Charlie Rangel has some explaining to do:
Black voters are heavily represented in the 94th Election District in Harlem’s 70th Assembly District. Yet according to the unofficial results from the New York Democratic primary last week, not a single vote in the district was cast for Senator Barack Obama.
That anomaly was not unique. In fact, a review by The New York Times of the unofficial results reported on primary night found about 80 election districts among the city’s 6,106 where Mr. Obama supposedly did not receive even one vote, including cases where he ran a respectable race in a nearby district.
City election officials this week said that their formal review of the results, which will not be completed for weeks, had confirmed some major discrepancies between the vote totals reported publicly — and unofficially — on primary night and the actual tally on hundreds of voting machines across the city.
In the Harlem district, for instance, where the primary night returns suggested a 141 to 0 sweep by Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, the vote now stands at 261 to 136. In an even more heavily black district in Brooklyn — where the vote on primary night was recorded as 118 to 0 for Mrs. Clinton — she now barely leads, 118 to 116.
Election anomalies have a tendency to help only one party…or only one faction within the Democratic Party. I thought Chicago has supposed to be the place that counted votes this way.
Judging by the incomplete and therefore meaningless recount that Kucinich funded in NH?, I’ts hard to see anyone digging too deep into this. Hopefully this time it won’t take a second tier candidate to call out the obvious. Obama needs to vigorously challenge these results. He would also gain my respect if he did.
Clinton needs to press it too, for that matter. But that won’t be happening anytime soon.
i am sorry but there is no way in hell, with the machines we have here in NYC, that you can easily miscount votes like that.
this is voter suppression of the worst kind and, quite frankly, i’ll be glad to see the senator loose a delegate or two.
no,no,no … Chicago never has precincts with no votes. It has precincts with more votes than actual people who showed up to vote … all still registered voters though. In Chicago, voter registration is not just a lifetime matter.
They are much better at this in Chicago. This business of simply not counting any votes is too easy to catch.
New York. Amateurs.
80 precincts with zero votes to a ‘handful’ for Clinton? And even the adjusted numbers appear suspicious.
um, I’m not arguing with you that it seems suspicious and they should figure out the real count. If that’s what you are getting at.
no, was just pointing to how messed up it is.
Do they still use real voting booths there, with levers? Or did they finally switch to something else?
they still use old-fashioned levers – which this writer in orange thinks is the real problem.
It’s a close race and solving the mystery of those missing votes may dig up additional delegates for Obama.
would love to be in the Rangel house during the discussion of the Times’ article. His wife endorsed Obama. She may read him the Riot Act.
you’d think they would have thought not to try to steal an election in HARLEM …
now i have to wonder how they counted my precinct. demotards always assume this is an all white precinct of Clintonbots
My favorite part of that story:
yeah, that is a real confidence builder.
like the man says; hopefully, with tongue firmly in cheek:
ya think.
I wonder how he was saying it because here, in NYC? When basically all state incumbents were muscled into giving her a blanket endorsement and those who have not are paying dearly for it?
BTW : For all the dirt on NYC politics, I’m pimping my baby, The Daily Gotham.
As an ex-Chicagoan, I can vouch for their premier status in falsifying election results. Right up there with Florida.
In the 20’s, my dad went to vote and the “poll watchers” had guns! He left without voting, as I recall. It was the gun part that always stuck in my head, not whether he voted or not.
don’t expect that will happen anytime too soon.
so pathetic; 8 years on we’re still discussing this issue of vote count or lack of it.
How strange and bizarre. Whatever happened to paper ballots?
Something everyone should check out this morning is the great Charles Barkley in his interview with the great Wolf Blitzer. Great stuff it is…
Chicago: Vote early, vote often.
Humph….where IS Karl Rove these days?
He got a gig as an
analcystanalyst.As I recall, New York city has ‘problems’ in recent years.
An even more flagrant example of electoral corruption might be the situation in Los Angeles, which has — as usual — gone without coverage in the MSM.
Charlie Rangel has the safest seat in the house. Yet, what has he ever done for progressive causes?? Rangel is part of the problem, not the solution. His head is so far up Clinton’s butt he’s given up his quest to ever again see daylight in his life. It’s pathetic that a man like him should be given the monicker “progressive”.