There have been so many depressing days during the Bush administration, but today stands to be one of the best days and one of the worst. The Senate is going to pass a version of the FISA bill that is totally unacceptable to civil libertarians and that eviscerates our privacy rights. And, yet, if the polls can be believed, Barack Obama is going to sweep the Potomac Primaries and take a solid lead in the presidential nominating contest.
There is still some hope on the FISA bill. Everything now depends on the House of Representatives and the House/Senate conference on the bill. (More on that later).
Ever since Russ Feingold announced that he would not be running for president it has been clear that progressives would not have a true champion in the primaries (Kucinich notwithstanding). We could rally around Edwards’ populist message (if we bought it as sincere), we could latch on to Chris Dodd’s defense of the Constitution (despite his lack of viability), we could buy into Richardson’s more aggressive Iraq withdrawal plan (if we ignored his call for the line-item veto and neo-liberal policies), or we could choose between the frontrunners.
Obama and Clinton both long ago began casting each vote with an eye for how it would affect the core Democratic constituencies they needed to win the nomination. The end result is that they have nearly identical voting records. They crafted their health, education, and foreign policy papers with the same constituencies in mind…the result is that they are nearly identical. The other result is that progressives have little to be offended by and just as little to be excited about. We’ve been served a bowl of oatmeal by both candidates. But looks can be deceiving.
Despite Hillary Clinton’s carefully crafted voting record and policy papers, she is the champion of Clintonism, or The Third Way, or corporate-Democratism, or triangulation, or whatever you want to call it. There were other champions in the race…originally. Evan Bayh and Tom Vilsack both gave strong consideration to making a run for president, dropping out last fall. Clintonism, as a philosophy, developed in response to Walter Mondale’s crushing defeat in 1984. The defeat was interpreted as proof that the Democratic Party had become soft on defense, hostile to business, and out of touch with the country’s conservative social values. In order to both appeal to voters in the South (and Heartland) and to compete in raising corporate donations, the Democratic Party needed to distance itself from unpopular interest groups (unions, feminists, gays, the urban poor), and start praising huge military budgets, deregulation, and free trade.
Whatever the merits of the strategy in theory, the immediate result was disastrous. Within two years of the Clintons coming to power, the Democrats lost both houses of Congress. Ironically, the losses came predominantly from the very South that Clintonism was designed to appeal to.
Meanwhile, New Democrats maintained their belief that we were losing elections because we were too secular, too associated with the urban poor, and too soft on military issues. And then came 9/11. Go back and look at the record. Clintonites like Dick Gephardt led the charge on the AUMF Iraq, while Clintonite intellectuals like Peter Beinert and Michael O’Hanlon gave cover for ‘serious’ people to be for the war. Clintonite newsrags like The New Republic lashed into Howard Dean’s race for the presidency and Clintonite operatives like Paul Begala and James Carville fought to keep Deaniacs (and Dean himself) out of positions of influence within the party.
The New Democrats were reluctantly convinced, for political reasons, to oppose Social Security privitization in 2005, but they have been among the least likely to oppose continued war funding, to condemn torture, to condemn how we deal with enemy combatants, or to push against telecom immunity, while they were the most likely to vote for the Bankruptcy Bill.
Some people have looked at the similarity between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton’s platforms and concluded both that Clinton isn’t really a Clintonite and that Barack Obama is a Clintonite. This is wrong. Clintonism is a faction within the Democratic Party whose foremost interest is sustaining the power of its members. It is impossible that Barack Obama could be a Clintonite at the same time as he beats the Clintons and takes away the jobs of all their supporters and gives them to new people that do not like the Clintons. That doesn’t mean that the Clintonites have not tried to claim Obama as their own:
“I am not currently, nor have I ever been, a member of the DLC,” said Obama, in a statement that substantially reflects a telephone conversation with Associate Editor Bruce Dixon, this weekend. “It does appear that, without my knowledge, the DLC…listed me in their ‘New Democrat’ directory,” Obama continued. “Because I agree that such a directory implies membership, I will be calling the DLC to have my name removed, and appreciate your having brought this fact to my attention.”
When asked whether he supported universal health care and opposed NAFTA and the AUMF-Iraq, Obama, saying yes, said:
You are undoubtedly correct that these positions make me an unlikely candidate for membership in the DLC. That is why I am not currently, nor have I ever been, a member of the DLC. As I stated in my previous letter, I agreed to be listed as “100 to watch” by the DLC. That’s been the extent of my contact with them. It does appear that, without my knowledge, the DLC also listed me in their “New Democrat” directory. Because I agree that such a directory implies membership, I will be calling the DLC to have my name removed, and appreciate your having brought this fact to my attention.
Ironically, Clinton would say the same thing…if she could. Unfortunately, that AUMF-Iraq is there on the record. Clinton’s pro-corporate universal health care plan is sincere, and there’s some evidence that she had her doubts about NAFTA. The key is to look at the DLC members themselves and see who they are supporting. To a woman, they are supporting either Clinton or McCain. And that should tell you all you need to know about what the elites think about this race and who will serve whose interests.
Ever since the decision to invade Iraq was made, there have two factions in the Democratic Party. On one side was the DLC, the Clintons, the old party hands, the hawkish intellectuals, and The New Republic. On the other was Howard Dean, the netroots,, Iraq Vets Against the War, and progressives of all stripes. Today we may see the former faction hand George W. Bush unprecedented spying powers, while the latter faction nails another nail in the coffin of Clintonism by sweeping the Potomac Primaries.
Living in Cali, a Democrat soon realizes the difference between a Feintstein and a Boxer. I don’t know why Clinton supporters ignore the people around her. Stephen Zunes, from Common Dreams:
“Senator Clinton’s foreign policy advisors tend to be veterans of President Bill Clinton’s administration, most notably former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and former National Security Adviser Sandy Berger. Virtually all were strong supporters of the invasion of Iraq and some – such as Jack Keane, Kenneth Pollack and Michael O’Hanlon – also supported President Bush’s “surge.” Her team also includes some centrist opponents of the war, however, including retired General Wesley Clark and former Ambassador Joseph Wilson.
“Her most influential advisor – and her likely choice for Secretary of State – is Richard Holbrooke, who prior to the invasion of Iraq insisted that that country posed “a clear and present danger at all times,” insisted that Bush had “ample justification” to invade Iraq, and has written that those who protested against the war and foreign governments which opposed the invasion “undoubtedly encouraged” Saddam Hussein. Holbrooke has been severely criticized for his role as Carter’s assistant secretary of state for East Asia in propping up Marcos in the Philippines and supporting Suharto’s repression in East Timor, as well as his culpability in the Kwangju massacre in South Korea.
“There is every reason to suspect that Hillary Clinton as president would pursue a foreign policy very similar to that of her husband.”
It’s hard out here for a war pimp with a union buster doing her triangulation while trying to look like an anti-war person of the people.
As far as I’m concerned it is a distraction to look at the candidates too closely. People making a decision based on sympathy for Clinton and all she’s been through, or thinking that she’s a fighter, or because she’s fought for health care, or because she’s a woman…etc. Or because Obama is inspirational, or because he’s a minority, etc. That’s not the best way to look at things.
Go back to 2000. Gore said he was representing the ‘people vs. the powerful’ but he selected Lieberman as his Veep and surrounded himself with DLC’ers. Bush said he was a uniter who wanted a humble foreign policy. But he selected Cheney and surrounded himself with neo-conservatives.
Don’t look at what they say. Look at their allies.
Do a google of Hillary Clinton and Evan Bayh and see how much speculation there is that he will be Hillary’s VP. Look at how much speculation there is that Harold Ford will take over the DNC. Look at who Vilsack endorsed.
sometimes i get the feeling you are fear mongering just like the neocons do.
harold ford is not going to take over the dnc and kick out dean if hillary is the president.
there are plenty of deaniacs supporting hillary.
Don’t be so sure of that. It doesn’t matter that Deaniacs are supporting her–those who she’ll put in charge at the DNC are not.
As AG would say, bet on it.
These people already do not like him and are contemptuous of him. They do not believe in the 50 state strategy even when all evidence points to its effectiveness. So on what basis would Billary keep him if she wins?
And, since she’ll need to offer folks a bone, Ford’s the perfect one to pick. So for now, he’s chillin’ at the DLC. But not for long if she wins.
Knowing the difference between a Feinstein and a Boxer. I LIKE that. Nicely put!
And I’ll not soon forget that CBS 60 Minutes interview with Albright responding to the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi babies due to our sanctions.
said she, “It’s worth it”
so Albright is Hillary’s foreign policy adviser? That should tell you all you need to know on Hillary’s children’s advocacy. Add, HRC is also OK with cluster bombs.
clinton supporters ignore the people around her because they feel internally that she will support them on the issues that they care about….womens reproductive rights almost always trump the war as an issue with most progressive women.
do you really think obama supporters care about who obama surrounds himself with? i seriously doubt they even know who those people are….and if they did i doubt they would care…they care about whether obama will support them on their issues…because he is one of them.
or because he isnt the bitch.
the point is that Clinton supporters are almost assuredly wrong.
And of course Ford will replace Dean. That’s almost a 100% certainty.
Anna, the same article I quoted also names Obama’s (and Edwards’) foreign policy advisors. None of them are great, but Clinton’s are the worst. Easy to google: Stephen Zunes, foreign policy, Common Dreams.
THAT is a great essay and one I will be forwarding on to many many people.
It’s comments like that from Obama that actually DO give me a scintilla of hope for the future, even as I am grinding my teeth down to stumps over Harry Pussy, Jello Jay, and the civil liberties give-away.
I mean auction: after all, AT&T paid good money for those 4th Amendment rights of ours.
Ah, but only citizens have rights. Somewhere along the way we became consumers instead, and all consumers have is data.
o/t Goldy over at HorsesAss worked into the wee hours of the morning to put together the WA state results of the Rep caucus…and guess what, McCain didn’t win anything
The hangover of Clinton the First advisors still close to a proposed Clinton the Second are what finally made me decide to support Obama in our caucus last Saturday.
That, and the fact the Obama seems more likely to continue Dean’s 50 state strategy (since Obama gave enough of a damn to campaign in Omaha and not just send a surrogate).
Also, Hillary brought out the Republicans here to re-register as Dems and caucus against her. Hopefully, they won’t be motivated to show up in November to vote for McCain if Hillary isn’t a candidate
The funniest thing about attending the Nebraska Dem caucus last Saturday was seeing so many people that were proud to be Dems and were actively supporting Dems. (It gets lonely around here). We had close to a thousand people at our site in red suburban hell (only 200 were expected). There were over 6,000 at a Sarpy county site (again, only a couple of hundred were expected) – Sarpy county is the extremely RED county of Omaha suburban hell (Douglas, my county, has more blue).
OK, so I have to get out there and get to work. I had some work related stuff to turn in, and then I got some devastating news from one of my best friends, and I just needed to be that ear for her.
So today, it’s gonna be tough to be my normal cheery self, but it’s important.
What gave me some great news was to hear of the lines at my parents’ polling place in Va. LOTS of older folks in line, according to Mom. My Mom and Dad are so proud to vote for him. They even sent Obama’s campaign $50 today. To my knowledge, they’ve NEVER given a candidate a donation. (Those damned McAwful people–we kept telling them to work on fundraising targeted to low donors and to really cultivate for African Americans, and no one seemed to listen. Dumb!)
And Mom’s on the case for Obama. She recently learned that one of her friends was planning to vote for Clinton, and she said:
Oh. My. God. I so love my Mom! Isn’t she awesome?!?! :<)
Thanks for sharing and here’s hoping the YoYo of the day keeps on coming back up for ya.
It is always so great to hear the stories of the wise generation joining the smart generation.
Yo-yo is right.
Oh, I have more to add, but gotta make last minute calls.
Great article. I have felt abandoned by the Democratic party for a long time. Howard Dean was the first person to wake me from my apathetic slumber. I had written politics off as something that didn’t pertain to me but was solely in the hands of corporations. You bring up some great points about the type of people associated with Senator Clinton.
It’s refreshing to come to a blog that isn’t a circular firing squad. Thanks.
It’s refreshing to come to a blog that isn’t a circular firing squad. Thanks.
Ya done good, BooMan.
hillary is in the circle….and she is being fired upon continually….demonized beyond belief.
Some of the plains states senators (Conrad, Ben Nelson, Johnson) endorsed Obama for obvious electability reasons, but Pryor, Lincoln, Bill Nelson, Evan Bayh, Herb Kohl, Inouye (NO), Mikulski (NO), and Stabenow all endorsed Clinton. Salazar hasn’t endorsed, but obviously fits in with his New Democratic allies.
It’s not demonization to point out that the New Democrats are the Clintonite faction and that they just sold our privacy rights down the river. It’s not an accident that most of them voted for the war (even though 23 Senate Dems did not). If you want to know who endorsed Clinton, just ask yourself if you think they are a douchebag. If you think that they are, chances are they endorsed Clinton. It certainly works for the Pennsylvania reps.
and obama didnt bother to vote…which says much more to me.
and where is casey….did he vote?
he is the epitome of dlc to me.
are these people douchebags?
joe wilson, wesley clark, michael nutter, rev bill gray, maya angelou, maria cantwell, bobby kennedy jr, alice huffman, wilma mankiller, erica jong, charles rangel.
now think about this…you called people who endorse clinton douchebags…think about where that word comes from.
the sexism is so internal you dont even know it when you are experiencing it.
Obama voted correctly on all votes. As did Casey.
Clinton did not show up even though she is in and around the Capitol today.
i was wrong about the votes….i read the first list i saw today backwards or something.
however i stand by my assertion that you cant say this list is not a circular firing squad….clinton is a progressive democrat and i am hoping you will vote for whomever the nominee is in november just like you voted for casey reluctantly 2 years ago. as i remember you didnt like it but you voted anyway.
I voted against Santorum.
I’m not going to tell other people how to vote if Clinton is the nominee. I don’t vote for people that campaign the way the Clintons do. If they hadn’t race-baited, tried to disenfranchise people, robocalled, alluded to his Muslim heritage and past as crack dealer, etc, I would have held my nose. They lost my vote in South Carolina.
you wont vote against mccain?
you wont vote against the absolute fact we will get right wing activist justices on the supreme court if a republican wins the white house again?
if you were a woman i believe you would think twice about that.
you wont vote against mccain and his 100 year war?
i dont think i believe you.
trust me. they lost my vote. I only voted against Santorum because Santorum provoked me relentlessly.
I needed to vote against him out of spite. I knew Casey was going to win, but I wanted Santorum to lose by the maximum amount.
I don’t have the same animus against John McCain. I will simply vote for the down ticket races. There’s no way I will ever cast a ballot for a Clinton for any office ever again.
It didn’t have to be this way. They didn’t have to campaign this way.
But, on the other hand, I never told anyone, not even my girlfriend, that they should vote for Casey. I just pointed out how important it was that he win and that Senate control most likely depended on it (as it turned out, it did). But if someone didn’t want to vote for a pro-lifer I totally understood and supported that decision. I didn’t want to vote for him either and worked to get Pennacchio taken seriously, to no avail.
As for your list, Nutter’s endorsement is payback for Obama’s endorsement for Fattah. I know he wishes he could take it back now.
As for the rest, I’ve never been a fan of Wes Clark and I think less of the others for their decision. But people have different priorities. I generally don’t support political factions that want to destroy my ideological allies. It’s just not smart.
how do you know that about nutter?
you have a deeply visceral reaction to clinton… you understand the deeply visceral reaction i had to casey?
i can explain my reaction….he wants to take away a womans right to make her own reproductive decisions. thats like putting me in chains… would be like a person who wanted to bring back slavery….i would expect a visceral reaction from someone about that.
how do you explain your VISCERAL reaction to clinton?
Circular firing squad was more in reference to a multitude of blogs that no matter what the subject turn into a pissing match about HRC v. BO. It is great to discuss the strenghts and weaknesses of both candidates based on voting records and their stance on the issues. (When they actually get around to discussing them.) The problem on most blogs is it just gets nasty with personal attacks on fellow bloggers or the candidates. It just doesn’t do anyone any good. I was just pointing out that this blog seems very level headed and civil.
I for one am voting Democrat even though I feel quite alienated by the party given their lackluster performance in the House and Senate on major issues: FISA, funding for the war, The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Act (Sponsored by Rep. Jane Harman D) The Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act etc.
Take Care
So Retro immunity is on its way! And we can thank 18 “Democratic supporters of the bush castration for htis latest abomination. Well, Given all of the yo yoing and the fucking posturing of lying gooper lite tools in the senate and given the grand deception being put forth by the Democratic party, I can no longer support the party and everyone that claims to be a Democratic representative of the citizens of this once great country.
I will find a party that offers me the opportunity to vote my conscience. I wont hold my nose. Sorry Obama, can’t do it. I strongly urge everyone out there to at least consider the possibility of not, I repeat NOT voting for the dems this time around. if you do, keep in mind that there is no difference between any of them. They are all corrupt. They don’t have the fortitude to stand for what is right. They lie, decieve, spin! They take money from the corporate structure and thus are owned, lock stock and barrel by thier masters.
I’m Done!
there were a lot of words there.
“Ever since the decision to invade Iraq was made, there have two factions in the Democratic Party. On one side was the DLC, the Clintons, the old party hands, the hawkish intellectuals, and The New Republic. On the other was Howard Dean, the netroots,, Iraq Vets Against the War, and progressives of all stripes.”
this is a complete oversimplification which weakens your argument almost to the point of being meaningless.
there are not 2 factions…its not us and them according to war support………are you splitting us into pro war dems and anti war dems? thats not the only issue out there and its not the most important issue in the long run for women as far as i can tell….why dont we split the dems into pro gay marriage and anti gay marriage factions? or pro abortion on demand and anti abortion on demand factions….there is a bigger more complicated picture out there….i remember plenty of deaniacs on the dean for america blog saying they supported dean even though they disagreed with him on guns or the war or whatever….i suspect most dems dont really care about the inner political machinations of the dlc vs dfa or whatever…..i doubt most dems even know what the dlc is….or care…they care about their mortgage payments and the price of gas and they shop at walmart to save money and dont give a fuck whether hillary served on its board or michelle obama served on the board of one of its suppliers….they dont care if AT&T listened to their conversations with their mistresses, they only care how much the bill is at the end of the month…..they dont see a difference in obama and clinton except SEX AND COLOR……….i believe this to be an absolute fact….the differences are too subtle to be seen by the majority of the electorate (herd) and they are voting either because they relate to one or the other in a shallow way or they cant tolerate one or the other in an equally shallow way.
if obama wins it will not be because dems rejected the dlc…it will be because more people voted in allignment with their racial identity or against the bitch than voted with their sexual identity…..its a numbers game….and yes there are people who crossed…of course there are….just like all the anti dlc people who voted for casey however reluctantly.
i dont care if obama or hillary wins…they are the same to me…my candidate isnt in the race.
i repeat…lots of words up there…but not many regarding womens issues….i repeat….its not the war that divides us….its identity.
I am wondering how black women fit into this scenario…are the supposed to reject their racial identity or their sexual identity? By similar logic, am I racist if I don’t vote for Obama or antifeminist if I don’t vote for Hillary? Am I both if I tell you I was leaning Edwards before he dropped out?
Or is this more oversimplication of the reasons people vote for one candidate over another?
i cant answer personally….there are AA women all over the internet discussing their feelings….hell even whoopi is discussing her feelings about that on the view.
i can say one thing….no matter who wins it will be white men who decide this election….again….will they vote for the old white war hero who will go back to being a centrist the minute he gets the nomination and who will talk like a winner on iraq….will they vote for the black guy they dont feel threatened by because he is really a white guy and didnt vote for war…or will they vote for the bitch?
the golden rule dictates the guys with the gold rule….and the guys are all white guys no matter who wins the election.
As a black female, it’s nice to be told that I don’t think about my choices, that clearly I’m choosing because I’m black OR because I’m female. Nope, no deep research here in this brain. Ovaries or skin color is as deep as it gets with me.
And I don’t understand why you insist on calling Clinton “the bitch”. That’s not nice at all and I don’t appreciate it.
its your demonizing of clinton i have an issue with.
supporting one or the other i dont have an issue with, regardless of your or anyones reason.
i have an issue with you doing to clinton what you and others specifically booman say clinton has done to obama.
okay, give me an example of where I demonize her.
I think that is absurd.
I oppose Clintonism, the DLC, the New Democrat coalition that just sold our FISA rights down the river, The New Republic, War Hawks, Triangulators, people that follow Dick Morris and Mark Penn’s policy advice, etc.
I’ve said all along that my problem with Hillary has very little to do with her as a person. I have always said she was electable and would beat any Republican (although without much in the way of coattails). I’ve defended her against attacks that she is just a stalking horse for her husband, or that her experience at First Lady was insufficient or a detriment. But I can’t support Clintonism and have done all that is within my limited power to oppose it. That’s not demonizing anyone, it is sticking up for what I believe and for my political allies.
you just called everyone who supports her a douchebag….belittling supporters is part of demonizing.
you have raised the unfounded fear that hillary being elected will mean dean is disposed of…thats fear mongering at its worst.
continually spinning her words and her husbands words to fit your meme….like clinton saying obama voters dont work etc etc etc….you have completely fallen in line with the spinmeisters on this…..i read the same things and come to totally different conclusions you come to.
and this idea that clinton wont have coattails enough to get us as many dem senators….more fear mongering…the sky will fall if clinton is the nominee.
i think more people are going to vote for dems because they hate republicans and what they have done to this country the past 8 years than hate the clintons and what they did the previous 8.
to me the people going around saying obama will ruin the ticket and insure a republican win because racist america wont vote for the black guy are just as bad as the people going around saying clinton will ruin the ticket and insure a republican win because people wont vote for that bitch hillary.
and dont show me polls….they are wrong too often.
it’s funny that you preclude me from showing you polls. By the way, polls that have already closed are accurate. And based on those polls, Obama is driving youth turnout up 4-5% (he’s getting between 55% at the worst and more regularly, 75% of their vote). He’s also winning overwhelmingly in the Senate states of: Alaska (Ted Stevens), Idaho (Larry Craig), Minnesota (Norm Coleman) Colorado (Wayne Allard), Kansas (Pat Roberts), Nebraska (Chuck Hagel), Alabama (Jeff Sessions), Georgia (Saxby Chambliss), South Carolina (Lindsey Graham), and Maine (Susan Collins).
But why bother you with facts, since you don’t want them. The Clintons want Dean out and if you don’t want to admit that then what point is there in arguing. It’s their campaign that floats DLC Chairman Ford’s name for the DNC. It’s their campaign that floats former DLC chairmen Vilsack and Bayh for VP.
I’ve provided the links before. What’s to argue?
here is a fact i have been trying to digest now for about an hour.
it was important for you, a white progressive male, to cast a vote for casey/against santorum…and it didnt even matter because santorum was so far behind casey a few throwaway votes would not have mattered…..but it wont be important enough for you to cast a vote for the dem whether hillary or obama against a republican…..when we can be pretty sure that every vote will matter.
the make up of the supreme court isnt that important to you?
to me this is the most important vote we may ever see in our lifetime.
as a woman…its important to me.
i will vote for either dem…its too important to me.
im feeling the difference…i may not be able to put this into the best words….but i can see and feel the difference in how pro choice women will feel from men whether they are pro choice or not.
im trying to think if any women have told me they wont vote if hillary is the nominee…so far i can only think of men who have told me that…..those polls you love….i wouldnt be surprised if the ones that illustrate hillary’s high negatives parse out as men wont support hillary.
how can you vote against your interests like that? would you rather have a republican in the white house than hillary?
that has to be a male female thing…..i just cant explain it any other way. the issues important to women are different than the issues important to men.
excellent points anna.
I fully intend to vote for Hillary if she is the nominee. I am a one issue voter in the fall – the Supreme Court.
anna, this election isn’t going to be any closer than santorum/casey was. It’s going to be a blowout of one size or another. Hillary will win Pennsylvania. Let me make this clear to you. I won’t vote for Clinton because her campaign has tried to turn whites against blacks, Americans against Muslims, tried to disenfranchize students in Iowa, and casino workers and nurses in Las Vegas, because they tried to suggest Obama is a traitor to his race, an Uncle Tom, a ghetto huckster, a drug dealer, because they push-polled in South Carolina and California…
Did Bob Casey do any of those things?
You can accuse me of whatever you want, but this has nothing to do with gender. I have consistently advocated for more women in office and have been a donor to Emily’s List. I oppose Clintonism for their ideology and for reasons of power within the party. But I could vote for a Clintonite. I can’t endorse the Clinton campaign and live with myself.
If I knew the presidency would be decided by my vote and my vote alone, I would choose Clinton over McCain. But that is not the decision I have to make.
no…what casey did was say my religion is better than your religion….my rules are better than your rules….and heres a big fuck you to women….instead of minding his own business and making decisions for his body only he says he will make decisions for all other women….he is going to be in charge of my body and thats that….he could have said i dont believe in this therefore i wont do it…no he insists on interfering in my life and my rights.
to me that is way worse than anything the clinton campaign has done.
by the way i called clintons office to bitch about the no show on the fisa vote. i also called bidens office to say thanks. i usually call them to bitch about something so this was different for me.
I understand how you feel. I don’t think anyone can accuse me of not taking a stand against Casey. In addition to what I wrote here, I berated one of his staffers in public when he tried to tell me that Casey had some kind of epiphany on gay rights and I declined to shake Casey’s hand when he crashed a meeting of bloggers in The Khyber. I think Casey is the only anti-choice I have ever voted for, and it was purely about my burning desire to vote against Santorum. I never gave anyone a hard time that refused to vote for him. I totally understood. Again…I didn’t want to vote for him either.
I don’t know if there is any more point in debating this. Casey would not have received my vote if he had been running against Lynn Swann and used surrogates to call him a Muslim drug-dealing traitor to his race, and then did push-polling and voter suppression.
Calling her and her campaign out on their race-baiting is demonizing? Fine. I’m cool with that. Otherwise, your statement is 100% horseshit, as I was still defending Clinton even after her Iowa lost. Even after all of her KKK dog whistles.