Barack Obama, at a rally yesterday in Rhode Island:
“I don’t want to just end the war. I want to end the mind set that got us in the war,” Obama said. “I want to end the politics of fear, the fever of fear that uses 9/11 as a way to scare up votes instead of a way to bring the country together to go after a common enemy.”
I agree. Risking a plagiarism charge, let me add that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself . I think someone famous once said that.
Good quote. Title needs spellcheck, by the way.
LOL, typed before coffee.
great comment!
this really is a campaign that pits fear (McCain, Clinton Tag Team) against hoping and acting for change (Obama).
I have occasionally dropped in on Taylor Marsh’s Swamp’s blog, because it is so hilariously knee-jerk in it’s pro-Billary agiprop. And they always used to get a handful of people with other viewpoints. Apparently that variety of opinion was just too much for the Swamp-lady, as you are now required to register in order to respond to teh drivel.
I went there this morning to respond to their delight that half of the Clinton Tag Team appeared on SNL. Their admiration for Tina Fey is interesting, since she has said she will vote for McCain before rather than Obama.
… In another episode, in which [Fey’s 30 Rock character] Liz reflects on things about herself that others wouldn’t know, she says, “There is an 80 percent chance” that she will “tell all my friends I’m voting for Barack Obama, but I will secretly vote for John McCain.”
Ms. Fey, who wrote that line, said it was semi-autobiographical, a way of “admitting I have a lot of liberal feelings, but I also live in New York, and I want to feel safe, and I secretly kind of want Giuliani.”
Yeah, but what happens when the phone rings at three in the morning. Boo! Boo.
Actually, when the phone rings at 3 a.m. I am generally just pissed. I guess that makes me as qualified as McCain to be Prez. “Bob for Prez. He’s as pissed as the other duffer.”
I have my phones turned off at 3 AM.
I wish I had the skills to mash up an answer to that ad where someone picks up that ringing phone, you hear a sleepy voice answer “Hello?” and some yahoo launches into a pitch for aluminum siding, followed by a scream, a telephone flying through the still-closed window, and a little kids’ voice saying “What’s the matter Mommy?”
I know, silly, but hey, that’s me.
I always liked the Seinfeld where he gets an unsolicited phone call and he asks the guy to give him his number so he can call him back.
Seinfeld: you can’t give out your number? Why, you don’t like to unsolicited calls at home? Now you know how I feel. (click).
It’s early, I’m off topic, but gee, looking at international headlines: 8 dead in Armenia due to protests against rigged elections, and Russians openly admitting that their election today is rigged, and Kenya, for months now, in turmoil over rigged elections with over a thousand dead. Hmmm . . . will our US “democracy” ever be loved so much that we gather together and claim our rights against a tyrannical government that suppresses fair voting?
Good luck Obama, good luck Clinton. We won’t be supporting you when election fraud and rigging destroy your presidential election.
2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, . . . 2008? You Bet.
This bothers me, Obama is no progressive. He states clearly that he wants to “go after a common enemy” when we progressives know that “common enemy” is the rapacious imperial policies of US economic domination (so rapidly collapsing in front of our faces these last few months by it’s bumbling greedy bad decisions).
I suppose for Obama’s sake, he throws in the propaganda, that he’ll be some kind of war leader, not hesitant about using force like Cheney did by stating “go after a common enemy.” Makes for a hawkish shine which makes it harder to be called out on — an anti-kumbaya comment.
And by the way, this is an o-c-c-u-p-a-t-i-o-n, not a war. Ahmadinejad said this earlier today:”Security for Iraq is security for Iran, and this does not suit the enemy [US] because they do not want stability for the region, so they can continue their meddling in its affairs and justify the presence of its military,” We sheep here in the US may think of this as a war, but the world does not, they know what occupation is far better than we do.
Strongly disagree.
We watched the rerun of his Parma Hts, Ohio town hall meeting on CSPAN last night, and there were progressive positions in there I never expected hear from a mainstream politician. Example: revolving door of political appointees who end up working as lobbyists or in other private sector employ using what they learned in the government to enrich themselves, their clients and screw the government. Gun control. Civil unions. Negotiation with friends and foes alike. Have the AG review the actions of federal officials in light of the Constitution. Restore habaeus corpus. End torture as a policy.
Could you outline the progressive issues and positions you don’t see or hear and would like to see and hear?
Up until the last what, week or 2, Obama has been an insubstantial candidate whipping up people’s faith and hope in goodness. Following the advice of focus group testing, he’s now explicating some kind of progressive agenda. Hmm . . . Didn’t note that in his voting record since he joined the Senate.
This is the United Defence Department Giveaway of America. I really doubt that an Obama presidency will deliver on even a quarter of his testimonials. There is so much inertia in Washington and all the defense contract states to negate any puerile push by an outsider like Obama.
No, I haven’t listened to his speeches as of late, but I have, from my year-more-experience in life than Mr. Obama to know that he’ll be meat for the meatgrinder which is the inertia of Washington Giveaway Politics. Why bother getting my hope up? He’ll be no progressive after the first 100 days, just like Bill Clinton.
This wasn’t a response with any substantive points. If you have a case, make it, and I’ll listen. But emotional rants like the above post I dismiss out of hand.
is what his campaign is all about. Not just on the war, but everything.
Hopefully the masses are starting to realize that they’ve been manipulated by fear.
Paraphrase is not plagiarism. Agreeing with someone’s ideas is not plagiarism. Even unattributed quotation is not plagiarism if it is reasonable to believe that most folks know the original source.
“Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow…”
“All Gaul is divided into three parts…”
“Know thyself.”
“I have a dream…”
“Ich bin ein Berliner.”
“Some men see things as they are and ask ‘Why?’ I dream things that never were and ask, ‘Why not?'”
“Si se puede!”
You can’t plagiarize original ideas, only the original expression of those ideas. (With the exclusion noted above)
From a copyright point of view, this plagiarism talk is just bullshit.
FSM help me, when I first read what you posted I saw, “Al Gore is divided into three parts . . . ” and I wondered what the heck you were on about.
It must be early here in Cascadia.
I know. It was snark.