Will Hillary throw the lamp first or the ashtray?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I heard she’s dragging in her kitchen sink to throw at him.
I heard it was everything but…
Desperate situations require desperate solutions.
Ala The Tick’s American Maid…
She’s spent all day today being congenial and excusing her previous behavior. Running away before the debates because she’s gonna be all peaches and cream tonight. Watch.
Does Cleveland State have a mascot?
I think it’s a gritty lunchpail.
They are the Vikings (and members of the Horizon League). I think I prefer the lunch pails – we have too many Viking mascots already 😉
Pumpkinhead looks truly devious tonight.
Hey–Virginia is kind of protective of the whole “mother of presidents” thing–there are 8 presidents from the Commonwealth, too IIRC.
wow, confronting Hillary with her own shit.
Russert is from Buffalo and went to college in Cleveland. I think some of these issues are personal with him. Just a conjecture.
I wonder if she cringes when she hears that?
They kind of jumped into it? With video!
Brian Williams: You kinda of changed a lot in 2 days.
Those flyers are old, she’s acting like it was the Obama campaign throwing up smears and now we’re back on Clinton gabbing about her healthcare plan.
This is a contested campaign? Telling statement.
Well, they got right down to it.
Obama looks incredulous.
Ooh, the native garb stuff – I’m glad they’re getting it out of the way.
I like how he batted that out of the way in a way that made her look guilty.
But did he just say he didn’t whine? Is he trying to bait her? Get her angry? The Col. Jessup strategy?
I caught the whining comment too and thought it was a wee bit sexist.
I dunno. I think most of the whining comes from the men working for her. But I don’t think he should go there all the same.
Not sexist, more jock vs. jock – “quit whining!” is something a dude would say to another dude.
My husband’s a fucking whiner and I have to say that like a billion times a day.
But the reason that works is that you’re implicitly calling him a girl…
I do that all the time too, I’m just sayin…
No evidence… sound familiar?
Ooh, Hillary is shooting poison darts at him with her eyes.
Obama: we’ve been hit with lots of negative ads, robocalls, mailings and haven’t whined about it because that is the nature of campaigning. ouch
Maybe the word “attack” should be the drinking word.
So now he’s a shill for the insurance industry and rethugs? Please.
I’ve decided to just drink without any special words, but I don’t have the TV controller tonight, so the others are watching “Friends” instead. Maybe everytime the laugh track is played.
obama is trying to draw out clinton on a specific number for the subsidies that will offset her mandate. he’s brought it up twice.
Oh when will they ask Hillary about her tax returns?
He seems a bit testy. He shouldn’t. Hopefully it’s just that he’s warming off.
I’m glad he demanded a chance to defend himself, and he’s doing a good job.
she’s shaking her head. He says he’s happy to work with her. She looks nasty, he looks like a leader.
Woo, he called her by name!!
I think both health plans suck, but does it occur to voters that if individuals are required to buy their own coverage, employers won’t offer it anymore?
OK, I just want her to shut up. She’s grating my nerves.
on to NAFTA!
but first she decides to throw out the SNL defense! (I can’t believe she actually went there). Did I hear boos?
Don’t think there were any boos. The audience is very quiet and polite.
Oops. They just applauded his point on reject and announce.
And, I think her comments were equivalent to “depends on the meaning of is” and he made it into a silly joke. We thought it was a brilliant response.
Oh my God! Did she really think this was smart? SNL? Get him a pillow? What planet did THAT come from???
That was bad…what is it with the Clintonistas and SNL as a legitimate source for anything? Don’t they know it’s not even funny anymore?
And I thought it was because I aged out.
Oh my God – she’s complaining that she’s getting the first question – starting to get booed!!!
Oh god, now she’s whining about getting the first question
what is she doing?
looking for a pony?
OMG, she brought up SNL. I’m so embarrassed for her. I just wanted to cry right now.
Me too!
She looks like she’s going to cry. Wow.
She’s having a melt-down. She’s literally breaking up. And her voice is so grating. I swear, however unfairly, that’s a factor in why people who watch the debates tend to favor Obama.
As a woman, I hate that she is falling back on the “poor me, everyone is so unfair to me” defense.
That was painful to watch. Seriously. I REALLY hope that wasn’t planned.
She’s whining. You can’t cry foul or unfair in a campaign. That is not a sign of strength!!
I think it’s unfair. I’ve had to deal with public speaking and I get kinda squeaky when I get nervous in front of a crowd, but I’ve been told I give good phone.
H. Clinton should have gotten a vocal coach before the campaign. Really. I’m not joking. Her voice isn’t irritating if she doesn’t strain it.
This is a former lawyer, who was on the board of Wall Mart. She’s given speeches all around this country for her husband’s campaign, the Children Defense Fund, her own campaigns and on the floor of the Senate.
And yet the Plain Dealer endorsed Obama
yep – I was hoping he’d say that. Of course she’d say that was before you started attacking me.
She keeps saying ‘we need to have a debate’ – what does she think she’s doing now?????
Btw – does Obama really not know how to pronounce Massachusetts? That’s embarrassing!
disoriented, she appears to be
self-destruction time!
wow what a look she’s wearing
No angry bumblebee tonight!
the questions are all directed at her, but they are fair, and are based on issues she’s made hay of in the last week.
In the last couple of weeks, she set herself up for all of them.
Russert just nailed Hillary to the cross of NAFTA!
I do feel sorry for her in that she looks tired, under attack, and angry. She does not look presidential.
I don’t. She’s the de facto incumbent. These types LOVE NAFTA and it was a cornerstone of the Clinton legacy that she clings to as her experience. She can’t have this both ways.
I really dislike Tim Russert.
he likes to play gotcha
I’ve long disliked him.
Completely full of himself. Thinks he’s brilliant.
It’s not just me is it? She’s talking in circles and it doesn’t make her look honest.
Interesting comment from Chuck Todd re SNL ref:
Good answer re trade from Obama. Glad he knew the quote referenced and could clarify.
I can’t get the damn msnbc download to flow smoothly…anyone have any clues? Is there another way to watch to this on the computer?
having the same problem
Heavy traffic. Run to a nearby bar and demand MSNBC!
Ruh Roh. Somebody actually read her “blueprint.” And of all people it was Pumkinhead.
she runs on her husband’s record OTH not
OMG, trying to suck up to Gore? Isn’t it a lil late?
Oh my gosh – Tim Russert is asking her about jobs – she promised 200,000, but there was a net loss of 30,000.
Her answer? Blame the Democrats for losing the election. “I thought Al Gore was going to be president.”
I think they are both strong on this issue
on the war, I hope Obama points to Cheney Rumsfeld’s looooong on experience, how did they do?
Are a waste of Obama’s time. He could be out with voters (those people Ferraro says doesn’t matter) while Clinton and Russert have a nice chitchat.
poor performance in answer on Obama’s speech against the war
Many people gave speeches against the war? She is high.
as Dick Gregory on Bill Clinton asked, what did you put in my malt?
If anyone wants some idea of how each of them would handle a crisis situation, just look at their respective campaigns.
Anyone else think this debate is the end of the Hillary Entitlement.
God I hope so.
Barack just looked at Hillary like, “*** please!”
That’s exactly what I thought. My mother gave that same look when she said it.
What a restrained audience.
i think this is a major miscalculation by Clinton that she thinks she will be stronger against McCain. i think the majority of people will finally go with someone that will unequivocally end the Iraq war. Just my opinion, of course.
I wish he’d hit her on the Iran judgment. She didn’t learn from her Iraq vote. That’s key. She didn’t LEARN!
She’s not even fake smiling when she does her stares.
“Glare at him” must be a strategy point for her.
She just reeks of anger. My gosh – I’ve never seen her so sullen. Wow.
Obama: ‘a clean break’ against Bush and Cheney. Good line, hope he uses it more
yey! He said Iraq is a sovereign nation.
she’ fighting Russert? Not good.
The debate gets people a little TOO rile up!
She’s totally evading Russert’s question.
The audience booed him. Good for Clinton for telling him his question isn’t based in reality.
yep, he’s going right after her, I’m feeling the urge to come to her defense.
I’m not. She helped kill 600,000 people and never called it wrong.
Yeah, I’m pretty disgusted by her. She is just beyond obnoxious.
What’s with the Iraq fantasy from Tim R.
Snow storm outside, but a WARM night in the arena.
She’s a bit pushy and rude. I know she wants to get her word in – funny line from Brian – “we’re having a warm night” – heated, indeed!
Fresh new thread for the commercial break. Come on over.