As soon as the Maryland polls closed the Networks called it for Obama. He has won all three primaries tonight…all that remains is to see how many delegates he gained. Hillary is campaigning in El Paso, TX. I guess that is probably a good place for her to be. It does show, however, that she isn’t placing much faith in her chances in Wisconsin next week.
Update [2008-2-12 22:13:11 by BooMan]: Keep an eye on the Donna Edwards-Al Wynn race. So far, so good.
another sweep. Trifecta.
I wonder if Clinton has an “overflow room”?
who needs warm fuzzies?
thank you. Lots of great Newfs.
always a Newfman. Love the willfulness of the first one being shown. Now that’s a great display of a breed trait. 🙂
He said that Obama’s new song should be the theme song to the Golden Girls.
Sing a few bars, will you? I can’t remember it.
Aha! Now i remember. 🙂
that sure looks like Hillary’s demographic to me…
Yes. That should be HILLARY’S new campaign song, not Obama’s.
He absolutely decimated her tonight. He’s consolidating his base and ripping into hers.
Could be worse, I guess.
Clinton..I won’t count her out just yet. There’s some nugget her camp will find to spin.
Somehow the pundits and media report…. Obama has a slim lead of 8, including super-delegates. !!!!???
these 3 wins doesn’t matter.
You don’t understand, idredit. There are people in Virginia, Maryland and DC, and Hillary doesn’t do well with that demographic.
That’s the only spin they’ve got left, really. First it was the young people, then the blacks, then the “latte-drinkers,” then the caucus system, and now it’s just people.
I’m waiting for the “You’re Lucky She Even Performed For You, You BASTARDS!” video to pop up on YouTube.
I’ve noticed Hillary supporters saying that the Clinton campaign urged Republicans to caucus against her.
That makes no sense.
The first time I saw it, I thought it was a slip up. Then I read it like 9 more times in a few hours. Only one person gave a “reason”. She said, “It’s to fool the media into thinking people really like Obama and then when it comes time to vote in the GE they will vote for McCain.”
Er…wha? Huh?
I’m like, “So you know that means, if it’s remotely true, that that’s assuming Clinton won’t be the nominee.” It makes no sense.
Actually, according to Amy Stewart, Republican strategist for CNN, the Republicans were talking about supporting Clinton to avoid having to face Obama in the general election.
A curious detail, from Time — Obama even affected the Republican races in the Potomac primaries; so many independents and Repubs were drawn to the Democratic primaries (where they voted for Obama by even larger margins than the Dems) that they siphoned off the the moderates and led to Huckabee’s better than expected showing. The concentration of hard core conservatives helped him.
Again, as we’ve seen before, the Clinton people could spin this into a narrative in which the Repubs are conspiring against her, but there is an enormous amount of evidence to refute it. The most obvious piece of evidence is the polling data that shows Obama’s support amongst independents and Repubs. For all my years of watching politics, I’ve never seen a Democrat who appealed to so many crossover voters — at least not without essentially becoming a Repub, like the DLC types.
look at these photos of the 20,000+ crowd in Madison, Wisconsin.
Jeebus Obama filled a stadium, like a football game.
spmething is happening here; or
The unemployment rate in Wisconsin gotta be at least close to 30% and I don’t see his demographics.
read his new victory speech.
In his speech a couple minutes ago, he took a swipe at all dems in congress who act tough by taking a republican stance on nat’l security and vote with Bush/Cheney.
Much deserved. Bravo.
Here’s the part from Obama’s speech tonight where he swiped at the Democrats in congress…
A great new speech with a bunch of that Edwards brand of populism in there. Read the whole thing. (link above)
Obama is talking like the presumptive frontrunner, taking (valid) shots at McCain. I like very much.
damn Obama sounds a little like John Edwards..
Yeah, me like.
This IS a (mostly) new speech.
Just look at that place. Any idea how many people are there?
I think he tried some of it out in Seattle last Friday. I missed a bunch of it but I think I recognized parts of it.
I’ve read/heard 18-20k.
Keep the day job, Hillary.
god, the contrast between Obama and McCain is just unnerving.
McCain gives me chills.
I baked a cake from a old fashioned receipe during that speech.
But guess what, he’s gonna run on his POW years.
You look at both of them and wonder, “Who would I rather give the SOTU every year?” McCain is my personal sleep aid.
I’m over here trying to work and blog at the same time and this guy is putting me to slefeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Who said he’s like listening to milk boil? That’s still my favorite description of him.
Just now Pat Buchanan said McCain’s speech sounded like he was briefing a flight crew or something. So true.
and then Matthews agreed that is sounded like he was briefing a flight crew. Funny.
That’s the kind of description I was looking for. It was more like the briefing at the beginning of Hill Street Blues than a real fire-’em-up campaign speech.
MSNBC just played a clip of Obama, then a clip of McCain…Man, it remind me of the boss in Office Space telling the employees about their new motto.
commentators on TV were noting the stark difference between Obama and McCain, the people behind them as they spoke, the energy with which they spoke (or not), etc. We thought it was a rather stunning contrast.
OMG. McCain started giving his “speech” a few minutes ago but they stayed with Obama until he was done – without interruption. They now join McCain – already in progress.
Interesting article about the loyalty (or lack thereof) superdelegates might feel toward Clinton
Chickens come home to roost
That’s good…
That was harsh. That made me uncomfortable reading it. And I was pleased to see it make the point I’ve been trying to make to people:
The Obama crowd was kickin’. It sounded like a revival meeting.
McCain’s crowd sounds like they’re at the opera or something.
Clinton: Still no congratulations for Obama
Well, no comment is really required here. It kinda speaks for itself.
After South Carolina. She had barely said a word about him and went on. After that, nothing. In all fairness, what could we expect? For her to mention every single state he won? Still on Saturday she could have congratulated him for a hard fought campaign. She could have said something tonight, but chose not to.
don’t expect Hillary to congratulate Obama. She seldom sends Thank yous to her supporters, just ‘send more money–please donate.”
The Clintons are counting on Ohio and Texas. I say they may be disappointed.
I just came from looking at this.
Obama Gains 20 Points In New Ohio Poll
Well, yes, interesting is one way to describe it.
Obama just needs to go into Ohio and ask
Who gave you NAFTA?
Exactly. He started talking about trade tonight in Madison. I think he’s doing that both for Wisconsin and Ohio.
Assume by your name that you live in Ohio. We lived there many years ago, and I had no idea what they were talking about with west and east. East is Cleveland, Akron and Youngstown? West-Toledo? Central must be Columbus. What about Cincinnati?
I live in the Cincinnati area. It is included in the Western category of the survey.
The breakdown of the surveys East-West-Central definition is here.
Click on the OH tab and it will take you to the breakdown. It is listed by county.
It’s over for Clinton. Brian Williams just said they did the math and after this, she now needs to win 56% of all delegates from all upcoming races to win.
That’s not possible. She should throw in the towel – soon.
But we all know she won’t. That’s sad, really.
Is that assuming that the MI and FL delegates remain unrecognized, though?
Not sure. I think they’re operating under the assumption that they won’t be seated. But even still, for her to think that she can pull like 60% in every contest from here on out while her polling is dropping fast – Just unrealistic.
Personally, I think by the time the convention rolls around, FL and MI will be seated, but it won’t make any difference by then. The superdeligates will move over to the kewl team (Obama) and everyone will sing kumbaya. Instant party unity for the general campaign.
The only states that she won with more than 60% were states that lived in or near. Other than that it doesn’t seem that she got higher than 54% and that was in New Hampshire.
Right. She should drop out gracefully – right away. Save herself the embarrassment of being pushed out of the race by the party and the scurrying superdelegates.
It’s a nice thought but don’t hold your breath. She’s in it through March 4.
I hope Obama manages a win in Ohio. So there’s no dragging it out. Because I hate leaving important tasks to Pennsylvanians. 😉
89% reporting in and here’s our numbers so far:
Obama 77,432 75% 0
Clinton 24,563 24% 0
Uncommitted 262 0%
A squeaker.
Maryland ABC
Obama 67%
Clinton 30%
That’s only with 4% reporting so far. I can only imagine what the final numbers will look like.
Yeah. The big cities often submit their numbers last because of the volume of votes.
Who knew it’d be so close?
just got swept…again…
l wonder if don meredith is still hangin’ around down there in texas…he could sing a chorus of “turn out the lights, the party’s over”.
it may well be.
just got worse. Hillary Bloodletting Continues: Two more Staffers Out
when it rains it pours.
It looks like
Michelle MalkinTaylor Marsh just may get a job along with all of FDL.lTMF’sA
I just got home. What a great night! I’m sorry I missed Obama’s speech if it was new.
Here’s his ad:
Obama’s On The Air In Wisconsin
Because MSNBC and CNN both acted like Clinton was the only one running ads in WI.
I’ve never seen so many black people on TV not talking about drugs, gangs or whatever other boogeyman the media has decided all black people do.
Obama’s margin in Virginia has steadily expanded to 29 points, 64 to 35, with 99% reporting.
wow. That’s a route!
Hillary must really have money problems because there’s no way she should have let Virginia get to almost a 30 point spread.
There’s only so much that money can do. Just ask Mittens. People aren’t buying what she’s selling anymore. It is over.
According Rep. Jackson Lee, they were just trying to get delegates. Not win or anything.
I was swigging a beer on my way to the bathroom when I heard her say that. I spew beer all over my hallway, almost wet myself AND walked into a wall.
But there’s no way they achieved what they wanted even if they come out with the delegates they predicted. Tonight is the night they completely lost control of any positive narrative.
Another Clinton operative resigns…
What’s this all about? I just found this on MSNBC:
Much as I hate to admit it, Pat Buchanan had a point tonight. They asked him does Barack Obama need to change his strategy, and Buchanan said in effect, “Why would you change your strategy when you’re winning?”
Pat Buchanan is smart on politics, stupid on policy.
good find. Solis Doyle was fired
see this Inside the Clinton Shake-Up
“For the many people in and around Washington who obsess over the latest machinations in Hillaryland, the firing of Solis Doyle–and she was fired, several insiders confirm–is a big deal, but for reasons somewhat different from what the media coverage has suggested.”
Screen capture from the CNN page that shows the delegate counts.
Soooo nice to finally see Obama knock Clinton out of that #1 spot.
That is a beautiful picture!
Since, South Carolina, CNN has been counting the delegate totals including pledged delegates and their own superdelegate totals. It was the superdelegate totals that constantly kept Clinton ahead. My pessimistic side says that now, they’ll conveniently stop counting assumed superdelegates.
I was having this incredible feeling of deja-vu, and I finally figured out where it’s coming from.
I’ve seen this in baseball playoffs where the home team is down by 2 in the bottom of the eighth, and they’re putting on a game face, but the visitors have brought out a Trevor Hoffman-Mariano Rivera class closer. With good personnel and a little luck the home team could still win . . . but the odds are really, really, really not good and time is running out.
cue Sandman.
The fact that she is not even trying to stop the slide in WI is also a mistake (or telling)
She is IMO going to get killed there and make it even harder to win in OH and TX. If fact it seems she is just staking her hopes on the the Latinos in TX.
But Obama picked up Latino endorsments tonight in TX and a lot of Latinos votes in today’s primaries.
I think she got her bat sawed off tonight.
that’s as good a metaphor as any for going from the inevitable candidate to almost being out of the race underdog.
there’s a strong scent of loser wafting from the direction of hillaryville tonight.
It only works with the inevitable winner has a great fall and comes out of the shadows to save the team/party/town 12 – 15 years later.
I like that Obama is still working hard and not wasting time assuming that Hillary is suddenly going to wake up tomorrow and decide to call it a day. Good campaigns don’t take time to celebrate the incremental wins – they just keep plugging away and always assume they need to be working harder.
Did anybody else read Marcy Wheeler’s speculation about why Obama could be headed to Michigan tomorrow to give a big speech? I like the idea that he’s working for those Michigan uncommitted delegates and for John Edwards’s support.
“It’s the same message that we had when we were up and when we were down. . . .”