This one from Hillary Clinton:
“He [McCain] will put forth his lifetime of experience. I will put forth my lifetime of experience. Sen. Obama will put forth a speech he made in 2002,” she told reporters, rejecting her rival’s complaints that she was engaging in fear-mongering.
“Everyone knows that John McCain will make this election about national security. That is a given. And it will be imperative that we have a nominee who is able to stand on that stage with Sen. McCain, and I believe I am the person best able to do that,” she said.
So which quote do you prefer?
Rev. Hagee can already stand on a stage with McCain.
Is it Tuesday yet?
Why do you keep asking that? Hasn’t Hillary made it pretty clear that whatever happens on Tuesday will count as a victory for her and evidence of widespread Democratic skepticism concerning Obama’s preparedeness? She’s not going away on Tuesday, or Wednesday, or Thursday … or in March … or …
It’s a miserable thought, I know, but it stubbornly refuses to be denied.
if she loses in Texas and Ohio she will go away. If she loses the day on delegates overall, her superdelegates will go away, and the uncommitted supers will line up with Obama. This will only go to Pennsylvania if she can call March 4th a victory, no matter how narrow.
If things keep going the way they have been, sooner or later the money (or lack of it) will make the decision for her.
It looks like she’ll win in RI at this point to the untrained observer, and she’ll probably paint that as a comeback. But Vermont will balance that out, so it really all depends on how things go in TX and OH. If Obama wins those by wide margins the lights go out and the party’s over. If the margins are narrower she might still soldier on, but you have to figure that at some point her financers are going to realize that no matter how thin she slices it, it’s still baloney. And that’s when it’ll be all over.
money might not be as key as we like to think. She has learned to raise online.
I think she can raise plenty of money to compete in Pennsylvania. It is, after all, only one state.
But the superdelegates are another matter. She is already losing that battle, and they will break against her. That is what will end this race.
Pennsylvania has tightened dramatically. Seven weeks (six, after Wyoming and Mississippi) is a long time to be in the spotlight and excoriated for ankle-biting and undermining the Democratic nominee. I now put far more stock in the theory that she merely wants to practice scorched earth on Obama, in anticipation of 2012. This is her last time. Sixty eight is too old, and second runs almost never recapture the lightening in a bottle that marks first runs.
I’m honestly beginning to subscribe to the idea of a secret deal with the Repubs to support alternating imperial succession. It actually was her right, and we’re merely standing in the way!
“Yeah, and I’d have been elected President too, if it hadn’t been for you meddling voters!”
I can’t choose, they’re both too original, meaningful and eloquent. I can hear the flat, twangy, metalic delivery and begin to think what it will be like to go through four more years of this, there will be hardly any difference from the past eight.
If I understand HRC correctly, she’s saying we should vote for the oldest person (McCain) for president because he has the most experience. Who came up with this lame shit? Was it Penn or Wolfson? Way to shoot yourself in the foot again, Hillary.
To which crisis did she lend her vast experience?
She is a 2nd term senator with no prior legislative experience. Sorry, being first lady doesn’t give you a security clearance. Anything that Bill discussed with her at the time was likely contrary to the interests of national security.
Obama has prior state level experience, a fact lost upon her.
Is anyone keeping a list of the quotes Hillary has provided for Republican commercials and rhetorical arrows against Obama?
Thats what I was thinking. You have to wonder who she is going to support in the general election.
Pull a Lieberman?! I think they have been morphing into Joe L. for some time now. Her staff, e.g., Penn, Wolfson, Davis, etc., are indistinguishable from a Republican staff.
From where I sit, it doesn’t look like her “lifetime of experience” has helped her in a meaningful way. And unless she’s specifying the type of experience….I have a lifetime of experience too, because I’m not dead yet.
Big D at TalkLeft is waving a poll that has H. Clinton ahead in Ohio by 16 points and everyone there is ecstatic.
A mere three years of the experience of being her constituent was enough to convince me to support her primary opponent (Jonathan Tasini). I see she’s now running for president on some of his platform.
Plenty of random neighbors with the Albany Times-Union as their only available source of “intelligence” could see through Bush & Cheney’s drummed-up excuses for invading Iraq, and Sen. Clinton’s continued pandering (flag-burning ban, anyone???) is what drove me to support others. UGH. C’mon Texans, let this be done.
Obama’s not perfect, but he seems mighty well versed in that Constitution which every civil servant is expected to uphold, and that would be a great start for some needed change!
(HRC’s quote just reinforces how close she and McCain are on so many issues. What other junior senator came in with her level of name recognition and fund-raising prowess? Which she used to do… next to nothing? And she thinks her “experience” will win votes?)
Her own words:
Everyone knows that Hillary would let John McCain make this election about national security, and that’s the problem (well, one of many). We need a candidate who will not submit to Republicans dictating the terms of engagement but who will himself dictate the terms of engagement – substantive change vs. the same old thing – changing the landscape in such a fashion that the Republican appeals to national security fears will fall on deaf ears.
That ain’t Hillary, and Wednesday can’t get here soon enough.
Curiously, Shrillary drinks her own kool-aid. Biden, Dodd and Richardson found the experience contention amusing and not serious enough to warrant serious rebuttal. What hasn’t been examined sufficiently in the media is the extent to which the Clinton memes have benefited the Clinton campaign — albeit not as much as they would have liked.
The obvious reason for not releasing Clinton era records is because it would reveal the bald-faced nature of her foreign policy claims.
Obama’s campaign will be hampered in the fall by the damage done through the empty rhetoric charge. The underside of this seemingly positive frame requires an endless stream of the substantive, any of which provides the ‘splitters’ with all the ammunition they need. This is why I recommend the Obama campaign react by returning to an overarching theme. A hybrid form of economic populism would seem to be the best choice.
BTW — I hope that everyone will take the time to look at the program in the following link; Propaganda & Politics, on LINK TV.