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I laugh in the face of unending winter! The snow and ice will never defeat me! Nevah!
:::cue maniacal laughter:::
No, I’m not a bit tired of cold weather, why do you ask?
That brightens up the morning.
They threatened us with snow, but none has come.
We haven’t gotten any either, but it is so cold I have to keep messing with the chickens’ water because it keeps freezing.
No trip to Maine for you this weekend? I guess with the weather, that’s not so much of a loss, except for the chance to spend some time with swimmer.
We have the place to ourselves this weekend…first time in 3 weeks. It seems so quiet.
Well, enjoy!
For the first time in quite awhile the forecast shows that the highs for the next week are all above freezing (mostly 40s).
The downside of that is lots of muddy dog feet.
Yesterday morning my yard was a squishy mudhole, so from that standpoint, some frozen ground would be A-OK with me…I hate mud.
Are you enjoying a quiet weekend in the woods, recovering from the BCROD?
Yep, I’ve planned a no-plans weekend. What’s on your dance card?
It’s below freezing right now so I got a mud-free morning but it’s going to be in the 40s today so the rest of the ice and snow is going to be busy making muck.
I see a trip to Home Depot or Lowes in our future…we need tub caulk and a new showerhead, I think. Then CBtE asked us to give him a ride from his dad’s so he can go out with his girlfriend tonight (I thought we were off the hook with driving everywhere, but apparently his dad didn’t get the memo). And I’m making a batch of chili and finishing up a little work project so I can finish billing for February. Maybe a movie tonight…Big fun.
And then there’s yoga tomorrow morning.
Oh, just reading all that made me tired. I think I need a nap. 🙂
Glad I didn’t tell you that I made a huge dent in a new pair of socks while watching teevee last night, then. Or that I need to get the body of my sweater started this weekend if I want to wear it this spring.
BTW, nice FM impression. I’d almost believe it…but not from you. 😉
I see blue skies breaking through!
Yep blue skies here, too. And the temps are now above freezing — mudpies here we come.
I think I’ll go be the anti-FM and go walk before the mud gets too awful. Ta.
Stormy weather forecast for the weekend. The daffodils are in full bloom, waiting for the hyacinths.
Ending my career as referee in the fieldhockey sport tomorrow … 1200 matches or 48,000 minutes. Enjoyed every match from the youth through tough top competition.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
1200 matches? Wow. Are you going to miss it?
Perhaps … I decided to stop while I still enjoyed doing it. Over so many years, I’m umpiring a second generation of hockeyplayers. The sons and daughters of youth players when I started 22 years ago. Worked also within the cluborganisation to promote sportmanship. In the end, the work has to be done with too few volunteers.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I notice the same small group shows up to volunteer for most things civic around here. I suppose the rest are in front of the TV with their six-pack. I’m sure there are many great memories as your reward.
Good morning everyone! Andi and I are sending more pleasant weather toward all of you easterners. It will no doubt get there just in time for the work week to begin. Sorry about the timing;-)
FM, if you’re lurking about, hope you’re feeling much better today.
Good morning ID and everyone.
We’re feeling better around here. Our outside temps are staying in the 40’s and high 60’s. Good thing too since our heat compressor went out. We’re expecting the whole family here tomorrow for a belated B’day lunch for FMom. So I don’t know who is going to show up today.
Hope everyone is doing fine and stay out of the mud.
when it’s almost 50 out ’cause you know it won’t be around all that much longer.
Hi ID an FM.
Click for larger image
All those nice colors make me curious about what sort of minerals are in ’em. Looks like some oxides, but who knows what else?
I’m off to take candidate PR photos outdoors today at the courthouse. Although warmer out, the wind is still a little brisk.
The reds are probably iron oxide but I don’t know what the yellows are.
Happy photo taking. Even with the breeze it looks like a really nice day for it.
Morning Andi.
Glad to see ya’ll are starting to get a little warmer up there. But as I saw you saying earlier, there is the mud. Everyone must be getting ready for the mud wrestling season I guess. :0
It’ll take a couple more days of thawing plus some predicted rain and then I should have a 40 acre mud wrestling pit.
Whoo Hoo! We’ll have to let Olivia know. You know how she loves mud wrestling. 🙂
I still think my plan to make Monday-Friday the weekend and Saturday-Sunday the workweek is the way to go.
I’ll give you my full support on that idea. In fact, I think you could campaign for president on that one…
If there’s anything this election season has taught me, it’s that I want absolutely nothing to do with any campaign ever.
You mean, your campaign for Miss Congeniality is suspended?
Perhaps she’s passing the crown to you?
I think I gave up on that one some time around 2nd grade. I realized that if I couldn’t charm Miss Peterson who loved every kid that ever lived, I might as well save my energy for more likely ventures.
I think I’m sticking with my act-locally and try not to needlessly offend others who disagree with me approach to politics…and of course running for anything but the train was never in the cards…
It’s a bit nippy here this morning. I’m going to have to bundle up for the drive to yoga.
It’s rather balmy here so warmer weather should be heading your way.
Off to brave the mud. Hope you have a good time at yoga.
See ya.
I will – I love this yoga class, and it’s in a beautiful place.
Ihope the mud is still semi-frozen for your walk. 😉
Good morning Andi, CabinGirl and Second Nature! I heartily concur with Andi’s workweek proposal and add a friendly amendment for European style vacations.
Hi 63, low 35.
I guess that’s kind of appropriate for Monday.
Good morning, Andi!
We’re also in for a nice one, 39 now – 55 expected.
It’s too bad we’re headed in the opposite direction. But if you get our weather, you’ve got three days of warm temps before the crash.
I hope you’re right. I’m ready for spring and enjoy the noticeably longer days.
Well we’ve still got snow in the forecast, so spring’s not exactly just ’round the corner.
Is swimmer back from Maine?
No, she went up yesterday morning. The program is today and she’ll be back in NY late tonight.
I wonder how the newly dumped snow will affect her attitude toward the school.
Hi all-
We’re thinking we’re in for a nice 60-degree day here today. And maybe some lunchtime tennis in celebration of the warm weather.
Boy, did I oversleep this morning. CBtY is doing the frantic rush to catch the bus now.
Ah, the morning rush.
But that is an early start – out before 7?
The bus comes at about 10 minutes before seven. Brutal, isn’t it?
CBtE doesn’t go until 7:35. Much more humane, don’t you think?
a fair trade for a morning rush?
Monday morning just arrived.
Good morning Andi, CG and Ask. I think I got everybody.
Overslept again. We’re supposed to be up in the mid 70’s today. Tonight bad thunderstorms. It’s a freezing 58 right now.
Darn you for hogging all of the thunderstorms. I haven’t experienced anything nearly as spectacular as the ones in the midwest since I moved down here and I miss them.
Morning SN.
I’ll keep the rain, but I’ll be glad to let you have all the rest. It’s supposed to be here in the middle of the night, so I can see a no sleep night coming up.
Good morning, FM! Seems like we’re all getting a taste of spring this week.
I hope your thunderstorms aren’t too bad.
Hi CG.
You never know how they’ll be, but regardless I know I’ll be awake because of FMom. Thunderstorms scare her very much.
I think after this goes through we’ll have some cold weather for a little while again.
Deceptively beautiful for a Monday. 🙂
That’s gorgeous!
Good morning all. Half day at work and then I’m off to the doctor for a quick visit. See y’all later.
Good luck at the doctor’s office Boran.
We had heavy rain from about 2 p.m. on which meant that we didn’t have satellite internet and that I stayed off most of that time because I couldn’t stand being on dial-up.
Morning/Afternoon/Evening all.
Morning Andi.
We had strong thunderstorms come through here around midnight. FMom woke me up because she’s afraid of thunderstorms, and I sat up with her until it was gone. She went to sleep and I never could get back to sleep. I hate middle of the night thunderstorms.
I thought of you when I was looking at the radar and saw that red blob moving across the south. It looked like the storm cell was huge.
The storm cell was huge, but we lucked out again. We had high winds and heavy rain, but no damage that I know of.
We had the heavy rain and the high winds but no thunder and lightning. And the mud wrestling pit is in a-one condition.
I think we’re supposed to get the storms next.
Yep the mud wrestling season is coming upon us. 🙂
We had some pretty heavy thunder and lighting along with everything else.
I am sooooo sleepy this morning. Definitely in major need of coffee.
I’m in major need of some sort way to turn tons of mud into solid ground — and I’d prefer to avoid the easy solution of freezing it.
Yeah, freezing really only puts off the inevitable anyway.
I have one of those track-off type mats they use at stores, and that helps a lot with the dog mud. I really should get a second one for the other door…
I have a rough mat but maybe I should try one of those. This spring I’m going to re-seed or do something about the muddiest areas in hopes of reducing the mess.
I recommend them highly. I got the idea from friends in upstate NY who had 5 kids and used those in the winter to keep the house clean and dry, and it worked wonders.
Wonder if they have one that would cover … oh say an acre. 😉
Maybe if you lined them up next to each other carefully, you could cover the whole yard? To heck with grass-seeding and fertilizing…
Morning CG.
Coffee is good. 🙂
It certainly is.
Is FMom still asleep after all the excitement last night?
Yep she sure is. She’ll wake up later on in the morning and wonder why I’m so tired.
Think I’ll try again to get to sleep.
Ya’ll have a good day.
G’night, FM.
Don’t let the bedbugs bite. 😉
If the tits don’t fit, you must acquit.
she says, carefully avoiding any mention of anything that might have happened yesterday.
Good morning…and we’re out of coffee. eek.
I see the Democratic party is running true to form, capable of screwing themselves out of a win in a year where the sitting preznit is less popular than VD. I’m afraid my sig line is becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. Anywhoo…
Boy did we get some torrential rains last night. I’m almost afraid to look in the basement.
No coffee!!! Now that is a real crisis.
Ya know, I disagree a bit — it seems to me that this competition is doing a lot to make people really passionate about this election and it’s getting people to participate in a process that they usually ignore. The important thing is to figure out how to keep that passion and participation alive for the general election, regardless of who the nominee is.
We got about 4″ of rain over the last 48 hours or so.
The passion and interest is good, but I think they’re going to have a hard time keeping that passion alive for the general with the turn things have taken. The media approach of making this all about the horse race and negative innuendos and Russert-style gotcha questions and not about any real issues…Coupled with the insults constantly thrown at supporters of either side…
And my ability to completely unplug from it (I paid minimal attention in 2004, since our primary is so late it never means anything) is somewhat curtailed.
Oh well. What am I doing getting all political in the cafe, anyway? 😉
You walking in this mud today?
Mud is inevitable. Resistance is futile, literally.
Well, we’re getting more mud-making rain right now, so my walk will have to wait a bit.
The only good thing about the 8 inches of snow outside my window right now is that I don’t have school today. I’ll finish my progress reports with staying up until midnight.
I have to admit I’m glad ours came down as rain, even with the mass of mud — I’m ready to be done with winter.
I would have usually preferred rain, but I’ve also been fighting a sinus infection and have been home the last two days. This gives me one free day to recover. The dogs must love the mud in the woods!
Well in that case … yay snow!
I’m glad you got the extra day off to recover and catch up.
I think I might have preferred snow, since we’ve hardly had any this year, but I’m also enjoying the warmer weather this week.
Good morning all. Rain, rain and more rain. (When its not snowing.) Our reservoir, formerly on the low side is now close to overflowing.
I like ’em.
Morning/Afternoon/Evening all.