The longer the campaign goes on, the less distinction there is between Hillary Clinton & Joe Lieberman and the better Obama looks.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
A lot of people are feeling the same way. See the dramatic uptick in the graph after Hillary’s last round of stabs at
I love to see that Obama line reaching toward the sky, coupled with Hillary’s taking a nosedive.
I honestly feel my party would not be represented on the ticket if she became our nominee. It’s my absolute nightmare scenario. Fortunately, that viewpoint seems broadly shared.
Here’s the link to the chart page. A thing of beauty, right now.
Hold on, check RCP today, Obama’s back up 3.7 from as low as 1.2.
Oops, nevermind, misread on my part. Spitzer thing’s got me distracted.
I’m always glad when a hypocrite is exposed – even if they’re in my own party. I don’t believe “my party right or wrong” anymore than I believe that about my country.
He made his bed, so to speak….
But he had a very positive record in some aspects – don’t get me wrong – I’m hardly celebrating. It’s so frustrating.
I can’t help but wonder if he was set up. But you can’t set someone up if they won’t take the bait.
Why do people in office not realize EVERY act of sexual infidelity runs the risk of bringing down their entire career? Is sex worth all that??? I mean, come on.
It’s what pissed me off so much about the Big Dog. Why the hell couldn’t he wait until he was out of office? I’m telling you it’s not that difficut and I’m not running for dog catcher.
you have to ask?
…there again it is the side of brain that one is using, I suppose…”””snark”””…wink wink
I think once the dust settles, the people of New York may forgive him for being human and thinking with that other appendage once in a while. And it may backfire on the federal prosecutors who leaked his identity as a john who has not been charged with any crime yet. They didn’t leak the identities of the other johns and haven’t filed any charges against them.
Could it be politically motivated? I wonder… This is the same US attorney office that tried to invent a “terrorism case” about some dumbass who thought he could blow up JFK airport via a fuel pipeline. All that was designed to scare us at a politically sensitive time for the Republicans.
Sex has the potential to ruin families and marriages too, but it seems to be worth it anyway. Sex makes people do things they never thought they’d do.
I think sometimes those who are unfaithful on some level would be okay with their marriage ending. But I can’t imagine anyone being okay with a stellar career ending. Wow.
Whew! Thankfull Obama has put to rest this joint ticket the Clintons have been promoting:
The Video. Obama: No thanks to Veep
“If I am not ready, how is it that you think I should be such a great vice president?”
Wolfson of Hillary’s camp told reporters this morning Obama can be ready by August, 3 months to gain all the experience he needs.
Why is Wolfson bogarting the pipe? I want some of what he’s smoking.
Just who the hell does this asshole think he is? Who is not Senator Howard Wolfson to determine when or even if Senator Obama is “ready” for the presidency? How do you even deign to be able to make that call? What a tool.
perhaps hillary is really angling to be the veep on st johns ticket. william the bloody kristol thinks that ol holy joe would be a great pick for vp, and there’s little light between hill and joe:
but then again, he pays lip service to BushCo™ pick: romney, with this bit of cya:
these so called pundits are truly living in a parallel dimension.
OH for GOD’S sake…karl rove….what int he hellis he thinking…he is back to smoking the wakky tabaccy…AGAIN!!!!!
All I know is if Obama is forced to have Hillary as his Veep he should double his secret service contingent.
l don’t think that’s in the cards:
that would, indeed, be the kiss of death.
With her latest remarks it seems that Hillary is running for a unity ticket to save America: a McCain-Clinton ticket. THey could then have Lieberman as secretary of state. Yes . . . that’s the ticket!!
Obama was brilliant today in dismissing her insincere offer–to the front runner!–to be her VP. He called it the okey doky meaning to hoodwinked. She has no intention of running with him. SHe is just trying to siphon off voters who believe in the fairy tale of a dream ticket. Maybe a month ago that idea might have palatable but she has effectively and permanently poisoned that idea. And anyway, a joint ticket only makes sense with her as VP as only Obama knows how to use to truly use the bully pulpit of the presidency.
here’s a link that sez it all..
yeah…that’s helpful.
Please tell me that there isn’t someone somewhere collecting a paycheck for coming up with that drivel.
That’s not a good cartoon.
…to vote for Clinton in PA, to crossover and register Democrat so they could vote for Hillary. The Republicans literally mailed out flyers to their base asking them to do this.
The caller was distressed and wanted to know what to do.
Randi said, “Show these flyers to your friends and say, ‘look how badly the Republicans want to run against Hillary.'”
(And Randi could have added, why do you think Murdoch gave Clinton all that campaign money?)
Someone should get a copy of that flyer and… I dunno… put it on billboards in PA, written above it, “Are you going to vote for the one the Repulicans want?” Or something shorter and snappier that makes the same point.