“Myth America: War, elections, and our way of life”

Astorians for Peace & Justice (AFPJ) presents:

Mickey Z.

…at Astoria’s famous Bohemian Hall & Beer Garden

Monday, March 10
7:30 – 9:00 pm

“Myth America: War, elections, and our way of life”

Come join the author of “The Seven Deadly Spins,” “50 American Revolutions You’re Not Supposed to Know,” and the forthcoming novel, “CPR for Dummies,” to discuss the anti-war movement, the 2008 election, the state of activism in America, and much more.

We hope you’ll join us, bring friends, and spread the word far and wide. Please post it on your website, mention it in forums, etc. If you’ve received this and you’re not in NYC, we hope you’ll tell your friends in this area.

(Flyer attached should you wish to print and distribute)


Bohemian Hall & Beer Garden
29-19 24th Ave.
Astoria, NY
(718) 274-4925

Subway: N or W Train to Astoria Blvd. (one stop before the last – Ditmars Blvd.). Walk 1 block to the intersection of 24th Ave. and 31st St. (Bohemian Hall is located between 29th Street and 31st Street)

By Car: From Grand Central Parkway or the Triboro Bridge, exit at Hoyt Avenue. Proceed 1 block to 24th Ave., along 31st St. (under elevated train)

Mickey Z.
