Here’s a thread for those of you that are staying up for the Rainbow State results.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
it’s 11pm in my neck of the woo…err desert, but my eyelids are getting very heavy. no wonder my cousin calls me a wactivist.
This used to be early for us …
no kidding! must be the drought in the liquor store at the Froggy Bottom Lounge. will have to rectify that soon…
Of course, I’ll probably be asleep by the time numbers start coming in.
Saw over at TPM, after MSNBC called Wisconsin for Obama:
oh, that’s priceless.
Okay. I was taking a sip of wine when I read that… and spit it up. Funny.
Whoever wrote it, well done.
here it is.
Wisconsin still 58-41 with 96% reporting.
Are we still waiting for the end of Madison or the last of Milwaukee?
Dane Co., 216 of 223 in. Milwaukee Co., 475 of 491 in. It seems pretty well set. A mere seventeen percent victory!
Milwaukee counts as slow as St. Louis. I’m going to have to tell my cousins up there to stop being so competitive with us 😉
Is this, perhaps, some offshoot of the Miller/Anheuser-Busch rivalry?
our rivalry came first – AB and Miller copied.
When I was a kid I had 30 cousins in Milwaukee. Second cousins. And since none of our families had much money our vacations were often spent visiting each other, staying for free at each other’s houses and fighting among ourselves while our parents caught up with each other. There were a couple of boy cousins who were my age and we had an intense baseball rivalry – this was back when the Brewers were in the American League.
Most of them have left Milwaukee but the rivalries go on.
Long lines were reported this evening across Hawai’i
I’m feeling relieved that dKos finally switched to thread number 14 and out of unlucky 13.
But this may take a while.
Literally? Sheesh!
It’s 8:07pm there right now…
I’m going to go out for a smoke and do a sudoku puzzle. When I come back, I want numbers.
There’s a guy riding his bike up and down our street and I’m wondering if I should call the cops. No one even walks up our street after school gets out. My next door neighbor has all his blinds wide open (going on day 5) and all the lights on so you can see all his fancy electronics. The guy’s ridden by 5 times in between the same 4 houses. I’m thinking he’s checking stuff out.
When in doubt call the cops. That’s what you pay them for and, really, what else do they have to do anyway?
The cops are all about taggers right now. Officer Mike who speaks at our Dem. meetings said that we should always call the cops. It’s just that the last time I called the cops on what I thought was possibly a bomb, was just a sign for the hair salon. In fairness, the “sign” was a suitcase chained to a street sign, across the street from a synagogue.
What a weird sign. Better safe than sorry though.
What do you mean by “taggers”?
Those people who decided that scribbling all over walls is cool. They’ve gotten out of hand here and instead of just destroying property, they’re killing people too.
How is that different from graffiti? Just scribbling – no art?
(obviously graffiti artists don’t tend to kill people)
Just their stupid tagger names and names of their tagger crews. Lame.
Call the cops and ask them to do a drive-by with a search light. They will and the guy on the bike will leave. Easy stuff and you’ll have no regrets.
Maybe he’s a neighbor getting exercise.
I tried calling the non-emergency line. Since I use a VOIP phone, the number is blocked. I feel so much safer now. And I haven’t paid my cell phone bill, so I can’t even use my mobile. I’m going to have to write a letter tomorrow.
My local precinct’s webpage isn’t even working now! It’s down for maintenance!
smoke signals? The fire department could then call the cops for you 😉
I found the station’s local number and got the lady to put me through to dispatch. They’re sending a squad car around right now.
we want live blogging of the event. But if the car doesn’t show up in the next 15 minutes I’ll have to read it in the morning.
Write that number down. Program it into the phone, even.
That’s the problem with most of the VOIP providers – they don’t connect you to the LOCAL cops automatically. I chose VOIP from my cable company that does it right to the local 911 and other stuff in case I have to call an ambulance for my dad again, I’ll get the right dispatch and they’ll know the address without me having to tell them.
There’s no problems there. It’s just toll free numbers. When Time Warner got its monopoly in SoCal, I couldn’t call them except on my mobile. I complained enough and it’s finally fixed.
You may have a movie treatment in this.
But let it be a comedy.
The guy’s bike sounds like Deebo’s bike in Friday. He’s back out there riding up and down the street. I hear a helicopter coming over right now, but I still haven’t seen a squad car.
Apparently, now Hillary and McCain are focusing hard on trying to hit Obama on being only empty rhetoric.
Now would be a good time for the Obama campaign to offer a key “one good idea” that would help any policy proposals work.
The criticisms offered by Clinton and McCain are a perfect entree for the Obama camp to wipe out any last rationale for the man not to be president, at least as offerable by his only competitors.
Just offer one idea. Not a detailed agenda, just a specific thought.
Any idea pisses somebody off, though, and there layeth the mystery of the Obama cloud. He seems to mean things without having specific ideas.
The interesting thing is, I’m pretty sure he can do it. And I can deal with some ideological compromise on our end, too, if he can really move the field as far to the left as he is setting himself to be able to go for.
Right now I’m lookin at Ohio and Texas.
I think Obama might take Texas solidly. Just a hunch, but that would be that.
In any case, a lot of math going around makes it look like a lock for Obama after tonight without 25 per cent margins in TX, OH, and PA. What about it, Boo? still think she’ll drop out before March 4th?
It has it all in there.
I don’t think I ever predicted she would drop out before March 4th, but I did predict she would lose on March 4th if she didn’t win somewhere like Maine, Virginia, or Wisconsin in the interim.
I still think she will drop out on March 5th.
If she loses Texas or Ohio I think it’s over. If she loses Texas and Ohio, it’s really really over. In truth it’s over now, but she has to say she’s going to keep going so the money will keep coming in. If the money stops, or looks like it’s going to stop, she’ll concede.
Um, just about any policy speech he’s given lays them out and they even match what’s only his website.
It boggles the mind that people can post on various blogs and news sites find it extremely difficult to find a candidates website.
Ulp, they’re starting to scroll the Hawai’i numbers . . . it’s an exciting 0%-0% tie so far. 🙂
And of course, there are no exit polls — because CNN probably regarded every suggestion to conduct them as a cockamamie excuse for an all-expenses-paid trip to Hawai’i.
Reasonably enough.
It’s still stinking zeroes!
good start!
Well the Islands will have to be counted while I sleep. I hope I wake up to good news. Night y’all.
Night Mary (assuming you ever see this)
From a diary in orange
It’s been 1 hour 40 minutes since the polls closed and the results are still dead even.
I knew Chelsea would keep it close:

All the sites I have are still reporting 0%. I’m going to have to go to bed not knowing!
How dare you suggest that Chelsea got lei’ed when she was soliciting, er, support in Hawai’i!!!
HONOLULU – Democratic voters flocked to Hawaii caucus sites by the thousands on Tuesday as party officials predicted a record turnout in the contest between Honolulu-born Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Party leaders have printed out 17,000 ballots and were prepared to start using blank sheets of paper if they ran out. The last caucus drew just 4,000.
About 5,000 people have signed up with the state Democratic Party since Super Tuesday two weeks ago, bringing the party’s total membership to about 25,000 statewide.
Only registered Democrats are eligible to participate in the caucus, but voters can join the party by showing up at the caucus.
John Messerly, a 52-year-old former software engineer, sported a blue Obama baseball cap as he stood in line. “Obama talks like a Hawaii guy and people really get that. He brings all his aloha spirit across the nation,” he said. “Especially after the divisiveness of the last decade.”
Obama spent most of his childhood in Honolulu until he left for college on the mainland. He still has many local ties, including his maternal grandmother, who helped raise him, and a sister. The sister, Honolulu school teacher Maya Soetoro-Ng, has actively campaigned for Obama on Oahu and Maui.
Clinton won the endorsement of the state’s largest union, the 43,000-member Hawaii Government Employees Association, and Inouye, the dean of Hawaii politics.
Sen. Daniel Inouye, D-Hawaii, who has been voting since 1948, said the turnout was the biggest he’s ever seen. “For the first time we have a woman against an African-American. What more do you want?” asked Inouye, 83, as he stood in line to vote.
The eight-term senator returned to Hawaii to campaign for Clinton over the weekend. Inouye even joined other volunteers at a Clinton phone bank to call likely supporters and encourage them to caucus.
Wisconsin Exit Poll Analysis
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
● Happy Caucus Day, Hawai’i Democrats!
● Honolulu Star Bulletin – D-Day for caucus
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Those slackers must have dozed off:
Here’s some numbers:
CLINTON 666 23%
OBAMA 2,258 77%
As of 9:25 p.m. < 10% of vote
Thanks for the link!
At Hilo High School, caucus participants jammed the overheated cafeteria while precinct leaders bellowed out the names of registered participants.
Kevin Hopkins, who stood at the door directing participants to the areas of the cafeteria designated for their precincts, advised latecomers to “just squeeze in as best you can.” He said he had no idea how many hundreds of people were packed into the room.
One activist pressed against the window of the cafeteria turned to a companion in wide-eyed astonishment, shaking his head. “I have never attended a caucus that had more than 20 people,” he said.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I can’t believe that turnout is so huge.
With about 40% of Congressional District One reporting, ballots cast in the district are reported as follows:
Barack Obama 4,302
Hillary Clinton 1,542
Dennis Kucinich and John Edwards received votes falling far short of the 15% required to be allocated a delegate.
With about 20% of Congressional district Two reporting, ballots cast in the district are reported as follows:
Barack Obama 1,134
Hillary Clinton 333
Dennis Kucinich and John Edwards received votes falling far short of the 15% required to be allocated a delegate.
CNN – Hawaii results
Obama 74% – Clinton 26% (26% reporting)
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
10:45 p.m. Votes Percent
CLINTON 3,584 23%
OBAMA 11,691 76%
Preliminary results
And I called it for Obama before CNN did! I scooped CNN! HAHAHAHA
I totally scooped CNN.
Whoa. I just got up to check the results and saw this over at one of our more entertaining local blogs,
Make that ten.
Whoa. Just, like . . . whoa.
Pretty freakin’ amazing. 😀
I woke up and couldn’t turn the TV off. I’ve been hungry for this kind of change for so many years.
I feel our country took an awful, hard-right turn along with Kennedy on Elm Street. I feel like, for the first time in my entire life, we may be able to get this country back on its original trajectory. That’s a mighty big and vulnerable hope. But it’s real.
Not just double digits…all at least +15, and all but two at least +20.
obama destroyed clinton 3:1
via NYT