There is one very important thing you can do this weekend.
It isn’t blogging.
It’s calling people in Texas and Ohio. You can choose.
BooMan’s front page diary this morning is right on point. Obama is going to be the nominee. Now it’s just a matter of time, and the longer this plays out the more our own party will have weakened him in advance of the general election.
It’s time to come together and support the best candidate we can field at this point in time.
And that’s where you come in.
Go to and click the link on the right to “Make Calls.”
IT’S SO EASY. You are given a script.
Elections are not won by having the better candidate. Elections are won by having the better ground game. And the way to make the ground game effective is to help ID who Obama’s supporters are, so people on the ground can ensure they go vote.
Surprisingly (or not), a lot of people who identify themselves as a supporter of a candidate will not actually go to the polls to vote. So a campaign has to call those people on election day and track whether or not they voted at the polls (this is legal. You can’t see HOW someone voted, but you can see IF someone voted.)
So you don’t have to be persuasive, or articulate. You just need to help the campaign find the Obama supporters so the campaign can follow up.
If you feel tongue tied, call Ohio – the script is simpler. Texas is more complex because they have a two-step election – a primary on March 4, and separately, a caucus the night of the primary. So if you like to talk, call Texas. If you feel shy, call Ohio. Or Rhode Island. Or Vermont.
Here is what you can expect:
- Half the time, no one is home. Note that using the correct option and move on to the next call.
- Some will be wrong numbers. Note that and move on.
- Some will not want to talk to you. Be polite, let them go, and move on to the next call.
- Some will be Republicans and will be upset that they are on your list. Apologize and move on.
- Some will be undecided. These are the most fun, because you have a chance to tell them why Obama interests you, why you think he’s a good choice. These people can talk a lot. If you are pressed for time, keep the conversation moving and get off before you lose out on the chance to reach out to others.
- Some will be hardcore Clinton supporters. Be polite. Ask them what they like about Clinton. Sometimes you can turn this to your advantage. I talked to a woman who was impressed by Clinton’s efforts in health care. I noted that after having the full support of the White House, she was unable to get legislation passed, but in his home state of Illinois, Obama made compromises and did get some health care reform passed. It was hardly legendary. But it moved the ball down the field, which was more than Clinton had done.
- Ah, the most fun of all. An Obama supporter! Tell them how important their vote is, how much it is needed as the election is close. Tell them you’re counting on them to help make history on March 4.
Okay. You care. You’re already in front of a computer. Just do it. You might be shaky on the first few calls. I sure was. But just do it. It will be an incredible investment in your future.
Lisa I admire you for doing this you can sleep soundly knowing you have done everything you can for Senator Obama. I cannot bring myself to make these calls. The thing I fear is fear itself – I think Steven D said that but I’m not sure.
Texas and Ohio are freaking me out the MSM will spin any Clinton win into a major turn turn by the electorate. Giving her “momentum” and spinning her into the nomination, when we didn’t even want her in the process from the beginning. Now is not the time to be complacent.
The media is looking for a story in every primary. Obama blowouts are old news now. Obama really needs to win Tuesday. Tweety, Russert and their ilk will seize on any sign of Obama weakness and make it the “story” of the evening.
Obama’s nomination is in the balance he is aligned against the DLC. Hillary on SNL is already making the case that a small victory better be celebrated by the press or she will cry foul. Those skits are not about debates its about free air time and election spin.
If you live in any of the states voting Tuesday and are voting for Obama please get out there and vote.
I think it’s natural to fear when you want something so much. I think that’s why I’ve been sleeping with one eye on the TV, as if I could somehow stop a lie if I saw it happen.
But I do think the fear here is not going to prove warranted. The media really do have a distaste for Clinton, and I have to say, it’s been earned. The Clintons have been nasty to the media for a long time. They can’t expect that nastiness not to be repaid.
But more than that. We passed the tipping point. It’s going to be Obama. The only question is whether it will be sooner or later. But barring some catastrophic-sized event, Obama has it. I just know that he has it, in part, because people like me refuse to stop dialing…!
I hope your right on with your analysis. Then this could very well be the end for Clinton. I’d like to see Texas and/or Ohio for Obama, plus R.I. and Vermont. I think that would seal the deal.
I’m itching to see Obama unleash on McCain. The sooner this is over the better.
Btw – MoveOn is sponsoring a series of parties to get people to call Texas voters. I’m helping a friend host a party to do this later today. Can’t wait. A chance to meet cool new people!
As an online precinct chair for Obama, I have been making calls and attending events for the past two weeks!!!! THanks to sll those who have been helping out.
Fantastic, Refinish! I really treasure those who give up their time to help in that manner. It’s the grunt work that wins the race. Thank you!!