Okay, Hillary supporters, here is your chance. Please explain to me how your candidate is going to win the nomination. And, once she has won the nomination, please explain how she will put humpty-dumpty back together again. Here’s a reference for you to use on the pledged delegate count. You can make up any scenario you want for how many pledged delegates she’ll pick up between now and the end of the nominating contests (whether that be Puerto Rico, or newly held Michigan and Florida contests). But, once you’ve explained that, please explain how that translates into victory for your candidate. And then let me know why whatever it is that is in your plan will not alienate blacks, the youth vote, Obama’s supporters, and people that believe in Democracy, so badly that you won’t lose massive amounts of turnout from those groups.

If you want to, go ahead and post it as a diary. I’d love to see someone explain it to me.