were it’s coming from, donate it via the Netroots for Obama page (formerly the Obamathon.) Over 40k has been donated so far. Every penny counts and make sure to add the netroots penny! Donate now!

There is a lot more then this that you can do but there are 5 easy ways to start taking action. Every bit of help matters right now. Every phone call, every penny, every event, ever yvolunteer every sticker. It all matters and the time to act is now. Hopefully this diary will help inspire you to take action. As Barack says “our time is now.” My friends, let’s go change the world.

Get active!

UPDATE: If you’re in the DC Area that will be voting Tuesday check out this info from howardpark:

Barack Obama Needs YOU!

We need you at the Home Depot parking lot at 901 Rhode Island Ave., NE, right next to the Rhode Island Ave., station on Metro’s Red Line, at 1:00 PM on Tuesday, Feb. 12.  There is plenty of free parking and it is adjacent to the Metro station.  Volunteers should be prepared to work until 8:00 PM when the polls close.  We will assemble and divide up into teams in cars to canvass neighborhoods to knock on doors and “pull” voters out to the polls.  If we can reach 75% on Tuesday, Obama wins ALL of DC’s pledged delegates.  WE NEED YOU ON TUESDAY!  This is a higher priority than working at the polls, this is a higher priority than phone calling, the only higher priority is voting!.  Questions? contact hpark4@aol.com

Please also come to a rally  and precinct leader mobilization with Mayor Adrian Fenty at Obama HQ, 1225 Pennsylvania Ave., SE at 5:30 am on Tuesday.  WE ARE FIRED UP and we can rest on Wednesday, Feb. 13.

In VIRGINIA please volunteer at:

Falls Church Field Office
6066 Leesburg Pike, 4th Floor
Phone: 703-778-6866

Falls Church Phone Bank Location
400 North Washington St, 3rd Floor
Phone: 703-778-6866

Manassas office 10432 Bulls Ford Rd


Lanham Office
9801 Greenbelt Road, Suite 103B
Lanham, MD 20706

Montgomery Office
8601 Georgia Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20910

Prince George’s Office
1101 Mercantile Lane
Largo, MD 20774