Town Hall Meeting: “Is Impeachment Necessary to Protect the Constitution?”
Date: Sunday March 9, 2008
Time: 4:00pm – 6:00pm
Place: Judson Memorial Church, 55 Washington Square South, Manhattan
Organized by, with support from Village Independent Democrats, Chelsea Reform Democrats, Democracy for NYC, Progressive Democrats of America New York CD 14

For seven years this administration has systematically violated the Constitution; blithely operated outside the rule of law, unilaterally invested unprecedented power in the executive branch while curtailing power in the remaining two branches of government, ignored any and all processes of checks and balance and operated under a veil of secrecy, despite required transparency, with limited exception. They have commandeered at least fifteen government agencies, including the Department of Justice, the fulcrum upon which a nation of laws is utterly dependent, for the express use of the Republican Party, despite federal restrictions banning these agencies from engaging in partisan political activities. The freedoms and liberties of our citizens have routinely been trampled on and in many instances completely revoked, without cause or reason. And with few exceptions, all of this has gone on virtually unchallenged. The foundation of our Democracy has been severely undermined and the damage immeasurable. If we allow Bush and Cheney to leave office on January 20, 2009, without challenging these violations, the Constitution, ipso facto will be irrevocably changed and this country, as it has been for the past 240 years, will no longer exist.

Anything short of impeachment will be ineffective and leave this country vulnerable to the continued corruption of power hunger, self-serving politicians, on both sides of the aisle. This administration’s illegal actions will become precedent setting models of acceptable behavior and leave all future Presidents with the unprecedented power of a monarch

It is gravely naïve to believe, as some politicians will have you, that upon leaving office, restoring the laws Bush and Cheney have broken will commensurately restore our Constitution.  Even if possible, this would do nothing to redress the reprehensible act of violating the public trust.  Only impeachment can achieve this.

Nothing short of impeachment will put our Democracy back on solid footing which is why Bruce Fein, a specialist in constitutional and international law and who served under President Reagan as an Associate Deputy Attorney General, continues to lead an ongoing campaign to impeach Cheney and Bush.

To better understand the process and need for impeachment the citizen organizers of have organized a Town Hall Meeting entitled “Is Impeachment Necessary to Protect the Constitution?”

Town Hall Meeting: “Is Impeachment Necessary to Protect the Constitution?”
Date: Sunday March 9, 2008
Time: 4:00pm – 6:00pm
Place: Judson Memorial Church, 55 Washington Square South, Manhattan
Organized by, with support from Village Independent Democrats, Chelsea Reform Democrats, Democracy for NYC, Progressive Democrats of America New York CD 14

Former Congresswoman Elizabeth Holtzman, Constitutional scholar Bruce Fein, and Harper’s contributor Scott Horton are confirmed speakers, and Congressman Jerrold Nadler is an invited speaker. John Nirenberg, who recently walked from Boston to Washington in support of holding impeachment hearings, will also attend as our special guest.  One or two other qualified guest speakers may be added to the program.

Following the invited speakers, audience members will be free to ask questions and make comments.  Please join us and show your support for impeachment