Here’s how it worked:
She made me book her trip to Sweden over X-mas back in October and promised to pay me for the ticket before leaving (babysitting jobs).
Nothing more was said, but for X-mas, she gave me an envelope with the cash cost of the ticket! However, my present to her was an envelope containing a cheque for ‘free ticket to Sweden’. So – we both got our envelopes back and now she is recirculating those funds.
Good morning ask! We have one who, at 35, is still pulling the “just friends” thing! He seems quite content with a “somewhat” monastic life. The elder brother has made up for it, with 3 grandchildren so far!
Great photo, CG – but I’m on a diet {sigh} I’ll just take a mug of coffee with cream & a bit of sugar. Are we going to have a Knit-aPalooza this weekend?
And I am going to put up a Knit-a-palooza this weekend, probably this afternoon when I get back from taking people for haircuts and swinging by Home Depot for a new shower part.
Good morning Second Nature! I enjoyed your GOP demise diary so much I’ve passed a link on to some of my central committee friends. What the heck, I think I’ll send it to the state communications director too (who is quite a snark in her own right).
The weather gods have decided to give us some southern weather — it’s going to in the 50s today with thunderstorms. And then tomorrow, the temps are going to fall all day to a low of 14. This is the fourth or fifth time that this is happened this winter — just to keep us off balance, I guess — as if I’m not confused enough.
I followed your link and discovered the true identity of our own Family Man 😉
The winner of 2007 Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest is Jim Gleeson, a 47-year-old media technician from Madison, Wisconsin. Purportedly splitting his time between living in Madison and living in his own head, Gleeson claims to be working on a self-help book for slackers, “Self-Improvement Through Total Inactivity.”
When I was a teenager and I came up against a sorrowful moment where I realized that the world most certainly did not revolve around me, my mom took me outside and pointed north up an inlet much as your fjord. Her wise words were simply that I should memorize all the beauty that was that inlet; store it up someplace safe and then as my life unfolded bring that memory back to help remind me of the strength of beauty.
I would imagine that youtube carries with it the promise of the same strength.
thanks for sharing.
Good morning! We’re having an oddly warm and rainy morning this morning. Good for sleeping in, but I think the office might be open today, so I’m sending a project in this morning.
It seems like all the national holidays have become more of an optional day off for companies over the years. When I was a kid, we had 2 separate days for Lincoln and Washington, and everybody had off.
Not many people are aware of this, but as a young man, Family Man lobbied to have a separate day off for each of the now 43 presidents. The measure failed and now he no longer cares. But someone could pick it up again and try to pass it through our lazy Congress..
Brunch went well.
F, and his traveling companion V, were both presentable young men. Both looked ‘cute’ and innocent (I am not fooled, though) and both very articulate, though F a bit on the shy side (which was not so strange given the circumstances) – tall and lanky. Both visitors are students in a high school specializing in music and loved the venue, where there is a live jazz band for weekend brunches (several BT’ers have been there with me when in town).
That sound very good. Yep, get to know the young man and then when or if it starts getting very serious – that’s when you put the fear of god into him. 🙂
V’s mother and sister are also in town – they all head for Florida tomorrow. F stays here till Friday, I believe.
We could go there again next time you’re coming this way.
Supposed to be a pretty good total eclipse on Wednesday evening. I think it’s from 7:00 to 8:00 pm.
It has been going crazy on the thermometer down here too. I saw on the news last night that yearly we have 26 tornadoes. We’ve already had 16 this year and it’s not even tornado season. It’ll be an interesting year ahead.
Nothing too taxing. I have to grade some papers (as always) and work a bit on my last paper for class. A little straightening and that’s it. How about you?
It’s mid-winter break. We’re one of the few school districts to hang onto this. It means that we’re in school a few more days into June, but I’m glad to have the break.
“This is a video of a homeless man in Santa Barbara and his pets. They work State Street every week for donations. The animals are pretty well fed and are
mellow. They are a family. The man who owns them rigged a harness up for his cat so she wouldn’t have to walk so much (like the dog and himself). At some
juncture the rat came along, and as no one wanted to eat anyone else, the rat started riding with the cat and, often, on the cat! The dog will stand all day
and let you talk to him and admire him for a few chin scratches. The Mayor of Santa Barbara filmed this clip and sent it out as a holiday card”
Happy Saturday!
Old cafe and comments here.
Good morning CabinGirl! Very tempting image you have here. Now I’m hungry already. Good morning and welcome home, Andi!
I could really go for some waffles this morning. Hmm. I have strawberries and waffle stuff, I just need to see if I have whipped cream in the fridge.
All I have to do is walk 2 blocks and it appears to be a sunny day out there! Nice day for a walk, I’d say.
Good morning, CG!
I think she realizes that we ‘know’ by now…
(ref old cafe)
It’s still funny and cute. 🙂
Is her Spring break plane ticket a birthday present?
Here’s how it worked:
She made me book her trip to Sweden over X-mas back in October and promised to pay me for the ticket before leaving (babysitting jobs).
Nothing more was said, but for X-mas, she gave me an envelope with the cash cost of the ticket! However, my present to her was an envelope containing a cheque for ‘free ticket to Sweden’. So – we both got our envelopes back and now she is recirculating those funds.
It’s like a little Gift of the Magi thing going on…:)
Good morning ask! We have one who, at 35, is still pulling the “just friends” thing! He seems quite content with a “somewhat” monastic life. The elder brother has made up for it, with 3 grandchildren so far!
There will be a day, ID!
Well, I got to run back to my place and then go to exercise.
Glad to see your arms held out for the trip home, Andi.
Nothing remarkable happening today….just sort of hanging out waiting for the Mister to leave for his Rome trip.
When does he leave?
I loved your GOP demise diary, btw.
He leaves tomorrow. Wanna come over for the festivities and umbrella drinks? 😉
Well, Monday is a holiday…and you’re promising me an umbrella in my drink?
Great photo, CG – but I’m on a diet {sigh} I’ll just take a mug of coffee with cream & a bit of sugar. Are we going to have a Knit-aPalooza this weekend?
And I am going to put up a Knit-a-palooza this weekend, probably this afternoon when I get back from taking people for haircuts and swinging by Home Depot for a new shower part.
Ooooo.. That does look good! I’m finally done with running errands and just sat down at the keyboard with my first cup of the day.
The dogs say that I’m 4 days late for our walk. Giddy keeps walking over and poking me in the side with her nose. So I guess I should take a hint. Ta.
When you get back we’ll address the fact that you didn’t greet me and now I’m feeling left out….:P
Good morning Second Nature! I enjoyed your GOP demise diary so much I’ve passed a link on to some of my central committee friends. What the heck, I think I’ll send it to the state communications director too (who is quite a snark in her own right).
Good morning and thank you, ID. I can see that next time I’m up in Andi’s woods I’ll have to stop in and say hello to her much more polite neighbor. 🙂
Mrs. Dem and I are right in town and have parking available to select friends at the height of the tourist season.
how slowly I write comments. You weren’t here when I wrote that.
Why hi SN! How are you?!? So good to see you!
I beg to differ. I was here a full three minutes before you wrote that. 😛
How was your walk? Nice out?
Yeah but not before I started writing it — I need to remember I’m not on dial-up anymore and I can refresh more often.
It’s only in the 30s but the sun is shining and there’s very little wind so it was really pleasant. The dogs were in ecstasy. Even Hopey came along.
Welcome back!
Good Mornin All!! Have a great Saturday.
Good morning jdogg333! Welcome to the cafe!
Hi jdogg, and welcome to the cafe!
followed by a no-work Monday. Yay!
Good morning, Andi….beautiful sunrise.
The weather gods have decided to give us some southern weather — it’s going to in the 50s today with thunderstorms. And then tomorrow, the temps are going to fall all day to a low of 14. This is the fourth or fifth time that this is happened this winter — just to keep us off balance, I guess — as if I’m not confused enough.
Good morning Andi and SN!
Did everyone sleep in today or what? 🙂
I was up till 3.30 🙁
The salvation of coffee is kicking in just now 🙂
How’s the weekend going?
Relaxing, so far.
I hope FM comes by. dada posted a link in the open thread last night that reveals FM’s true identity 😉
Here is my response to dada:
I’m sure he doesn’t say ya’ll, plus working on a book is a very non-slackerly thing to do. 🙂
Wow! I fell asleep before 10…too much taxi-ing people around yesterday.
So, what’s swimmer’s fella like? 😉
We don’t know yet!
Brunch is today. Lot’s of excitement later.
… I guess. I’m still working through my feelings about Millard Filmore.
Good morning!
Why him, in particular?
Well he was a pretty bad president but he’s got the best name which seems pretty appropriate for such a superficial holiday.
OK. I thought the day was for Washington and Lincoln, but see that Wikipedia also mentions other traditions.
Someone sent me this link, now I got a tad homesick:
I can see how that would do it — just gorgeous.
I want to go there and do that!
When I was a teenager and I came up against a sorrowful moment where I realized that the world most certainly did not revolve around me, my mom took me outside and pointed north up an inlet much as your fjord. Her wise words were simply that I should memorize all the beauty that was that inlet; store it up someplace safe and then as my life unfolded bring that memory back to help remind me of the strength of beauty.
I would imagine that youtube carries with it the promise of the same strength.
thanks for sharing.
Good morning! We’re having an oddly warm and rainy morning this morning. Good for sleeping in, but I think the office might be open today, so I’m sending a project in this morning.
Good morning!
It’s been pouring down here as well, we’re at 59 now and expect 64!
curly is not too pleased, she’s not off today.
It seems like all the national holidays have become more of an optional day off for companies over the years. When I was a kid, we had 2 separate days for Lincoln and Washington, and everybody had off.
Not many people are aware of this, but as a young man, Family Man lobbied to have a separate day off for each of the now 43 presidents. The measure failed and now he no longer cares. But someone could pick it up again and try to pass it through our lazy Congress..
Good Morning All!
Yep I lobbied during Millard Filmore’s time, but got so shot down that I decided to do a little slacking.
Oh wait! I’m still slacking. 🙂
How is everyone today?
Morning, FM!
How’s the cold?
Heading out, back to my own place. Looks like a break in the rain.
Morning Ask.
Getting better all the time, thanks.
Still waiting to hear on how the lunch went yesterday. 🙂
Good to hear.
Brunch went well.
F, and his traveling companion V, were both presentable young men. Both looked ‘cute’ and innocent (I am not fooled, though) and both very articulate, though F a bit on the shy side (which was not so strange given the circumstances) – tall and lanky. Both visitors are students in a high school specializing in music and loved the venue, where there is a live jazz band for weekend brunches (several BT’ers have been there with me when in town).
That sound very good. Yep, get to know the young man and then when or if it starts getting very serious – that’s when you put the fear of god into him. 🙂
Sounds like a good time was had by all.
Now I’m really envious…that brunch place of which you speak was wonderful.
Sounds like a good time. How long are the young men here for?
V’s mother and sister are also in town – they all head for Florida tomorrow. F stays here till Friday, I believe.
We could go there again next time you’re coming this way.
Back to work. 🙁
I remember the only bad thing about a 3 day w/e is the short work week seemed to drag on and on. Ah yes, the good old days. 🙂
Yeah, yeah. Rub it in. And then see how much sympathy I have when you find a snake by the pond. 😛
OK you win. Although the snake will only scare me for a little while, but you’ve got a long four days in front of you. 😉
I’ve probably got at least 7 long years in front of me.
You have all my sympathy. But I will be around to help make the time pass swiftly. 🙂
Good morning, Andi and FM!
The (almost) full moon has just set. The thermometer is acting like a yo-yo – mid-60s yesterday, now back down to 34.
Good morning Ask.
Supposed to be a pretty good total eclipse on Wednesday evening. I think it’s from 7:00 to 8:00 pm.
It has been going crazy on the thermometer down here too. I saw on the news last night that yearly we have 26 tornadoes. We’ve already had 16 this year and it’s not even tornado season. It’ll be an interesting year ahead.
Supposed to be a pretty good total eclipse on Wednesday evening.
Thanks for the heads-up.
No problem. I just hope there’s no cloud cover that evening.
We’ve already been through that yo-yo but the temps aren’t coming back up. Highs in the twenties, lows in the teens for the rest of the week. 🙁
In other words – normal February conditions…
Yeah. I know I should deal but I’m really ready for winter to get over itself.
You don’t have spring up there until what – June or July? 🙂
What — you think I live in Alaska?
Nah of course not. But isn’t you state the one that North of Alaska. 🙂
I feel your pain. The only consolation is that people are heading off to school…
Well that works as a consolation at your house … not so much at mine. 😉
Happy Tuesday all! My second day of vacation and I will soon have the house to myself!
Morning Toni!
I hope you have some slacking, rest and relaxation coming up.
Nothing too taxing. I have to grade some papers (as always) and work a bit on my last paper for class. A little straightening and that’s it. How about you?
School’s on vacation? What’s the occasion? I guess it’s not a semester break if you’re grading papers.
It’s mid-winter break. We’re one of the few school districts to hang onto this. It means that we’re in school a few more days into June, but I’m glad to have the break.
What’s new in your neck of the woods?
February is mid-winter? Whew, sure am glad it’s the endgame here. 🙂
Nothing new in the woods. Everything (and everyone) are just waiting for spring.
How’s Andrew?
because my heart is melting. 🙂
Thanks for the pic!
No problem. Anytime – at least until he puts a cease and desist order on posting his picture. I figure I have a few more years until that happens!
I can’t get over how much he’s grown. Keep him bundled up from that cold. 🙂
Doing fine here. We had some cold/flu here, but we’re finally getting over that.
I’ve got rels that arrived last night, so I’m looking forward to a week of George yapping all the time. 🙂
That never happens!! 🙂
I’ve got to make a little person’s breakfast. I’ll be back in a bit.
Oh, an empty house….I remember those. :::sniff:::
Are you off all week, or is it just a 4-day weekend?
I have the whole week off! Don’t wish for an empty house too heartily. You’ll have an empty nest soon enough.
Lucky you!
Hey B2! I am feeling pretty lucky this morning.
Just give this a look. . .
Click Here
Have a good one everybody.
The story
“This is a video of a homeless man in Santa Barbara and his pets. They work State Street every week for donations. The animals are pretty well fed and are
mellow. They are a family. The man who owns them rigged a harness up for his cat so she wouldn’t have to walk so much (like the dog and himself). At some
juncture the rat came along, and as no one wanted to eat anyone else, the rat started riding with the cat and, often, on the cat! The dog will stand all day
and let you talk to him and admire him for a few chin scratches. The Mayor of Santa Barbara filmed this clip and sent it out as a holiday card”
That’s great Shirl. Does show there is hope.
Thanks Shirl,
Wonderful video.