The link above is to this:

What Did You Do In The War Daddy?

Brief exerpt:

“What, exactly, did these men do to justify blindfolding them and forcing them to their knees on a concrete floor, their heads pressed against the wall? In the United States, kidnappers, rapists, and mass murderers are not treated this way. Timothy McVeigh was not treated this way.

This war is easy to ignore because it’s far away, there’s no draft, and much of the news media has lost interest in it. But here’s a powerful reminder of the price this country is paying for Mr. Bush’s arrogance and incompetence.

Blindfolding prisoners is considered abusive in most of the civilized world because its purpose is to make the prisoner fear for his life. It appears, though, to be routine practice for American soldiers in Iraq.”

This below is my letter to the editors of the Times, sent on the morning of Feb. 16.  I’m publishing it here since I’m sure that it doesn’t meet their criteria for publishing:  

Howdy Insane Clown Posse.  Over the last two days the media that has a future [the free Internet] has featured the “12 year old Taliban learning how to behead video” and the “Iraqi Insurgents burning three hostages alive video”.  Now you focus on soldiers using blindfolding, a totally rational SOP for the safety of all concerned, and you worry about the delicate feelings of the detainees.

You morons are so doomed.  The dirty little secret about the nepotism of the Times in its last years is not that Pinch and Little Abe are completely clueless monkeys; it’s the fact, that their fathers were talentless hacks too.  Too bad you’re going to get called out on your cluelessness and end up in the ash heap.  Not the literal ash heap like the unfortunate Iraqi patriots you forgot to notice, but at least the well earned ash heap of Manhattan disgrace.

There’s reversion to the mean and then there’s the reality that 1/4 of the population must be in the lowest quarter by intelligence. That’s the house that Pinch and Little Abe live in. Their enablers, Cohen and Robbins and others, are not quite as stupid, but have the moral character of the Kennedy “brain trust” that got together to plot the Chappaquiddick cover up.