Put on your strategist shoes. Who should John McCain select for his running mate? What will maximize his bang for the buck, impress the media, expand his appeal, reinforce his message, shore up his base or, perhaps conversely, help him appeal to Democrats and independents?

Who should Barack Obama choose? Should he go with someone with military/foreign policy experience, or will that remind everyone of the dysfunctional Bush/Cheney relationship? Should be pick a woman like Governor Kathleen Sebelius? Should he pick a red state Democrat like Gov. Brian Schweitzer of Montana or Gov. Brad Henry of Oklahoma. Will that reinforce his 50-state strategy? Or should Obama look for someone that can put him over the top in a closely contested state like Gov. Tim Kaine of Virginia, Gov. Ted Strickland of Ohio, or Sen. Bill Nelson of Florida? Should he pick someone with a similar vision for the party and the country or someone that balances the ticket between the new and the old, like former Gov. Tom Vilsack of Iowa or Sen. Tom Carper of Delaware?

And, since she is still technically in the race, should Hillary Clinton somehow pull out the nomination could she afford to pick anyone other than Barack Obama? If so, who would help put the party back together again and give some juice against McCain?