I just picked up this mantra template from Shirlstars yesterday and I want to share it with all of you.
It goes like this, when you want a different outcome from something, when you want a certain outcome from something, say or think something like this:
“Won’t it be wonderful when, the election is over and Obama will be President,”
“wont’t it be grand when the Left blogoshpere no longer hates or vilifies HRC.”
“won’t it be glorious when GWB is no longer President and can no longer damage the country.”
or it can be more personal like:
Won’t it be terrific when my daughter is going back to college, and won’t it be great when her family is functioning in a happy and prosperous way.
Or it can can have even greater range and scope as in:
Won’t it be wonderful and superb when the peoples of this earth no longer fight each other and every human being has the basic elements of a decent life.”
The thing is, it’s based on attracting what you wish to exist in the future, in your reality, the best, the most positive, not what you dread, not the negative aspect..
Today I was in the grocery store and passed more than once a lady with 2 young children, each time I observed her being sharp and snapping and slapping the child’s hands. I immediately said to myself, “won’t it be wonderful when that lady realizes how precious her children are and no longer disrespects them.” The next time I passed by, she seemed different, more relaxed and more loving. Previously I would have focused on the negative that she was presenting, not the positive I wished to see.
Later in the car with my daughter 32, we began to list the many things that it would be so wonderful to think into being. At one point she was stressed in traffic and I said “won’t it be great when you no longer get stressed.” She immediately calmed…
This mantra is such that you can use whatever words you wish and fill in the subject with whatever is important to you. I can’t say it works for sure, but can it do anything but help, as many of us know that positive thoughts are better than negative.
So I invite you all to add your “Won’t it be wonderful’s, here and into your life. What would you wish into being. I am finding myself going about saying one after the another about everything today. Won’t it be great when my plants are in full flower.
Big, giant thanks to Shirl for giving me this to add to my life, I hope it makes your life happier and more fullfilling as well.
Let us wish and think into being, that which is for the best and most highest purpose of all life on this earth.
Love to you all.
Hi everyone, be sure to add your won’t it be wonderful’s, I can’t wait to see what they are.
I can attest to how well it works. Because already the, “Won’t it be wonderful when Diane can change her perspective to see the limitless possibilities that she will create in her life” has become, isn’t it wonderful that Diane takes such a broad view positive perspective of things. And it took no time at all.
Yes, I know how much we humans love to dwell in our negative views of things and how “Pollyanna” some will think this is. Whatever. I just think of the first guy to eat a tomato after everyone around him told him how poisonous it was. . .Ya just can’t take someone elses words for things all the time.
If you put it into practice, recognizing the things that don’t appear to be so wonderful to you and then creating a view point of how you wish it to be I think you will be amazed at how well it all works. That has just been my experience. You decide.
Nice to see you post here, Diane.
Love ya and Hugs
Only a diary you can do!
Thanks and (((hugs)))
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Thanks Oui, isn’t it grand and wonderful that we becsame friends after a little bit of a rocky start and isn’t it also great that we have this site where people like us and others have a chance to meet and share their lives across the world..
And pertaining to one of your links above, isn’t it even grander that Diva/Dena, actually got to this country and now has asylum here, who would have dreamed that? She did of course along with many of us here who dreamed it into being.
Thanks for this diane101.
The Law of Attraction. It’s powerful and it works for me.
Thoughts manifest into things…in the present, thoughts determine future outcome.
Isn’t it wonderful we were able to meet you and Shirl here at the Tribune.
Isn’t it wonderful that so many intelligent, witty and kind people are here.
Won’t it be wonderful when the election is over and the people here will stop insulting each other, and do what we came here for – defeat the repugs.
AND won’t it be wonder when the people from Publisher’s Clearing House show up at my front door. π
Oh FM, it indeed is wonderful, all the things you say above.
BTW, I am going to bring back Village Blue, it is in the process right now, waiting for an update change from hosting site, and it will be wonderful when I find that the back up I saved will work on the new site. I think I am so in the mood for that site again.
Good luck on the PCH.
Hey Diane, I’m so ready for you to bring back Village Blue too. You were after Booman, the second site I ever joined. You had a lot of good stuff at the old site, I hope you can bring a lot of it back.
Wait….What’s that I hear….A doorbell…..Could it be PC……Nah just a neighbor. π
Wouldn’t it be wonderful, just wonderful to have peace for even just one day throughout the entire world to see what it would be like. Just to have no guns going off to shoot anyone and to have just plain and simple respect for each other for just 24 hours to remind each of us just how precious life really is.
On another shot about this, I used to sign off on the only other peaceful place I wrote online was the med room which was dismantled a very long time ago. I signed of with “PEACE AND LOVE” We never indulged into politics of any sort.
Thank you Diane for this I really needed it a lot to just remind me of just how I can work my very own life to help other with smiles on their faces.
Many hugs to you and yours…..and to everyone out there in boo land..
I just love your wonderful Brenda, a world wide peace day would be just grand and I can’t wait till that happens, let us facilitate that and think it into being.
Hugs and love right back to you and yours.
Won’t it be wonderful when I lose a bunch of pounds.
Won’t it be wonderful when I can really feel like I’m playing the banjo instead of just hacking at the darn thing and doing the musical version of swimming in the kiddie pool.
Won’t it be wonderful when I’m healthier.
Won’t it be great when the Democrats finally unite around a single candidate, and better yet, realize that the President is only one guy — that for real change to occur, they have to work toward getting more and better Democrats into all levels of government, Federal state and local.
Won’t it be wonderful when that happens?
Wouldn’t it be swell if a large sum of money just sort of landed in my lap? (Well, it would, but I don’t expect it to happen.)
Yes indeed, I have some of the same won’t it be wonderful’s, like the weight, which I say won’t it be great when I weigh the best amount for me, also won’t it be wonderful when I no longer have pain in my back and I can walk without pain.
Thanks for adding your wonderful’s here.
my son starts junior kindergarten in the fall and I’ll be there everyday because I’ll be on a one year personal leave.
Won’t it be wonderful when spring weather starts showing up.
Well it will be wonderful when spring arrives where you are, since I live in Socal, we are pretty much in spring already, and my flowers are all a blooming.
Best to you and your little one Toni and to his coming kindergarten experience.
Wow! Seems it was just yesterday that the little guy came into your life and now it is pre-kindergarten already.
Fabulous! and fabulous that you will have the time to share this with him everyday.
Loves and hugs
Won’t it be wonderful when the American electorate realize that the two party duopoly is dead and third, fourth and fifth party challenges for national office become the norm, instead of the waste of time they’re viewed as now?
Won’t it be wonderful when a two income family will feel secure in knowing that they can keep thier house, send their children to college, …and…afford the medical coverage they need while providing three good meals a day?
And most pressing to me…
Won’t it be wonderful when chili dog (chili dogs help me to relax!) trees grow right outside my bedroom window so I can snag one everytime some political talking head tells me who I must vote for, or some naive and spiteful blog commentor accuses me of treason and of wasting my vote when I vote my conscience?
my home, which I dreamed of owning for most of my adult life, the home I wanted to provide stability and security for my children with, was sold at auction testerday by the bank that foreclosed on it and foreclosed on my last, tenuous grasp on attaining the lie that is the American dream.
I say, with apologies to Diane, fuckem! They’ve (the establishment) just created a lifetime enemy who will work to bring down the corporate bloodsucking liars that are our mainstream, bloodmoney squandering, candidates and media whores.
Sorry, super. That really stinks. I hope you find some stability soon.
Luckily for me, I saved my pouch of Chili Dog tree seeds :o)
Won’t it be wonderful when Supersoling is no longer angry at……..
Sorry Super, couldn’t help myself. Sorry to hear that you have lost your house, but please realize that many including my entire immediate family has never been able to buy even one house. In my 20’s I did own a house with first husband, but have not since that time.
So therefore should I be angry about that?
The socalled American Dream has not been realized here, in fact many of the American Dreams I have not had, but please know that I could not be a happier or more fullfilled person than I am today…I say that living in a 35′ fifth wheel trailer, best home I’ve ever had.
Instead I say, won’t it be just great when my children can afored to buy their own home even though their parents were not able to do the same. They think it might be possible now as prices that were sky high here are now starting to fall, there will be a big readjustment period, but more people will be able to own a home because of that in the future.
Love you Super and best wishes to you and yours.
Thanks, Diane
My outburst was just the culmination of nearly three years of weathering attacks from too many directions, not getting the support I needed from within my closest family relationships, including from my “partner”. It’s very complicated and I can’t find an easy way out. But I’m a worker, so I’ll do what I do best and get the gears turning again.
Love you too…
Sorry to read this, Super. We’re all at the mercy of the banks and mortgage companies.
I’m not a quitter, so we’ll land on our feet, one way or the other. I just had had about all I could stand the other day and it came out in my comment.
I’m really sorry to hear that, Super. I know how hard you tried to work things out there, and how much it meant to you.
I hope you and your family have some good times headed your way soon – you certainly deserve them after all you’ve been through.
I haven’t blown a gasket in public in a while and I m sorry I did now. I guess the dam just burst and it just flowed out of me.
But I needed to say thank you to you for caring anf replying, I just couldn’t do it at the time because I was embarrassed.
I know I did everything I possibly could have done to hold onto the house. But it was much more than just the banks that stood in my way. A perfect storm of obstacles. If I weren’t so stubborn I would’ve known to get out from the beginning.
On the bright side, I looked at a rental house yesterday that is off the beaten path and has a waterway for a back yard that opens onto Peconic Bay, where I can kayak, canoe, and sail from :o) The price is crazy low compared to what most houses are renting for around here. It has a huge porch at the back that looks out on the water. So, with fingers and toes crossed, I feel good today. Oh, and best of all, the kids can stay in the same school, my number one motivation for getting involved in this house to begin with :o)
Thanks, CG
That’s great news, super. I hope that place works out – it sounds perfect for all of you.
I’ve always been a fan of the “when one door closes, another one opens” thinking. You just have to make sure you’re not too busy staring at the door that just closed to notice. π
Yes I agree with you CG, the one door closes and the other door opens, is so true and the one that opens is usually so much better than the one just closed.
Shirl just sent me this line today and I think it might fit in here for Super,
Worrying is using your imagination to create something you don’t want.~ Abraham/Hicks
My daughter is going to go through a big life change presently and that line will help me get through it myself, tendency is to worry, but as that quote says, why do I want to create something I do not want.
Love to you CG and love to Super, I am sure that house you spoke of will be just super.
Hi luv,
I am so sorry for what you and your family have been through. Know that my heart and my thoughts are with you every moment.
Won’t it be wonderful when a bright new road opens up for each of you and you find even more wonderful things to enjoy than you ever thought possible. That’s the thought I am holding for you.
If I can help, you know you can always email or call me.
Truly, I love you
I luv you too, Shirl
No one could ever say that I’m a model of unemotional, bland comments, eh? :o)
We’re alright. In fact, see my reply to CG above and you’ll see that it looks like we’ve found a new and much more peaceful place to live. A place that better fits my attachment to nature and my disdain for the prying eyes of nosy and disapproving neighbors. I much rather look at trees and ripples on the water than at all the immaculately manicured lawns I see from these windows :o)
Thank you for always being near in spirit.
With love…
Whew! I am really glad I caught your comment here. I had just been catching up and read about your troubles…oh my!
I very much hope your potential new place works out – it sounds delightful! The “won’t it be wonderful when…” seems to be working π
I recieved your email. Thanks :o)
I’ll write back a little later, after I take the girls to see the house :o)
people stop hating each other because of skin color, gender, sexual orientation, financial status, age. Won’t it be wonderful when hate mongers are no longer given a platform and are paid for it on teevee and radio?
And won’t it be wonderful when people realise that the “American Dream” the government started selling us back in the 30s concerning home ownership was a new form of slavery? That credit cards and easy time car payments were the death of America?
Won’t it be wonderful?
I love your wonderful’s….
Speaking of credit cards, yes they have been awful for
Americans, I remember in the late 60’s when bank credit cards were just coming into being, we did have Sears and Penny’s and major dept. store cards, but not the overall cards like Master and Visa, I was incredulous when I first heard about them. No Kidding, I said, I could hardly believe it…but of course then as a soon to be divorced woman I discovered they were not to be for the likes of me, I had no credit, only my husband did. It took me quite a few years till I could join those ranks, of course I went beserk in spending, lost it soon (back to the bank) and did not have another credit card in my hands till just a few years ago.
So won’t it be wonderful indeed when we no longer need to use credit cards.
That all of your wonderful thoughts and desires are being fulfilled as long as you continue to focus on them in this same positive and wonderful way.
Isn’t it wonderful that we can share our experiences and hopes and dreams for a wonderful new world together.
Isn’t it wonderful that I have had the great pleasure and honor of meeting each of you here, whether in physical presence or through your words.
Isn’t it wonderful!
Hugs to all
everyone has flowers like these blooming outside your windows.
And Isn’t it wonderful that I have these levely flowers blooming outside my window, I feel like the luckiest person in the world. And then when I step outside and see them in person, feel their beautiful foliage and smell the delicious armoma coming from some of them, I do know, with absolute sureness, that I am.
Hope these will brighten your day as they have mine.