Change? You can sell change. But anyone can represent change. This leaves Obama’s single note campaign a bit vulnerable to someone who presents policy that does indeed represent a Change.

I haven’t much time, so lemme just say it short and sweet.

What is the on the other side of this change? What is it that Americans wish to change to? The answer is the same as why, even in this time of wide-spread and serious – even existential – problems for America and the world, would an inexperienced, yet inspirational leader be so attractive?

Americans want to be PROUD again. We are fucked, the world is fucked, but we don’t want to go down as ‘Good Germans’ or the main force behind the world’s destruction. The electorate seem to sense that America and the World’s ills are probably beyond the reach of one leader. Recognizing that, America NEEDS TO BE INSPIRED TO ACT MORE THAN IT NEEDS TO BE TOLD HOW TO ACT.

Obama represents an opportunity to be part of something bigger, a PROUD AMERICA, doing what it can for our country and the world. Not what solution the government is going to give us (Mandate this or that?No thanks!). That is what makes him Kennedy-esque. That is what gives him an Ace in the Hole.

Hillary represents a top down solutions oriented leadership style that just doesn’t seem to match the enormity of the tasks at hand.

Obama represents a future where solutions have a chance to find themselves, not be shut out by ideology.

I hope he can win the nomination with without pulling this Ace out until the General Election, but it’s nice to know he has it.

If he wants to play this card on Hillary, it could go something like this:

“Beginning in late January, 1998, we as a nation have had the collective experience of falling from Grace. Almost never in our history had we climbed so high and then fallen so far. It’s time to be PROUD again. It’s time to let Hope do it’s work a new, instead of looking to the old culprits to find their way out of the mess of their own creation.”

Sounds nice, but why January, 1998?
Here’s why.

This would ice his bipartisan appeal, his claim to the mantle of change and most importantly hit just the note we’ve all been wanting to hear. It’s time to be AMERICAN AND PROUD OF IT.