Does it cause any cognitive dissonance in your mind when you hear Clinton continually suggest that she will pick Obama as her running mate even as she runs him down as unfit for office?

Earlier Friday at a town hall meeting in Mississippi, where some in the audience were undecided or leaning toward Obama, Clinton raised the possibility that she might run with the Illinois senator on the Democratic presidential ticket.

Clinton said: “I’ve had people say, ‘Well, I wish I could vote for both of you.’ Well, that might be possible some day. But first I need your vote on Tuesday.”

It was the second time this week that she has hinted at a joint ticket with the Illinois senator; he has not ruled it out but says it is premature to be having those discussions.

He’s says it is premature, but he also ruled it out while campaigning in Wyoming yesterday:

Q: You’ve raised $55 million in February and in your speech today you said “I was against the war in ’03, ’04, ’05 — all the way on through 2010, and you specifically mentioned Hillary Clinton and John McCain. Could you ever see yourself on the same ticket as Senator Clinton?

A: Well, you know, I think it’s premature. You won’t see me as a vice presidential candidate — you know, I’m running for president. We have won twice as many states as Senator Clinton, and have a higher popular vote, and I think we can maintain our delegate count — but you know, what I’m really focused on right now, because all that stuff is premature, is winning this nomination and changing the country.

Sometimes I think Obama is a little too respectful towards his opponent. I think he should say that after the poor judgment that Clinton has shown running her campaign, he doesn’t think she has the right skills to be president or vice-president. She doesn’t know how to spend money wisely or hire a functional staff. She doesn’t hold people accountable when they fail to get the job done. She reminds him of how Bush runs his administration: with profligate incompetence.

Harsh? Yes, but true. And people are ready to see Obama swing a big axe. He’s been swinging the small axe very effectively during this campaign, but it may be time to take that tree down for good.