I know that polls don’t mean a whole lot this far out from the November elections, but the following Rasmussen polls show that Obama is currently a much, much stronger candidate against John McCain than Hillary Clinton.


Obama: 46%
McCain: 43%

McCain: 49%
Clinton: 43%


Obama: 49%
McCain: 39%

McCain: 44%
Clinton: 42%


Obama: 49%
McCain: 40%

McCain: 45%
Clinton: 42%


Obama: 46%
McCain: 39%

McCain: 49%
Clinton: 35%

I actually think McCain is doomed against either candidate. But these polls show that Clinton is a much bigger risk. There seems to be no way, for example, that she could win a state like Colorado. And that could doom the senate campaign of Mark Udall, who is polling even with his wingnut opponent.

Like most observers from both political parties, Straayer said Udall should be considered the favorite to win the race. But a Rasmussen poll released Thursday shows the two neck-and-neck, with 44 percent of voters saying they’d favor Udall, compared to 43 percent for Schaffer.

Meanwhile, Grover Norquist is trying to use Jedi Mind Tricks to convince Democrats that Obama is a “shady Chicago socialist.”