I don’t think John McCain can win more than 10 states against Obama. He’s too petulant. I bet he can’t even win Arizona. He’ll probably finish with like 40 or 50 electoral college votes, if he is lucky. It’s gonna be a bloodbath. It’ll make Bob Dole look like a vigorous campaigner. I just wish it was over already and we could begin swearing in an army of new and better Democrats.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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William Kristol was adamant in his March, 2003 C-Span appearance that nothing like this would ever happen:
How wrong can one man be?
You’re already 11 months away! I’m still looking forward to summer!
Started a temp project yesterday, and finished it–for the moment, anyway–around lunchtime today.
So I’ve been working on some McCain slogans.
McCainomics – Less Jobs, More Wars
McCain for the Aged – “Whipper Snapper Whipper”
McCain…Lobbyist and Viagra make me smile.
“John, you insolent slut!”
A Lobbyist and her John!
I’m feeling better with these Latino tunes.
on the ground in Texas (via Ben Smith)
Peña a Clinton supoprter.stands with Obama
The best part of that article:
A harbinger of things to come, as well as symbolizing the position of many of the politician/superdelegates.
The dilemma we have now is finding a way for many of these delegates to step away from the Clinton campaign without appearing disloyal — which would only exacerbate hard feelings amongst Clinton supporters.
It will take time heal the wounds, and the media coverage focusing on the eventual Clinton defeat will give people the chance to accept the inevitable. Once Clinton has to repeatedly deny that she is leaving the race (as she is now), the idea will start to sink in.
Once there is no Clinton candidacy, the cognitive frame will begin to shift; to the choice between McCain and Obama. I expect we’ll see some 527 attacks on Obama during the summer, and these will help disgruntled former Clinton supporters to reassess how they feel.
which the Clinton campaign keeps inflicting upon themselves. How happy will the TX State Senator (I think I have it right) who was eviscerated on TV for his ignorance of Obama’s record be to support her after she took another slap at him in the debate? Talk about eating your own.
Okay – now you’ve one beyond counting chickens. You’re already counting eggs that haven’t been laid yet!
yep, I have my eye on 80, count ’em, 80 House seats.
You still hasn’t even gotten the loan papers signed on the farm yet. You’re making me hyperventilate over here. Can we please just get past the convention first?
irrational exuberance …
That’s the best kind!
I have never, never understood what was supposed to be so attractive about McCain. I’m not just being rhetorical here. Whatever his magic, it was absolutely lost on me. They said he was the guy who would give you the straight talk. Right — and as the years went by, he would always straight out contradict his former straight out positions by contradicting himself straight out. And he was always straight out about his ideas, most of which were insane, such as saying recently that Americans don’t care if we stay in Iraq another 100 or even 1000 years. Or straight out kissing the ass of the guy that tried to destroy him (Bush), we like that, right?
So, when it comes to this big scandal, my first reaction is — “like I care.” The guy was going to lose anyway — big time. But now I see the deeper meaning of it all: The reason I didn’t get McCain is BECAUSE THERE’S NOTHING TO GET.
I never got it either priscianus. My personal opinion based on nothing more scientific than my own long held rule of thumb is that anyone who has to tell you they are a straight talker-ain’t..kinda like I run like hell when someone I don’t know tells me right away that they are a good christian or even worse adds ‘trust me’ on this.
The MSM helped build johnny-boy’s image as a straight talker and burnished it endlessly with no straight talk at all on what McCain really said or did. He’ll forever be tagged as the straight talker by the msm the same way Kerry was endlessly called a flip/flopper by the msm until that myth sunk in and persists to this day.
Some of us are old enough to remember the Keatington Five. I haven’t had any respect for McCain since then.
Looky what the ClintonS are doing now, they are just hiddeous TROLLS, and her campaign too.
This story was first pushed by that loser DLC Taylor Marsh
I guess all that nice-nice last night was REAL….NOT……she is such a loser that Hillary!
The Clintons don’t understand that we want to vote for (fill in a name), not that candidate called Anybody But.
Taylor Marsh is shitting in a sack, Larry Johnson is lighting the match, and Hillary Clinton is ringing the doorbell. All they is going to get for the effort is unclean hands and a blacker reputation for unnecessarily stinking up their own neighborhood.
Empress Hillary is getting more desperate with each new poll showing that her firewalls have been jumped.
She will not exit gracefully, and will probably have to “loan” even more of her own money to the race, and that will make her desperation increase rather more… like a gambler who doesn’t know when to take the loss and leave the table. So after Texas and Ohio, she’ll just move the firewall to Pennsylvania. After Pennsylvania, she’ll move it and move it again and yet again until she gets right up to the convention doorway. Will she chain herself to the doors?
Cheaters cheat because they are LOSERS.
I have said before and will say again… I will NOT vote for Hillary Clinton, even if she is the democratic nominee.
No more Clintons and no more Bushes!
McCain would do well at this point to just crawl up into Mitt’s dog kennel on his car and let Mitt drive him out of town.
The dam she be bursting.
Barack Obama is now apparently a terrorist sympathizer, according to the Clinton campaign. So I, now and forever, take back what I said about her last night. This woman has a serious case of split-personality disorder.
There’s 3 more pointing back at you.
Apparently the Clinton’s never learned that lesson. Their pushing of this story only reminds people that Bill Clinton pardoned Susan Rosenberg, a member of the same group:
With ABCNews, disgusting headline.
Well, at least ABC pointed out the hypocrisy. Everytime I think the Clinstones can’t get any more incompetent, they raise the bar again.
Larry Johnson, once a contributer here, has been pushing this story for some time.
Considering that Ayers is now a distinguished professor of Education at the University of Illinois, Chicago, the designation of "terrorist" is defamatory and libelous.
Part of the problem is the guilt by association logic, which puts anyone who is associated — if only tangentially — with the anti-war movement of the sixties in the category of terrorist (which includes me, through a rather convoluted six-degrees-of-separation logic of association).
The other problem is the timeframe. Obama met with a professor (Ayers) who was working on social justice issues in 1995, which is what Obama, as a community organizer, was also working on at the time. Unless you think that working on social justice issues constitutes a form of terrorist activity, you should regard this claim as a vicious smear attempt.
What’s more interesting to me is Larry Johnson’s rabid smear campaign against Obama on No Quarter. We can speculate of Johnson’s motives, but he’s obviously obsessed with smearing Obama. Considering how the CIA used destabilization techniques to foment dissent, it’s hard not to notice that Johnson’s technique is unmistakable from this agent provocateur technique. The question of cui bono should asked here, since the only one benefiting from these smears are the Republicans. And we can therefore question Johnson’s motives as well as who he is working for.
I just hope Larry never returns the pond. What he and SusanHu over there have done is really disgusting.
There’s debating policy differences, and then there are Rovian like attacks – all smoke and mirrors but no substance. I expected that of Larry. I was really disappointed in Susan though.
Sorry, use of the term terrorist sympathizer constitutes plagiarism.
Either the candidate is complicit in this crap-sling or she is not in control of her own campaign.
If you will govern like you campaign, what does either alternative say about what she would be like on Day 1?
This is not hardball politics, its a smelly wiffleball pitch in a big league game.
Maybe its time to respond to the ‘plagiarism’ red herring with, “If your candidacy is about experience, the experience should be your own.”
That line can not be repeated often enough. Let’s all keep saying this wherever we go. Commit it to memory now.
Great line. She’s a classic example of resume padding.
When she answered the Commander in Chief question with yet another laundry list of her accomplishments, one of them was about representing the country for 15 years. Anyone else catch that? What did she mean?
st. john’s got lots of problems:
and his association with rick renzi who’s just been indicted for extortion, wire fraud, money laundering and other charges related to a land deal in Arizona.
not mccains problem, you say? hmmmmmm…seems renzi is [was?] a member of the John McCain National Campaign Committee and co-chair of the JOHN MCCAIN 2008 ARIZONA LEADERSHIP TEAM.
h/t thinkprogress
McCain got ambushed this morning at a presser. He had no idea Renzi was even indicted until a reporter asked him about it.
Then there’s blood in the water. This could get hard for Sen. McCain.
What’s behind all this? A Bloomberg entry into the race?
Something reaks here, and it isn’t only McCain.
Spouse read somewhere that Bloomberg wouldn’t enter the race if Obama won the nomination.
But we wouldn’t be surprised if McCain withdrew, leaving —–Romney? Huckabee?
I’m getting the chainsaw out so that I can lop off a branch that keeps hammering the side of the house. Big storm coming in off the Pacific tomorrow.
Sounds a lot like both Clinton and McCain.
Mark Blumenthal at Pollster.com does an interesting comparison of Wisconsin and Ohio and concludes that Obama has a chance to win in Ohio, maybe:
Not sure he’s telling us anything we don’t already know. Obama can’t win Ohio unless he makes inroads into Hillary’s less-educated white base. But I think he’s saying that Obama doesn’t have to win them (like he did in Wisconsin), he just has to cut her lead among them.
Yeah, at this point he doesn’t have to win to win, at least not in Ohio. If he breaks even it’s a win for him. (Heck, even if he ends up with a net loss of 10 delegates he’s still ahead of the game.)
Hillary on the other hand does have to win, and win big. I’m not sure I see that happening in Ohio, and it’s definitely not looking good for her in Texas.
I think Obama will win the popular vote in TX long before he nets OH. The good news is, I think he will win TX, popular and delagate votes both.
In Ohio a tie is the same as a 10 pt. victory for Obama.
Final Wisconsin polls underestimated Obama support significantly (13pts).
No guarantys, results may vary etc, but picking ‘likely voters’ is getting to be a real crap shoot for the polling companies.
Given both the amount and rate of ground being gained by Obama, both firewalls look like they’re turning to ash.
Yeah, but Ohio is notorious for repeated voting hackery and stolen elections! Who is their Sec of State? What machinery is going to be used?
Until and unless Ohio goes with something a wee bit more transparent (such as ballots hand-counted in front of cameras and certified watchers from the UN), can we trust any election numbers out of that state? I don’t.
we run the state now. Ken Blackwell is long gone.
Thank you for pointing this out.
Our governor has unfortunately endorsed Hillary, but at least a couple of mayors have some out for Obama, and they’re encouraging early voting. (Click link for Buckeye State Blog post about robocalls from mayors).
Obama got 2.5 more delegates today from the Democrats Abroad.
On the News Hour Mark Shields just compared the Clinton Campaign to the Bush Administration. Bush had no plan B for Iraq; Hillary’s campaign had no Plan B for for the post-Super Tuesday period if she didn’t win.
Where else can you get a job, screw up big time and get paid this kind of cash to hit the road?
Where do I sign up? And where are all the angry tax protesters? IU is a public institution.
ha! sampson’s a lightweight piker…here’s how it’s done:
and yes, that did piss a lot of people off.
I’m truly amazed! Of course Kelvin was only at IU a few short months, he’s just going to eat and run;-)
Everybody go see There Will be Blood. Nothing like a good close look at the will to power in American oil money, delivered in Oscar-worthy style by D.Day Lewis.
Bonus points for all dads who see this movie.