From the Straight Shooter, referring to Washington, D.C. the city where he has lived as an elective official for 24 years:
“In case you haven’t noticed, we in Washington aren’t functioning as we should be,” McCain said. “It’s getting harder and harder to do the Lord’s work in the City of Satan.”
Well, what can I add to that but: Thank you Saint Straight Shooter for battling the Demon Spawn of Hell for us lo those many years. Or perhaps Saint McCain was referring to Satan’s Monkey Puppet of the Apocalypse (h/t to my daughter). Oh wait, that can’t be, because Saint McCain just accepted the endorsement of said monkey puppet. Maybe he should consult with his spiritual guide and get back to us regarding who in Washington is under Satan’s influence or is one of his minions. I’m sure inquiring Christians want to know.
Update [2008-3-8 11:24:4 by Steven D]: From my daughter, maybe this insidious influence by those “Surrender Monkeys” is what McCain is referring to when he speaks of Satan.
You didn’t mention Dick Cheney. I think he has carved a portal to hell in the basement of the Naval Observatory. It may even have a functioning elevator.
I thought Cheney is Satan.
Wow, that’s so amazingly cynical that I doubt even the evangelical crazies will be fooled by it.
Is McCain a born again now? What would Jesus say. This country has sold its soul to the Devil or pod people. I just do not recognise this country anymore.
doing the lord’s work…must be the new code word for waterboarding…
l doubt this is what jesus would do.
chimpy needs to become a dead albatross around st. john’s neck…these pix ought to be front and center:
click to enlarge
h/t think progress
Did McCain happen to mention if he has seen or talked to Satan. Did he recently get an endorsement from this satan fellow? Those pictures prove he is in satan’s city and we need to call a priest.
It’s thought that he was endorsed by Satan, but it is unclear whether that’s the Evangelical Satan, the Catholic Satan, the Methodist Satan, or the Unitarian Metaphor.
For the best look at who McCain is playing for keeps with, don’t miss this week’s Bill Moyers Journal. It’s about McCain and Hagee, the apocalypse-loving Zionist propagandist and his cult of wacked out Jesus freaks for Israeli impunity. Among the club are mildly surprising folks like Frank Gaffney, and, you guessed it, Joe Lieberman.
Don’t miss the discussion afterward with Libertarian editor Matt Welch and former GOP representative Mickey Edwards. Both see McCain (and Bush) as a fake conservative and probably dangerous.
If you want to get fuller understanding of this crowd and what it’s selling, some video is essential. This report is probably the most valuable one anybody’s done, largely because it lets both side say their piece and lets the viewer judge. I think the show is shown today (Sat) on some local PBS station. Either way, really– take the hour or so and watch this. Even if you, like me, think you know pretty well what’s going on, it will blow you away.
I watched this last night and it was excellent.
Cute video…. 🙂
I will point out, as someone who was born in the so-calld “City of Satan” and who currently lives just outside its borders — that people who live in Washington, DC, and the surrounding counties in Virginia and Maryland vote Democratic by overwhelming margins. That’s because we see what’s going on up close — many of us are federal government employees — and we’d really like a change in the management!
It’s not the local permanent residents who are the source of “evil” around here… it’s those damned long-distance commuters who work in the Capitol Building (and adjacent). Oh, and the guy who’s been living in the big white mansion down on Pennsylvania Avenue… Thank God his lease is almost up!
Here’s to hoping for some better “commuters” in the House and Senate, and a MUCH better tenant for the White House…. I think Senator McCain has earned an honorable retirement… in Arizona.
A few more Quotes of the Day like this one and the Dems won’t have to campaign against McCain – he’ll just knock himself out.
Except for the fact the media is in the tank for him.
I truly love mediamatters….it reminds every day while reading it that I’m once again glad I quit watching all the so called ‘news’ networks and what freaken empty suits all these presumed to be reporters/pundits really are. None of them seem to know what the actual meaning of reporter is or they simply don’t care.