Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
It won’t be Condi — what would happen to the racist constituency they have to depend on? A subterranean vote against presidenting while black is their only hope. I’m sure the GOP intellectuals will make McCain see the light.
Much of the racist constituency already hates McCain because of his immigration stance, so I was figuring they’re lost already.
OK, I’ll just revise and predict it will be on old white man with 98% certainty 😉
Though if McCain wants to really get some of the lizard brains, he’d put some very attractive, hardcore conservative woman on the ticket. I actually know people who were supporting Fred Thompson solely because he was a) Republican and b) has a hot wife.
Dumbest thing written on a mainstream blog today – Tim Tagaris on the Senate FISA vote today:
Despite the fact we failed, this was a pretty rewarding experience. Without “us” making our collective voices heard online (and offline), this thing would have sailed through the Senate with nary a peep. I am sure Dodd would have fought, but this hard? To this effect? I am not sure.
If you count this as an accomplishment, I strain to recall another where we have played a similarly important and direct role. We’ve made a difference in electoral campaigns, clearly. To do so in the halls of Congress is something altogether different, and exciting for the future.
uh … Tim? Read your first line again. You failed. You don’t get to count it as an accomplishment if you fail – no matter how many “peeps” get made during the process.
When bloggers become part of the process they cease to be able to critique the process.
Despite the bitter disappointment many of us feel tonight, take a bit of heart in this–we could have lost everything in December, if Chris Dodd hadn’t mobilized a massive grassroots effort against it.
Not sure what she’s saying here. We could have lost everything in December but … hey!!! We fought on and lost in February!!!!
Again – bloggers who become part of the process lose the distance necessary to criticize the process.
You know, I don’t have cable so the only time I see him is when I’m in the airport waiting for a plane and they have it on in the gate area. One night I was waiting for a flight and he was going on and on and on with the most vile and racist language and I looked around and wondered how ordinary Americans can even tolerate having him on in the background. But everyone was sitting passively in the gate area, gazing blankly at the screen just letting it flow over their heads.
You make a stink to get them to change the channel or turn it off. I always make a scene when I’m held hostage to Fox. I’ll rebut talking points (loudly) or even worse, I’ll start singing my best Whitney Houston impression of “I Will Always Love You.” Yeah. You bet they can find the remote real quick.
Boo–you cannot know how happy I am right now. I could absolutely cry, I am very serious. She is wonderful! If she wins in the general–it should be a foregone conclusion in my heavily Dem district, but I’d never discount some tomfoolery from At–she’d be the first African American woman Member of Congress from the state of Maryland.
And she is a real PROGRESSIVE.
Y’all ain’t givin’ enough props around here. I can’t hear you!!!! You don’t get any higher quality Democrat than Donna.
Oh. My. God. I’m so happy! I’ve dreamed of this day for a long time and she will need our continued support. I actually had two people I could VOTE FOR today, instead of just voting against the repubs?!?! And did they ever come through. Wow!! Though I stopped voting for Sleazy Al 10 years ago.
It’s the awesome, dynamic Donna Edwards over Al Wynn 60%-36% with 49% of precincts reporting.
I am one very, very, VERY happy woman tonight!!!
But please, I ask you all to give to her–the DC area is NOT a cheap place to run a congressional campaign, and she needs to cement her hold on this district.
Maybe he’ll pick Ken Salazar! They both like spying, and long walks with spineless jellyfish. Plus, Salazar isn’t using his Democrat card anyway.
Yikes, a little warning before sending me to a ‘Right’ wing sight…
I feel as if I have to go shower now…..
I hereby predict with 99.5% certainty that it will either be Condi Rice or an old white guy.
It won’t be Condi — what would happen to the racist constituency they have to depend on? A subterranean vote against presidenting while black is their only hope. I’m sure the GOP intellectuals will make McCain see the light.
Much of the racist constituency already hates McCain because of his immigration stance, so I was figuring they’re lost already.
OK, I’ll just revise and predict it will be on old white man with 98% certainty 😉
Though if McCain wants to really get some of the lizard brains, he’d put some very attractive, hardcore conservative woman on the ticket. I actually know people who were supporting Fred Thompson solely because he was a) Republican and b) has a hot wife.
I believe you’ve got it — Ann Coulter. Perfect.
Coulter only if Hillary gets the nomination (aging White woman vs. aging White woman), Michelle Malkin if it’s Obama (hot ethnic vs. hot ethnic).
visions of steadman’s ‘lizards in the lobby’ from HST’s Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas…aaarrrggghhhhhh
I’m thinking an old white guy, or an older white guy.
You’re going out on an even shorter limb than I am 😉
Didn’t he just appear with McCain at an event somewhere?
He’s definitely old, and definitely white.
How ’bout it?
Wilfred Brimley for Vice President.
How about Harry Reid?
He’s pro-life, he enables Bush’s legislation, and he sure loves honoring GOP holds.
or Mary Landrieu? She’s a reliable right wing vote.
he needs an insurance policy: the best vp candidate for Crazy Mccain would be Rick Santorum.
i forgot about that.
that’s some list. they left out herr doktor frist tho…he’d bring the fundie/schiavo-ite/pro-lifers back into the fold.
Lieberman is rumored to be invited to attend the GOP convention.
Jeb Bush
Gary Bauer
How about Bill telediagnosis Frist?
This part of the column almost makes sense
Except that
That list of small-time chumps plus a big-time war criminal makes me feel better about the democratic candidates.
Dumbest thing written on a mainstream blog today – Tim Tagaris on the Senate FISA vote today:
uh … Tim? Read your first line again. You failed. You don’t get to count it as an accomplishment if you fail – no matter how many “peeps” get made during the process.
When bloggers become part of the process they cease to be able to critique the process.
I assume this means a gold star or smiley face sticker is out of the question?
Never fear – I’m sure Jane will give him one. The mutual admiration society never lets one of their own down.
If they did, it wouldn’t be mutual 😉
It’s amazing how quickly the blogosphere can go from circular firing squad to circle jerk and back.
and now we have McJoan:
Not sure what she’s saying here. We could have lost everything in December but … hey!!! We fought on and lost in February!!!!
Again – bloggers who become part of the process lose the distance necessary to criticize the process.
I would have snorted it out of my nose.
Yep. That’s exactly how I read that line.
Lou Dobbs. He’s got to show the base that he hates Mexicans as much as they do.
You know, I don’t have cable so the only time I see him is when I’m in the airport waiting for a plane and they have it on in the gate area. One night I was waiting for a flight and he was going on and on and on with the most vile and racist language and I looked around and wondered how ordinary Americans can even tolerate having him on in the background. But everyone was sitting passively in the gate area, gazing blankly at the screen just letting it flow over their heads.
It’s even scary to watch him with the sound off. He’s snarling and sneering and his eyes are so full of hatred and anger…
You make a stink to get them to change the channel or turn it off. I always make a scene when I’m held hostage to Fox. I’ll rebut talking points (loudly) or even worse, I’ll start singing my best Whitney Houston impression of “I Will Always Love You.” Yeah. You bet they can find the remote real quick.
Sleazy Al, nobody’s pal, is goin’ down tonight. So far, the Dynamic Donna Edwards is up 56ish percent to 36ish percent w/ a/b 38ish% reporting. Yes!!!
Will keep you posted.
Yes!! Indeed.
Boo–you cannot know how happy I am right now. I could absolutely cry, I am very serious. She is wonderful! If she wins in the general–it should be a foregone conclusion in my heavily Dem district, but I’d never discount some tomfoolery from At–she’d be the first African American woman Member of Congress from the state of Maryland.
And she is a real PROGRESSIVE.
Y’all ain’t givin’ enough props around here. I can’t hear you!!!! You don’t get any higher quality Democrat than Donna.
Oh. My. God. I’m so happy! I’ve dreamed of this day for a long time and she will need our continued support. I actually had two people I could VOTE FOR today, instead of just voting against the repubs?!?! And did they ever come through. Wow!! Though I stopped voting for Sleazy Al 10 years ago.
Give it up for Donna!!!!!!!!!!!!!
check the front page peachie.
Sorry…my exuberance and all.
I really am near tears. You have no idea how happy I am!
…but they might as well have.
It’s the awesome, dynamic Donna Edwards over Al Wynn 60%-36% with 49% of precincts reporting.
I am one very, very, VERY happy woman tonight!!!
But please, I ask you all to give to her–the DC area is NOT a cheap place to run a congressional campaign, and she needs to cement her hold on this district.