Does it cause any cognitive dissonance in your mind when you hear Clinton continually suggest that she will pick Obama as her running mate even as she runs him down as unfit for office?
Earlier Friday at a town hall meeting in Mississippi, where some in the audience were undecided or leaning toward Obama, Clinton raised the possibility that she might run with the Illinois senator on the Democratic presidential ticket.
Clinton said: “I’ve had people say, ‘Well, I wish I could vote for both of you.’ Well, that might be possible some day. But first I need your vote on Tuesday.”
It was the second time this week that she has hinted at a joint ticket with the Illinois senator; he has not ruled it out but says it is premature to be having those discussions.
He’s says it is premature, but he also ruled it out while campaigning in Wyoming yesterday:
Q: You’ve raised $55 million in February and in your speech today you said “I was against the war in ’03, ’04, ’05 — all the way on through 2010, and you specifically mentioned Hillary Clinton and John McCain. Could you ever see yourself on the same ticket as Senator Clinton?
A: Well, you know, I think it’s premature. You won’t see me as a vice presidential candidate — you know, I’m running for president. We have won twice as many states as Senator Clinton, and have a higher popular vote, and I think we can maintain our delegate count — but you know, what I’m really focused on right now, because all that stuff is premature, is winning this nomination and changing the country.
Sometimes I think Obama is a little too respectful towards his opponent. I think he should say that after the poor judgment that Clinton has shown running her campaign, he doesn’t think she has the right skills to be president or vice-president. She doesn’t know how to spend money wisely or hire a functional staff. She doesn’t hold people accountable when they fail to get the job done. She reminds him of how Bush runs his administration: with profligate incompetence.
Harsh? Yes, but true. And people are ready to see Obama swing a big axe. He’s been swinging the small axe very effectively during this campaign, but it may be time to take that tree down for good.
Hillary Clinton has a sense of “entitlement” that is numbing. The “entitled” tend to be “selected,” rather than “elected.” Reminds me of George Bush.
AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!! If she is willing to run fear monger ads, she is not the president for me. It just means more of the same crap we have been fighting for the past 7 years.
I’d like to see Obama hitting Hillary on her human rights record. In that regard, she is a template of Bush, McCain, and even John Bolton.
There is some kind of disconnect here. “Maybe the man I am trying to destroy will be my running mate if that will help me be President.” Weird.
OT: Someone has to look at the numbers in Texas and Ohio. It is beginning to sound like a huge Republican crossover, and that the Dems didn’t go for Clinton at the last second, but rather the Republicans did. Not that the votes don’t count, but the whole momentum change story that the MSM keeps rechurning is bogus. Without the crossover (encouraged by Limbaugh and FOX) she would have lost the vote in Texas. Maybe Ohio. Anyway, we need to see numbers. If twice as many people voted in one county as there were registered Democrats that strikes me as a lot of crossovers.
We did the same thing to them in Michigan so I wouldn’t spend too much time on that one.
I think Bob’s point was that the media narrative has Obama depending on republicans and independents for his popular support while Clinton has the ‘core’ democratic support – making Clinton the ‘real’ democrat.
That story would be deflated if the numbers from Texas and Ohio suggest that Clinton got most of the cross-overs.
That makes sense, and I’d agree.
Hillary means it as a put-down when she suggests Obama belongs in second place.
Obama has got himself in a bind now that HRC has turned negative. He promised, in the beginning, that he would run a nice-guy campaign and now he’s stuck being respectful while she keeps bitch-slapping him. It’s starting to make him look weak. I wish he had stood up for Powers and said she was entitled to her opinion, that Hillary is behaving badly, that the damage Hill is doing to the party is monstrous.
I dunno. Maybe standing there looking like a grown-up is all he needs to do to look superior…
But he’s got to take the stage. That’s what’s missing. He has to set the news of the day in a positive way, and not keep ceding it to her negative attacks.
I wish SNL would be fair here and give him a boost. I swear that hurt him.
Okay, here’s a thought. What if the reason the Obama campaign’s been so quiet is because they’re focusing on their ground game for today’s Wyoming caucuses and Tuesday’s Mississippi primaries? If Obama can pull out solid wins there while Hillary parades around in PA looking smug and tooting her own horn (while being cut off at the knees on her claims of “experience”), she’ll look like a fool.
I agree. Maybe when he wins Wyoming and Miss. he gets to take back the spotlight and refer to Ohio as a hiccup in his momentum. And publicize the fact that he won Texas afterall.
Since I haven’t watched SNL for, like, 20 years I don’t think they have as much power as you think. What hurt him in Ohio was the last minute brohaha over NAFTA.
Does it cause any cognitive dissonance in your mind when you hear Clinton continually suggest that she will pick Obama as her running mate even as she runs him down as unfit for office?
Does it cause any cognitive dissonance that she argues that the people of Florida can’t be disenfranchised and yet asks the Super Delegates to disenfranchise millions of voters by ignoring who the electorate voted for and casting their vote for her?
On Thursday morning I was at my local coffeeshop, the news played a clip of her suggesting a joint ticket. I had already explained back in Jan. why a joint ticket would be disastrous, but that was before we learned of the poor organizational skills of her team. When she said that, the entire coffeeshop fell out in laughter. One lady yelled out, “That woman has lost her mind!” Everyone was convinced she was crazy and the dead parrot and Black Knight skits were referenced.
I think it’s clear to the more logical among us, that Clinton on a ticket with Obama would be devastating and not a good idea. I know the more deluded among us don’t see a problem. I heard the guy behind rail about how we just can’t have a black president at this time and we should have Clinton because she’s already had two terms in the office. Yeah. Logic. Then he said that maybe if Obama would just back down and accept the VP slot everything would be alright. When the kid he was talking to mentioned that Obama won more states and was ahead in the delegate count, the guy said, “See you young kids, think that’s all that matters, winning all the states.” (Yes, I snorted beer through my nose.) The guy said, “Isn’t that how you win?” And my neighbor said, “Sure, he won most of the states and has more delegates, but she should still be president.”
Wishful thinking…
Now, if the tools in the media realize that being fair to Clinton doesn’t mean ignoring Obama and reporting every fart or hiccup of Clinton, maybe we can have a presidential race again.
Of course the big story is Obama’s aide calling Clinton “a monster”….wow, that’s just awful, how dare she be so cruel? Monsters everywhere ought to be outraged.
Seriously though, Obama’s in a bind. He has to be careful not to be seen as attacking a woman, giving her even more reason to pull out the “poor me” card.
Yes, she’ll have it all ways, depending on the circumstances: hard-hitting liberated woman presidential candidate and sweet, defenceless lady at the mercy of male thugs. We can just thank our lucky stars that Samantha Power is a woman, with lots of class.
Obama needs to decide if he under any circumstances will be Clinon’s VP running mate or have her as his. I would advise him to say no to both, unless he wants to put an end to his political advancement at another time, but who am I? She’s suckering him. If he comes out as her running-mate, the game is over and she will laugh right in his face and refuse the offer. She will refuse the second position. Anyway, he’d be crazy to give it to her.
She’s playing another kind of sucker’s game with McCain. She’s begging him for a sign that he accepts her as his equal in security matters so she can lord it over Obama. Or she’s hoping he dumps the same accusation on Obama. He won’t fall for it. because he has other fish to fry.
What she doesn’t understand is that the repugnants play other games and know very well how to bend the rules. If she becomes the candidate, the first thing McCain will do is let everyone know in no uncertain terms that he does not consider her his equal in security matters. She’ll end up speechless and then start blathering about how good she (that is, her husband, talking about gender and identity confusion) ran the economy. Yes, she’ll really get far with that: ‘But if you can’t keep the country safe, the economy can’t be any good’, says the rotund McCain, grinning, showing his dentures, with Cindy beaming next to him, looking at him like a loving mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton have to be satisfied with what they have. I’ve been saying this ever since she began to claim the presidency right after the 2006 election.
We must not underestimate the repugnants and McCain.
Come to think of it, of course she knows how the repugnants can bend the rules and play hard. She is their equal. Yet somehow I get the impression that she (her staff) is too confident by half.
Obama can sit tight until after Mississippi. Let him give her enough rope to hang herself! There’s nothing as frustrating as not getting a response. She might be juggling too much at once.
The Clinton’s campaign (and supporters) getting so upset over that after SNL called a former First Lady a bitch is utterly laughable to me.
That pro-Clinton site I go to — most of them are women — they were crowing with glee and embracing that shit. “Yeah, I’m a bitch, too! Don’t mess with me!” Back when McCain didn’t blink about someone asking him about “the bitch,” they were outraged. But Tiny Fey makes a joke out of it and they were thrilled. They went on about “being a bitch gets things done.” That was a day of high hilarity for me. O wait, Hill-arity!
Distressing conversations. But I love how people are talking about the race.
I wss suck in a service line at a local store for almost an hour yesterday. Finally someone asked me about my Obama shirt, opening the door. For the next half hour, a former Edwards supporter, a worried black Obama supporter and I discussed the race. Nice way to spend the waiting time!
Are low information voters who think that because they caught a glance on TV they know stuff. I’m the sort who just can’t let something go, so it’s hard for me being out and about and hearing straight lies about the candidates being repeated. I find that Republicans back down quick when they realized that they’re talking to someone who knows what they’re saying. Clinton supporters hang on to their Obama lies and then when cornered with facts, accuse me of working for the Obama campaign. I get that a lot among older white women in the Foothill cities and Latino women in my area. Obama supporters I run into seem to be a lot more informed as voters in general, but there are some who give Obama credit for things he didn’t do and they get called on it.
One thing I do find interesting is how this race has sort of strengthened people’s grasp of geography. Living in SoCal, you know there’s a lot of people not from here or the US. I have friend’s from Europe (“illegal immigrants” all of them!) who hadn’t realized how big the US is. One friend emailed me, “Wow…I had no idea there was a state called Georgia in the US.” Or even people from the US who thought that Virginia was a state in Canada. I figure we’ll worry about provinces later.
Hillary’s VP talk has a two-fold effect:
It’s the case of making a spurious accusation against your opponent before your opponent can make the same substantive accusation against you, making the latter accusation sound like, “I know you are but what am I?” She’s getting out in front of a serious problem, and as much as I can’t stand her, it’s smart politics.
How does he counter it?
Swat it and then ignore it, much like what he’s doing. I’d love to see him take a big swing at her, but swinging a big axe at this line of attack from Clinton (and it is an attack) gives it more credibility, and he needs that conversation to simply go away, because the more it is spoken the more sense it will make to the masses who aren’t really paying attention.
Change the subject.
well said. And it could ONLY make sense to those who aren’t paying attention.
Hillary’s disconnect from reality is really starting to scare me. When she first floated the idea of a so-called “Dream Ticket” she was asked who should be on top. And she replied, without hesitation, that “the people of Ohio” had just said that she should be on top. One state!
Well, I’m from Ohio, and I said no such thing. It seems that with Hillary, the only votes that “count”, the only states that “count”, are the ones who vote for her.
Hillary, when the horse is dead…get off.
running around spouting off support for telecom immunity and Samantha Power had to resign. If you are looking for a well run campaign you might want to get out of your bubble a little more often.
She was an unpaid advisor, so she’s not technically part of his campaign, and certainly not under his control.
Clinton, on the other hand, had to lend her own campaign 5 million.
And that 5 million smells pretty evil right now. What are they hiding.
Obama is responsible for who his advisers are. He chooses them doesn’t he? I really enjoy when Obama maniacs point fingers at the other candidate to attempt to avert the eyes away from them. After April 15 everyone sees all and if you don’t want Obama White Watered over Rezko you guys might want to start thinking about drawing some boundaries that can be applied to all the candidates in general and then use them.
because it is so unnecessary to call names. Please, because we have a candidate that we choose to support does not make us maniacs. If you want to make it personal though how about the thousands of women that are supporting Billary because of only one issue. She is a woman. Talk about blind faith.
I uprated your comment to offset the uncalled for troll rating. Not that ratings mean squat.
I like Obama. I don’t think Clinton is exactly Satan though either. It gets hard to witness the complete skew. Neither candidate has run a perfect campaign and just because some things get under reported or some people don’t want them noticed doesn’t mean they didn’t happen.
Actually, I do get out of the “bubble” every day by going to a site that is rabidly pro-Clinton. The stuff I see there is good for some daily laughes.
I do that too. 😉
It’s important to look at what the other side is saying, to be open to their POV. Obama is now the guy I’m going to vote for by default. He wasn’t my first choice so I’m not completely sold on him. I don’t like Hillary and never have but if they come up with a really valid reason for opposing him I want to see it. So far, not so much…
If sleeping next to the pres is the most obvious source of Hillary’s foreign policy experience … Laura Bush is more qualified in that her sleeping Pres is more current
And he sleeps more too…
with this logic monica l should be up for sec of state. it’s such an empty argument abou hrc’s experience
The Hillary Clinton is like the person who cuts in line and then allows 20 or so friends in front of them .
There are a lot of people who will not vote for HRC . even if Obama were her running mate . I’m guessing her unfavorables are much higher among Democrats then they were at the start of the 2008 Presidential Campaign.
If Obama finds himself elbowed out somehow, his supporters will not follow him into Camp Clinton . Doubt that , just ask them , read the stuff they are saying .
The DLC Clinton’s are only distinguishable from the GOP on social issues like gay rights and abortion ,i.e., on economics , the Clintons are GOPers .
NAFTA , WTO & China Trade type corporate control arrangements and Media Consolidation have been on the GOP shopping list at least since the days of Ronald Reagan . The Clintons delivered on all those things -did they not ?
The the only difference between John McCain and Hillary Clinton is one stands and the other sits to pee – and I wouldn’t put money on that .