OBAMA in ’08.
I just found out about Barack Obama’s tastes are like in music and literature.
I judge people by their cultural understanding.
I really do.
I am an artist, and that’s all that I have to go on.
Here are his Facebook choices in the arts.
Favorite Music:
Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Bob Dylan, Stevie Wonder,
Johann Sebastian Bach (cello suites), and The FugeesFavorite Movies:
Casablanca, Godfather I & II, Lawrence of Arabia and
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s NestFavorite Books:
Song of Solomon (Toni Morrison), Moby Dick,
Shakespeare’s Tragedies, Parting the Waters, Gilead (Robinson), Self-Reliance (Emerson), The Bible, Lincoln’s Collected WritingsFavorite TV Shows:
SportscenterFavorite Quotes:
“The Arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.” (MLK)
I am floored.
May God bless and keep him.
See below for more.
This man could preside over a cultural reawakening of America. (Maybe THAT’S why the founders called the office “Preside[nt]”?)
I am on the boat.
Let us SAIL!!!
Miles and ‘Trane are my two primary jazz influences post-1956 or so.
I practiced…and still play…the Cello Suites as my European music of choice.
Stevie Wonder is musically gifted as only the blind can be gifted, and he stayed human through it all.
The Fugees? This just proves he’s human.
Shkespeare, Moby Dick, Emerson?
I read ’em for pleasure.
The fact that he had the sense not to pick Gofdfather III along with I + II is enough right there.
MLK Jr’s “The Arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends
towards justice.” was my sig for years on the leftiness blogosphere.
And if there is ANY overall point in what i write here, it is this:
Change the music.,,…change the CULTURE…and you can change the nation.
I’m on board.
Bet on it.
Where do I sign up?
I’ll work for free.
I’ll PLAY for free.
I will pot the best in NYC together for free. (Well…I’ll do it for free. Can’t speak for the rest of them. They gotta eat, too…)
Let’s go.
He’s the man.
P.S. Yes, I still respect Hillary Clinton AND her achievements. But this trumps everything as far as I am concerned.
I just cannot see her poppin’ her fingers to Bitches Brew, if y’know what I mean.
If we are to survive, we must reawaken culturally.
It could happen with this guy.
It could happen.
The cultural artifacts, the real artists…they are all there.
Let’s get started.
OBAMA in ’08.
I am ON it, now!!!
Bet on it.
after painstaking study of the candidates’ policies on war, peace, social justice and the economy AG endorses… the one with better taste in music.
anyway, didn’t your state vote a week ago?
REAL music.
All the rest of it is politics.
Ergo, bullshit.
And…I HAVE no state.
Not as far as I am conncerned, anyway.
Except the state of heightened awareness, of course.
Everybody needs a hobby.
hey, welcome to the Obama bandwagon, I’m new here myself.
I will make sure I listen to the Bach cello suites soon. is there a recording you’d recommend?
Pablo Casals
Hey that’s what it really comes down to after all isn’t it? Music and stories. The most fundamental elements of human existence (right after food and water of course).
You can tell a lot about a person by their choices in culture.
Get up off the floor,AG. It’s unseemly and disturbing to see an otherwise rational man spill his mables at any politician’s feet, let alone this one.
Damn shame, it is.
But here is what I see.
Here are the possibilities that I see.
I see the music to which I have dedicated my life, a music that has been dissed beyond belief in its own home for more than 75 years…since the end of the Swing Era…once again taking its rightful place as THE American art music.
I see a culture reinvigorated on all levels by a President who is actually culturally literate on the highest levels.
I have made the following point before on the leftiness blogs and more often than not been rewarded with a fairly deafening silence, but if there is anything that marks my personality it is that I DO keep trying.
The Greeks believed…Plato wrote about it, among many others…that if you change the music of a culture you change that culture.
Purely commercial interests have dumbed down this culture to the point that…well, to the point that we elected a President whose reading level is not much past the My Pet Goat story that he was reading to a group of his near-peers when 9/11 went down.
There has not been a truly cultured President in office since FDR. And look at the “coincidence”!!! During his tenure the popular music of the country was among the most sophisticated popular musics”to ever grace a civilization. It was at the highest level rhythmically, harmonically, melodically, in terms of orchestration and in terms of sheer musicianship. FORGET “idiom”…the people who made the music of the Ellington, Goodman, Dorsey, Basie, Lunceford, Calloway and Shaw bands were musicians who lived on a level of musicianship that is the equal of (and in some ways superior to) that of the greatest Western European and Asian so-called “art” musicians. AND THE PEOPLE WERE DANCING TO THIS SHIT!!!
Unheard of, supe.
Absolutely unheard of.
What came first?
The chicken, the or egg ? The well-functioning society or the music?
It scared Hitler so badly that there were actual Nazi rules about performing music that were put together to RESIST the influx of jazz inti the German culture. Really. You could look it up.
And look where THAT got them.
Crispy critters, eventually.
By some sort of cultural miracle…a miracle that speaks volumes about its intrinsic worth… this music has actually grown and spread both around the world and here at home in terms of the people who play it at a very high level DESPITE the sheer fact that doing so means that one is most likely to live one’s life somewhere around the lower third of the economic ladder. At least that fact is indisputably true here in the U.S., the (relative) financial success of twenty or thirty or even a couple of hundred musicians over the past 60 years notwithstanding.
And now here comes a man who listens to Miles and ‘Trane for pleasure, within striking distance of becoming the President of The United States of Omertica.
The mind boggles.
Just on a purely personal level. supe…one of the things that I do very well is that I can play ALL of the jazz styles that have grown up here over the past 100 years or so, and I am part of a movement that is sometimes called the “Jazz Repertory” movement. In my mid-20s I was privileged to be part of the first orchestra that was put together specifically to play 100 years’ worth of jazz in an idiomatically authentic manner, Chuck Israels’ National Jazz Ensemble, and I have been a memeber of the Smithsonian Jazz Masterworks Orchestra since its inception in 1990.
The Clinton years.
Largely sponsored by John Conyers.
In Washington DC.
And the band flew high during those Clinton years. Why? Among other reasons, because Bill Clinton actually KNEW something about the music. It wasn’t just a way to garner black votes to him; he could play a passable blues on the tenor sax…I know, he sat in with us…even without practicing or playing regularly for 30 years or so.
And…Quel coïncidence!!!…from the day that Butch got elected until about 4 months ago (now that Butcher Boy AND the Ratpubs seem very likely to be outta there) the orchestra has been on a steady downward trajectory in terms of funding and work.
And now…quite unexpectedly…we are leaving on a State Department-sponsored tour of Egypt this week.
This WITHOUT a hip in the White House.
It has been often said that all politics is personal.
Well…THIS is personal.
To ME.
Sue me.
And it is personal on other levels as well.
Like, say…the survival of the human race.
Sue yourself.
So it goes.
Thanks for the history lesson AG. I’m fully aware of Jazz’s place in our culture and I’m damn aware of your opinion of it’s preeminence as a music genre. Not saying it sucks, but it’s your opinion.
Anyway, my point was that you’re endorsing a politician based on a mutual preference for music. Come on, AG. That’s too shallow for you. I mean, a few days ago you had me convinced you were an authentic anti-establishment man like Carlin. Remember? Fuckem? Now this. It’s unseemly, Sir. Get hold of your senses man.
…and enjoy your trip to Egypt :o) Shake the pyramids with that horn of yours. It’s what you do…and should stick too.
as well before I am through.
Bet on it.
I must say AG, as a frequent reader of your posts here, I to am rather surprised at you sudden conversion. But understanding (as much as a non-musician can) your passion for the music, I can relate to your point here. JFK led a new interest in “the arts” during his brief time in the White House. You are right about the 30’s and 40’s too. The Nazi’s hated Jazz, or so they said.
If Obama speaks to you in your language, so be it. I can’t quibble with the Man’s tastes either. Maybe there is a spot in his administration for a cultural ambassador from NY??
Bet on it! 😉