From the Straight Shooter, referring to Washington, D.C. the city where he has lived as an elective official for 24 years:

“In case you haven’t noticed, we in Washington aren’t functioning as we should be,” McCain said. “It’s getting harder and harder to do the Lord’s work in the City of Satan.”

Well, what can I add to that but: Thank you Saint Straight Shooter for battling the Demon Spawn of Hell for us lo those many years. Or perhaps Saint McCain was referring to Satan’s Monkey Puppet of the Apocalypse (h/t to my daughter). Oh wait, that can’t be, because Saint McCain just accepted the endorsement of said monkey puppet. Maybe he should consult with his spiritual guide and get back to us regarding who in Washington is under Satan’s influence or is one of his minions. I’m sure inquiring Christians want to know.

Update [2008-3-8 11:24:4 by Steven D]: From my daughter, maybe this insidious influence by those “Surrender Monkeys” is what McCain is referring to when he speaks of Satan.