Well…this is odd:

DALLAS — When reporters arrived at Hillary Clinton’s campaign plane, someone was missing — the candidate.

Officials for the campaign refused to say where Clinton was or why she was not making the flight to Ohio this evening. With the plane en route from Love Field, Clinton had no public events scheduled tonight in Ohio.

Clinton’s mystery disappearing act came, ironically, on a day where she had criticized her rival, Barack Obama, for being “missing in action” on critical issues involving foreign affairs.Aides said there was no health problem with Clinton. Her Secret Service detail also was not on the flight from Dallas.

The article goes on to say that the campaign denies she is headed to North Carolina to see John Edwards. Others have speculated that she is going to make a surprise appearance on tonight’s Saturday Night Live, that she may be getting Bill Richardson’s endorsement, or that she is ill.

I do know that she is supposed to be Jon Stewart’s Daily Show on Monday.

Update [2008-3-1 22:36:28 by BooMan]: From CNN:

(CNN) — Days before a crucial set of primaries, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Hillary Clinton is expected to make a surprise appearance on this week’s “Saturday Night Live,” an entertainment industry source tells CNN.

Sen. Hillary Clinton is running a tight race for Democratic delegates with Sen. Barack Obama.

A spokesman for “Saturday Night Live” would not confirm the appearance, saying only, “It’s a live show; anything can happen.”

Wasn’t too hard to guess.