I would suggest we offer and enact a Blue Kryptonite Amendment at the National Convention in Denver (and all appropriate pre-convention committee meetings).
I am not clear on this, but thought that ultimately the DNC 2008 Call as well as the DNC Charter and Delegate Selection etc were subject to ratification and/or amendment at and by the 2008 Convention attendees.

Even if this would only have a forward-looking effect, a Blue Kryponite Amendment would remove the bizarre and undemocratic authority of Superdelegates voting in the Presidential endorsement process (both voting rights and necessary thresholds would be amended) while allowing the Superdelegates to continue to attend and vote on matters relating solely to the functioning of the national party.  Of course the individuals involved could still run for ordinary delegate status just like us non-super potential delegates.

I would be very interested in clarification on the procedural route that such an amendment would be required to take and when it could take effect if the the Convention chose to take it up and pass it.

It seems incongruous at best that the Democratic Party has such a system while our friends across the street do not (or produces automatic unpledged delegates much smaller in number and proportion.)

While I understand that superdelegates are for the most part elected in some manner by either the public or that State’s Democratic Party (or were in the past), I don’t believe they were elected to their particular position with a thought that they would choose our Presidential nominee.  

At this point my guess is that deciding to take superdelegates out of the Presidential nomination process would have roughly equal effect on the remaining candidates in this season’s race so I would hope this proposal could still be discussed on its merits as opposed to focusing on its impact on one campaign or another either now or in the future.

I am concerned that if Superdelegates are forced into the position of having to put their fingers on the balance – tipping the scales in one way or another, that it could have two separate and equally damaging results.  

First, it could result in significant problems for Superdelegates with their official constituencies and volunteers.  

Second, it could be 1968 again, except this time the riot would be inside the convention.

If we can, we should act now to head off both of these potential outcomes while it can still be a decision based on principle and not campaign politics.  If it is impossible under the current system to do anything for this Nomination it should be done to avoid a similar problem in the future.

(And yes, I chose Blue Kryptonite for a reason – look out Bizarro!)