Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
The sound of umpteen million Democrats waiting for this damned ordeal to be over and all privately suspecting that even if the heavens do open up, Hillary will claim that the absence of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse means that Democrats are changing their minds about Obama.
I’m working the election in my precinct in Ft Worth.
Here, at least, the voter turnout has been amazing. Non stop business.. and the Republicans on the other side of the building are looking downright lonely.
One good thing about all the hullabaloo over the TX caucuses is that most of the voters are asking to attend them now.Normally most people wouldn’t have known about them or wouldn’t have bothered. So, even though the MSM still really doesn’t understand the TX process, they have really helped us pack the caucuses tonight.
A really intriguing symptom of the passion Hillary inspires from all sides: there is an amazing exhibition on in New York now which shows just how the media has been “assassinating” Hillary, and how so many different angles of her personality (real or imagined) have been picked apart over the years… there’s an online version at
The endless banter of MSNBC “hosts” yacking it up about the Texas and Ohio primaries. The Rezko story. The Obama economic adviser talking to Canada about how the anti-NAFTA talk is all political rhetoric. The “Texas caucuses don’t matter because the results won’t be definitive for months” load of crap. The endless salesjob of Hillary’s incredible “National Security Credentials” because she made a fear-mongering ad. And of course all about how poor white people of Ohio just can’t trust Obama.
NAFTA Remarks, Canadian Consulate Memo by DeMora
It’s now clear that a Canadian news report that started this flap wasn’t accurate. No evidence has surfaced to show that any Obama “staffer” telephoned the Canadian ambassador in Washington, and all concerned deny that any such conversation took place. But it is equally clear that Obama’s senior economic adviser did visit Canada’s consulate in Chicago on Feb. 8, and that NAFTA was one of the several topics discussed.
It doesn’t matter if there’s any truth to the story. The media just plays dumb and does the “what does this mean?” meme with guests speculating about a dead issue as though it might be true. Ironically, this story could help Obama quite a bit in Texas because they love NAFTA. Ohio hates it and might lean for Hillary because of this bullshit story, even though it’s the Clintons that made NAFTA a reality in the first place.
My trivial complaints about the mundane frustrations of my daily life trump any of this election crap. Didn’t anybody tell you? It’s all about me dude. Me, me, me.
both vote for blank checks for more war in iraq.
both vote for warrantless wire-tapping.
in the case of Santorum’s particular replacement, both vote pro-life.
both believe the president is above the law (maybe not explicitly like the GOP, but in terms of their actions).
I don’t know. I’m getting the feeling I was swindled in 2006, and I feel very strongly that the same people who fooled me then are trying to fool me again.
At least the GOP tells me to my face they hate my guts.
A picture of Rick Santorum isn’t much of an answer when it was the democrats who gave us Michael Mukasey.
In my right hand is a FISA bill without retroactive telecom immunity. George Bush refused to sign this bill.
In my left hand is a FISA bill with retroactive telecom immunity. George Bush will sign this. Can someone in with an once of common sense explain..How does the words “retro active immunity” keep you safe at night. I would like to now.
The only difference between the FISA bill is retroactive telecom immunity, nothing more nothing less.
For the last 2 weeks George Bush has scared the American Public saying the FISA bill will only protect America if it has retroactive telecom immunity.
Because we don’t know what AT&T, Verizon, MCI were doing for George Bush we shouldn’t give them “retroactive” immunity. Because that is the equivalent of giving them a Scooter libby got..without knowing what the crime is.
First birds returned after a long winter of silence and wouldn’t you know it it’s the damn woodpeckers and they’re having some kind of orgy tapping on my metal roof. Of all days to bring that racket to my house, how did they know?
um .. I thought he meant it was a good time for me to visit him. But now that you mention it, maybe the 76 degree weather is just too hot for him and he craves ice and snow.
Since we don’t own the building, you would have to contact the property manager 😉
I suggest you pull into our underground garage and take the elevator up – thereby avoiding falling ice.
Speaking of such things, there was an episode of Good Eats the other day where Alton Brown was doing some innovative things with avocados, including frosting a cake with avocado frosting. Sounds awful to me, but hey, I wouldn’t be the one eating it.
There’s a Filipino ice cream shop not far from where I grew up. They have avocado ice cream that is delicious. Other tasty flavors include corn and cheddar cheese. Those two together takes like popcorn ice cream. Yum.
Just two days ago, my boyfriend’s a sorbet business debuted in Oakland – they sold a surprising amount of “Beet Lemon”. His business partner developed a corn-lime sorbet, but I think it’s kind of gross.
on March 4, 2008 at 7:03 pm
There’s a great ice cream shop in the San Francisco Sunset, Polly Ann’s. They’ve been making their own weird flavors for fifty years. And if you can’t make up your mind they’ve got a wheel they’ll spin to choose for you.
“Charlie Wu has owned Polly Ann since 1985. He says that when he bought the store, it offered 250 ice cream flavors. It now has a collection of 500 flavors, all made by the Polly Ann staff. About 50 flavors are offered at any one time. At the 50th anniversary, people could order such exotics as lychee, sesame, lemon strawberry swirl, pink cloud, jasmine, sabra, coffeecheese[cake], and bumpy freeway (rocky road). The wheel behind the counter is that same one used many years ago.
“Charlie Wu learned to make ice cream in the Cornell University food science program—where many ice cream executives (including those from Ben & Jerry’s and Baskin Robbins) learn the science of ice cream. Charlie was the first Asian in the program.”
My bf is doing just about the opposite – only 6 flavors at a time, depending on what fruit is in season. Winter it’s mostly citrus, then we’ll start getting into berries, then stone fruit, then sweet potatoes & persimmons….. 🙂
What I saw last night was a very strange looking Hillary. I know this will come off as partisan, but it isn’t. I thought she looked like she had a big blister or something on each cheek — like half a golf ball pasted to each one. Maybe just the lighting or makeup, but I was kind of embarrassed for her. Both she and Obama seem so low on energy these last few days that they’re hardly worth bothering with — just tired recitations of the same old lines. Of course that was always the case with McCain.
I’m kind of surprised the media wants to keep this going. It’s all starting to look like faded reruns of Leno trying to be Serious.
A lonely Rep woman was feeling so depressed that she decided to end her life by throwing herself into the Puget Sound
Whe went down to the docks and was about to leap into the frigid waters when a handsome young sailor saw her and decided to take pity on her plight
“Listen you’ve got alot to live for. I’m off to Europe and the morning and you can stow away on my ship. I’ll take good care of you and bring you food everyday.” Moving closer, he slipped his arm around her shoulder and added with a wink. “I’ll make you happy and you can make me happy.”
The lonely Rep woman nodded yes through her tears.
That night the sailor brought her aboard and hid her in a lifeboat along with blankets and food. Each night for a week he returned with more food and fruit and they made love until dawn.
After a week, during a routine inspection she was discovered by the captain who declared, “What the Hell are you doing here?”
Coyly the Rep woman replied that she had an arrangement with one of the sailors. “I get free food and a trip to Europe. Meanwhile he’s taking advantage of me, wink wink.
“He sure as Hell is” replied the Captain, “This is the Bremerton Ferry!”
Btw – I talked to a Clinton supporter at work today. Even she was depressed at the nasty tone Clinton has taken of late, and doesn’t think Clinton is going to win in the end, even though that’s who she’s pulling for. Interesting.
Let’s hope the nasty Ohio weather favors Obama.
I remember the downturn in the polls just prior to Wisconsin, and then Obama won by a huge margin. So just because he’s down in the polls doesn’t mean he can’t pull out some big wins today. Whether he will is another story, but yes, he can!
on March 4, 2008 at 4:36 pm
I like the theory that younger voters are all cellular and so they aren’t in reach of the pollsters who use landline phones. The cell phone theory leaves open the possibility that many young Obama supporters haven’t been reached and the polling tips over towards geezers like me who aren’t mobile, telephone-wise.
Not really. Where we’re at this primary season is like being in the 14th week of the regular season of a fantasy baseball league…what seemed fun at first has just become tedious, and you just kind of want it to be over so you can get on with your life.
Especially since it would come with the added bonus of being in Florida 🙂
I am more excited about baseball this year than I’ve been in a while. Smoltz and Glavine back together in the rotation for the Braves, and the Tigers, my 2nd team, had the best off-season acquisitions in the league (arguably).
Who’d they get? The Mariners ended up with Bedard from Baltimore, but they had to give up an up-and-coming five-tool player (Adam Jones) to do it. I hope he was worth the trade.
The Tigers got Dontrelle Willis and Miguel Cabrera from the Marlins for 6 prospects. Two of the guys they gave up are extremely high quality prospects (Andrew Miller and Cameron Maybin) but it’s hard to complain when you’re adding 2 guys age 25 & 26 who have already been to 6 all star games between them.
Wow. That would be fun, going to a spring training game.
I hiked up Montara Mountain this a.m. Saw a red-throated hummingbird (and deer shit, but no deer). It was clear and when I got to the bench at where the trails cross I could see all the way out to where the Farallones are, out there in the Pacific.
Then I came home and did my taxes on the computer. Amazingly easy. The less you own and the less you make the easier it is.
I even blogged about it. I have a great list of items to do today and I’m ready to head out the door. But I really could use a bottle of wine about now.
Unbelievably. I keep looking everywhere I can think for leaked exit polls, but I’m really worried that tonight will be a very bad night for Obama, and that it will result in this lunacy being dragged out for a few more months.
The “One Word Movie” festival is all about a bold new vision: finding and producing the best possible movie which contains only one word.
We are sponsoring a screenwriting contest to discover the next great one word writer. The great thing about this contest is that it’s open to writers of all calibers because you only need to know one word.
I’d expect rumors like that all day on one or both sides, and not pay much attention to them. Personally I probably won’t be looking at the numbers much until MSNBC starts up their coverage (and probably not even then, since I won’t get home from work until after 10PM Eastern).
on March 4, 2008 at 4:37 pm
What kind of voting machines are they using in Ohio and Texas?
the disconcerting hum of florescent lighting with accompaniment by mundane co-worker banter.
Hey, you must just be down the hall from me!
The fluorescent bulb just outside my office just exploded. It was like a bomb. Fortunately no students around, but glass all over the place.
scary! I wasn’t aware they do that without provocation.
The sound of umpteen million Democrats waiting for this damned ordeal to be over and all privately suspecting that even if the heavens do open up, Hillary will claim that the absence of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse means that Democrats are changing their minds about Obama.
I’m working the election in my precinct in Ft Worth.
Here, at least, the voter turnout has been amazing. Non stop business.. and the Republicans on the other side of the building are looking downright lonely.
One good thing about all the hullabaloo over the TX caucuses is that most of the voters are asking to attend them now.Normally most people wouldn’t have known about them or wouldn’t have bothered. So, even though the MSM still really doesn’t understand the TX process, they have really helped us pack the caucuses tonight.
It’s going to be busy!
Welp. back to it!
Any blogs from Texas? This one from Ohio contains some disconcerting comments – a guy voted for Kucinich by mistake because of the ballot design:
Yikes! Here’s a link to the specific story:
Voting for Dennis is never a mistake
The dulcet sounds of the washing machine.
Polls which have shown a shift to Hillary in Texas.
Obama will only win Vermont tonight.
Is it just me, or has Obama just dropped off the radar in terms of steering the debate since the McCain “I’ve got News for You” clash..
we’ll see. There is definitely some movement toward Hillary, but in Texas, for example, and estimated 60% of the votes were cast early. – the future of music…
..and automated information retrieval in general..
.. end geek-out ..
To kill the sounds of my kid running her mouth non-stop.
My dog slurp on her paws, the dryer beeping, and my accelerated heartbeat because of today.
A really intriguing symptom of the passion Hillary inspires from all sides: there is an amazing exhibition on in New York now which shows just how the media has been “assassinating” Hillary, and how so many different angles of her personality (real or imagined) have been picked apart over the years… there’s an online version at
“Assassination” is red meat for a professional victim.
..also not the same ‘artist’ did an ‘assassination of B.O.’ show as well
As someone who grew up in the sixties, I’d hope that there were honest public pronouncements about the real assassinations in this country.
The endless banter of MSNBC “hosts” yacking it up about the Texas and Ohio primaries. The Rezko story. The Obama economic adviser talking to Canada about how the anti-NAFTA talk is all political rhetoric. The “Texas caucuses don’t matter because the results won’t be definitive for months” load of crap. The endless salesjob of Hillary’s incredible “National Security Credentials” because she made a fear-mongering ad. And of course all about how poor white people of Ohio just can’t trust Obama.
That’s what I’m hearing and it’s driving me nuts.
It’s now clear that a Canadian news report that started this flap wasn’t accurate. No evidence has surfaced to show that any Obama “staffer” telephoned the Canadian ambassador in Washington, and all concerned deny that any such conversation took place. But it is equally clear that Obama’s senior economic adviser did visit Canada’s consulate in Chicago on Feb. 8, and that NAFTA was one of the several topics discussed.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
It doesn’t matter if there’s any truth to the story. The media just plays dumb and does the “what does this mean?” meme with guests speculating about a dead issue as though it might be true. Ironically, this story could help Obama quite a bit in Texas because they love NAFTA. Ohio hates it and might lean for Hillary because of this bullshit story, even though it’s the Clintons that made NAFTA a reality in the first place.
Voters really are stoooopid.
Election eve hit piece.
The sound of one millions bleating loons all complaining about their fucking email.
i see we have a bunch of wise-asses this afternoon.
I take exception to that! I am always a wise-ass.
Beat me to it. I was going to say, “This afternoon, any afternoon, what’s the difference?”
My trivial complaints about the mundane frustrations of my daily life trump any of this election crap. Didn’t anybody tell you? It’s all about me dude. Me, me, me.
I had no idea Clinton blogged here!
I keep hearing the democrats are caving on FISA. Again.
remind me why I voted for these people?
good point…
so what’s the difference?
both vote for blank checks for more war in iraq.
both vote for warrantless wire-tapping.
in the case of Santorum’s particular replacement, both vote pro-life.
both believe the president is above the law (maybe not explicitly like the GOP, but in terms of their actions).
I don’t know. I’m getting the feeling I was swindled in 2006, and I feel very strongly that the same people who fooled me then are trying to fool me again.
At least the GOP tells me to my face they hate my guts.
A picture of Rick Santorum isn’t much of an answer when it was the democrats who gave us Michael Mukasey.
That is quite possibly the ugliest tie every created in the history of neckwear.
Wanted one Smart Democrat to do the following:
What that on a Sucka-ass Seersucker Suit Day when all those GOP tools wore them?
Brendan, your “John McCain” link to Forbes isn’t working.
First birds returned after a long winter of silence and wouldn’t you know it it’s the damn woodpeckers and they’re having some kind of orgy tapping on my metal roof. Of all days to bring that racket to my house, how did they know?
The sound of snow and ice falling off the top of our building and hitting the glass windows on the way down.
I’m ready for spring.
Now would be the ideal time to visit. We’re looking at 76 today.
you tempter, you …
Would you make guacamole? Wait. Stop!!! Don’t answer that.
I would like to visit too..but first I would like to know what are the upper limits of your insurance policy when i get hit by that falling ice.
um .. I thought he meant it was a good time for me to visit him. But now that you mention it, maybe the 76 degree weather is just too hot for him and he craves ice and snow.
Since we don’t own the building, you would have to contact the property manager 😉
I suggest you pull into our underground garage and take the elevator up – thereby avoiding falling ice.
Speaking of such things, there was an episode of Good Eats the other day where Alton Brown was doing some innovative things with avocados, including frosting a cake with avocado frosting. Sounds awful to me, but hey, I wouldn’t be the one eating it.
There’s a Filipino ice cream shop not far from where I grew up. They have avocado ice cream that is delicious. Other tasty flavors include corn and cheddar cheese. Those two together takes like popcorn ice cream. Yum.
Just two days ago, my boyfriend’s a sorbet business debuted in Oakland – they sold a surprising amount of “Beet Lemon”. His business partner developed a corn-lime sorbet, but I think it’s kind of gross.
There’s a great ice cream shop in the San Francisco Sunset, Polly Ann’s. They’ve been making their own weird flavors for fifty years. And if you can’t make up your mind they’ve got a wheel they’ll spin to choose for you.
“Charlie Wu has owned Polly Ann since 1985. He says that when he bought the store, it offered 250 ice cream flavors. It now has a collection of 500 flavors, all made by the Polly Ann staff. About 50 flavors are offered at any one time. At the 50th anniversary, people could order such exotics as lychee, sesame, lemon strawberry swirl, pink cloud, jasmine, sabra, coffeecheese[cake], and bumpy freeway (rocky road). The wheel behind the counter is that same one used many years ago.
“Charlie Wu learned to make ice cream in the Cornell University food science program—where many ice cream executives (including those from Ben & Jerry’s and Baskin Robbins) learn the science of ice cream. Charlie was the first Asian in the program.”
Cool! I’m curious to try!
My bf is doing just about the opposite – only 6 flavors at a time, depending on what fruit is in season. Winter it’s mostly citrus, then we’ll start getting into berries, then stone fruit, then sweet potatoes & persimmons….. 🙂
Beet-Lemon sounds goood.
Are you in Nevada? If you ever head to the Bay Area for the weekend, come by to get some sorbet and say hi!
What I saw last night was a very strange looking Hillary. I know this will come off as partisan, but it isn’t. I thought she looked like she had a big blister or something on each cheek — like half a golf ball pasted to each one. Maybe just the lighting or makeup, but I was kind of embarrassed for her. Both she and Obama seem so low on energy these last few days that they’re hardly worth bothering with — just tired recitations of the same old lines. Of course that was always the case with McCain.
I’m kind of surprised the media wants to keep this going. It’s all starting to look like faded reruns of Leno trying to be Serious.
A lonely Rep woman was feeling so depressed that she decided to end her life by throwing herself into the Puget Sound
Whe went down to the docks and was about to leap into the frigid waters when a handsome young sailor saw her and decided to take pity on her plight
“Listen you’ve got alot to live for. I’m off to Europe and the morning and you can stow away on my ship. I’ll take good care of you and bring you food everyday.” Moving closer, he slipped his arm around her shoulder and added with a wink. “I’ll make you happy and you can make me happy.”
The lonely Rep woman nodded yes through her tears.
That night the sailor brought her aboard and hid her in a lifeboat along with blankets and food. Each night for a week he returned with more food and fruit and they made love until dawn.
After a week, during a routine inspection she was discovered by the captain who declared, “What the Hell are you doing here?”
Coyly the Rep woman replied that she had an arrangement with one of the sailors. “I get free food and a trip to Europe. Meanwhile he’s taking advantage of me, wink wink.
“He sure as Hell is” replied the Captain, “This is the Bremerton Ferry!”
Anyone else so fidgity they can’t think?
Btw – I talked to a Clinton supporter at work today. Even she was depressed at the nasty tone Clinton has taken of late, and doesn’t think Clinton is going to win in the end, even though that’s who she’s pulling for. Interesting.
Let’s hope the nasty Ohio weather favors Obama.
I remember the downturn in the polls just prior to Wisconsin, and then Obama won by a huge margin. So just because he’s down in the polls doesn’t mean he can’t pull out some big wins today. Whether he will is another story, but yes, he can!
I like the theory that younger voters are all cellular and so they aren’t in reach of the pollsters who use landline phones. The cell phone theory leaves open the possibility that many young Obama supporters haven’t been reached and the polling tips over towards geezers like me who aren’t mobile, telephone-wise.
It’s certainly possible. Other than my family, I can’t think of anyone I know who has a landline, and most of my friends are Obama supporters.
Not really. Where we’re at this primary season is like being in the 14th week of the regular season of a fantasy baseball league…what seemed fun at first has just become tedious, and you just kind of want it to be over so you can get on with your life.
I wish I was waiting today out at a spring training game.
Especially since it would come with the added bonus of being in Florida 🙂
I am more excited about baseball this year than I’ve been in a while. Smoltz and Glavine back together in the rotation for the Braves, and the Tigers, my 2nd team, had the best off-season acquisitions in the league (arguably).
Who’d they get? The Mariners ended up with Bedard from Baltimore, but they had to give up an up-and-coming five-tool player (Adam Jones) to do it. I hope he was worth the trade.
The Tigers got Dontrelle Willis and Miguel Cabrera from the Marlins for 6 prospects. Two of the guys they gave up are extremely high quality prospects (Andrew Miller and Cameron Maybin) but it’s hard to complain when you’re adding 2 guys age 25 & 26 who have already been to 6 all star games between them.
Oy. Just what the rest of us in the AL need, for the Tigers to get better. 🙂
My daughter will be happy, the Tigers are her second favorite team after the M’s.
we have those here, too 😛
Who is closest to you? The Cubs are a deal breaker.
The Cubs are up in that other city north of here. We have the White Sox, Rockies and Diamondbacks as home teams
Stop tempting me!
fine… 😀
2009 … I’m thinkin’
Wow. That would be fun, going to a spring training game.
I hiked up Montara Mountain this a.m. Saw a red-throated hummingbird (and deer shit, but no deer). It was clear and when I got to the bench at where the trails cross I could see all the way out to where the Farallones are, out there in the Pacific.
Then I came home and did my taxes on the computer. Amazingly easy. The less you own and the less you make the easier it is.
Yes. I feel silly for it too.
I already took the dogs for a hike and got some little odds and ends of work done, s now I need to find something else to do.
Yes. A Gin and Tonic would be great right now.
I even blogged about it. I have a great list of items to do today and I’m ready to head out the door. But I really could use a bottle of wine about now.
Wait until you get your errands run to open that bottle of wine, dear. Don’t want you getting into any trouble out there.
Besides, one of the errands is picking up more wine!
Well there we go. Priorities…
Unbelievably. I keep looking everywhere I can think for leaked exit polls, but I’m really worried that tonight will be a very bad night for Obama, and that it will result in this lunacy being dragged out for a few more months.
I saw this on Craig’s List today:
My submission:
I love that clip.
Allegedly, per a comment from someone at dKos, some exits were leaked to the Freepers showing Clinton with a huge lead. Sigh.
Ahem. I am exhaustedly impatient for the day to end.
I’d expect rumors like that all day on one or both sides, and not pay much attention to them. Personally I probably won’t be looking at the numbers much until MSNBC starts up their coverage (and probably not even then, since I won’t get home from work until after 10PM Eastern).
What kind of voting machines are they using in Ohio and Texas?
CNN Projects McCain wins Vermont!!!!!
Oh, and Obama wins too.
HA! If I had been eating Thin Mints (oh, i wish), I would have splurted them all over my screen.
testing sig