That’s right, BooMan is gone, baby, gone! Let’s break into the liquor cabinet!
Oh, and isn’t it just awful that Barack Obama has a scary, angry black man as his pastor? I’m shaking in my boots!
And so is Saint Straight Shooter, but for different reasons. Vote for him or the terrorists win!
Ooops. I think I finished off all the 151 proof rum . . . sorry ’bout that.
Pass the Tequila! Woohoo!
Meanwhile – someone who isn’t working today needs to blog about this –,0,7185898.story. GREAT article about how Obama reasons his way to decisions.
Gallup and Rasmussen Daily Tracking Poll Democratic Presidential Nomination
Obama 50% Clinton 44%
Obama 50% Clinton 42%
Obama is view favorably 51% Clinton 47%
Clinton’s negative assessment at 51%
among the superdelegates. according to bloomberg:
mo-mentum continues to be his friend. her chances of winning the nomination are all but gone, it’s time to bow out gracefully, if such a thing is still possible.
cause the long knives are coming out: Clinton role in health program (SCHIP) disputed via the Boston Globe.
Thanks DadaI read this piece which makes a good point.
Uncertainty is all Clinton has left and she’d like to keep it that way
And on that SCHIP piece on the claim reported in the Boston link, have you noticed it’s not only Kennedy but as well Orin Hatch (R-Utah) joins in disputing her claimed role:
l doubt it’s coincidental that this blow-back is happening at a time when she’s been very adamant about her. purported, role in spearheading healthcare.
it’s a bit reminiscent of her north ireland Good Friday Peace Agreement claim: “I helped to bring peace to Northern Ireland,”: which has been rather seriously debunked:
her and her campaign have forgotten, or are ignoring, the first rule of holes: when you’re in one, stop digging.
dada, another exposure of Hillary
listen this audio clip real carefully
Clinton discussing the MI primary and how it won’t count for anything.
and related from
But her supporters don’t read the debunking. They live on her site and worship her. Some of them, anyway!
Others just don’t care. She can do no wrong, in their eyes. It’s very depressing to meet people like this.
Despite the “equal vote” rhetoric, all votes are not equal. Lumping all the votes together as if we held a single national primary deliberately confuses the issue.
What’s even more offensive is the attempt to ignore the fact that we already have a system in place — delegates. It’s a little like a losing football fan who attempts to argue that score, as measured in points, is wrong, and that the real winner had the most yardage.
Arguing against the rules is usually a very bad idea, especially after the fact. Arguing that our democratic system is actually undemocratic is loathsome.
I just posted in my diary Pelosi stance on delegates.
Watch Nancy Pelosi’s interview to be aired on Sunday ABC, This Week
“But what if one candidate has won the popular vote and the other candidate has won the delegates?” asked Stephanopoulos.
“But it’s a delegate race,” Pelosi replied. “The way the system works is that the delegates choose the nominee.”
How come this is not understood at TalkLeft?
I don’t know what “top elected officials” are, but I had him ahead by a whisker on elected official superdelegates. There are few agreements on these totals.
Clinton’s lead appears to come from DNC and DPLs (distinguished party leaders) superdelegates, according to Democratic Convention Watch.
Also, that doesn’t include any superdelegates from Florida or Michigan, who are ineligible at this point.
Candidate Clinton Obama
Gov. 10 11
Sen. 13 15
Rep. 72 71
DPL 10 4
DNC 139 105
Add-Ons 0 2
Total 244 208
Last Updated: 3/14/2008
Regarding the Jeremiah Wright much-ado-about-nuthin’ dustup, I just read Al Giordano at The Field arguing it’s a good thing, in that at least with everyone talking about Obama’s CHRISTIAN pastor, it reinforces the fact that he’s NOT a Muslim–the same point I remember maryb2004 making here last night. (Besides, McCain’s gotta tread ever-so-softly on all this too, ya know, what with him having kissed the rings of Hagee and Parsley.) Giordano ended with this neat little keeper:
“We’re in the 21st Century now, when a certain amount of crazy is expected from all religious leaders.”
See this post by Obama at The Huffington Post
On My Faith and Mr Church
He has to explain while the McSame gets a pass.
Just read it. He did a masterful job with it–absolutely what was needed. I’ve had people ask me why he didn’t just leave the church, or whatever. Well, now we know. Hopefully this puts the whole thing to bed, and puts the issues front and center again.
According to the thread over at Orange he’s supposed to discuss this with Sean Hannity tonight on TV.
Anybody know if that’s really true?
If it is, I give him a lot of credit. I guess. Part of my doesn’t want to give Hannity any credibility in this world.
What’s he doing on Hannity? I thought he wasn’t going to go on Fox.
Wait and see, I guess, wait and see. Although I can’t see any good that can come of going on Hannity’s show. Now if he would sit down with Hannity in a neutral corner where Hannity didn’t have control of the mic, that would be different . . . but Hannity would never agree to that.
Yesterday a poll came out from NBC/WSJ, I think, that showed 13% of America still believes he’s a muslim. Chances are pretty good that he might reach some of this 13% by appearing on Hannity’s show and condemning his christian preacher for a few insensitive remarks that have been made over the years. Obviously he won’t be winning many votes, but hopefully he will – at minimum – leave them with the idea that he attends a black christian church in Chicago, rather than some mosque.
And MAYBE if these 13% people find themselves questioning one thing that they’ve been told about Obama, MAYBE they’ll also question some of the other bullshit they’ve been fed about him. So what’s he got to lose?
Apparently he’s going to be on Olbermann tonight too.
I’m out tonight (and no cable anyway) so I’ll check back to see what everyone thinks.
OMG, will Hillary demand equal time?
Googled it and found that is reporting that Obama will be on Hannity and Colmes tonight. Geez, he’s got guts! That’s the freakin’ Lion’s Den. But I’m sure he’ll do as well as anyone could–he usually does.
in the clear light of day, it does not matter except to 28% of the evangelicals. They have their Falwells, Robertson, Hagee and PArsley.
Obama has responded at Huffpost-see my link in this thread.
Here are two readers TPM here and an orthodx Jew here
Quote:A couple of points:
1. As an Orthodox Jew, I have heard pulpit rabbis say some offensive things — and I’m not talking about things that are part of normative Jewish law like rules regarding gentiles — but all sorts of thoedicy-type claims about why God allowed particular tragedies to occur, usually involving very Jew-centric views of the world and often ascribing the worst of intentions to gentiles or non-Orthodox Jews. Nonetheless, I never felt the inclination to walk out mid-speech or cut my ties to my synagogue or the rabbi himself. Maybe I am applying a double standard here, but to me my rabbi’s political views are just one narrow aspect of a broad relationship I have with both him and the institution he leads. Based on Obama’s statements, I assume that this is Obama’s view of his relationship with Wright.
The HuffPost response plus the appearance on FOX shows that he’s obviously taking this VERY seriously. If
he treats it as though it’s critical to address this NOW and COMPLETELY, there’s a very good chance he’ll largely succeed with those who are reachable. But you’re right–there are those who are not.
Just heard on Hardball that Obama will also be on Keith Olbermann’s show tonight.
we have to stop doing this … jinx
Woohoo! Let’s get a couple (many) of bottles and take his car out for a joyride!
Good luck with that…
about this around here.
Telecom Immunity Removed From House Bill
And every time I see this…………………
It makes me laugh.
I guess they are finally firing off their powder.
Steven D.
I’ve some real 151% proof rum (Jah W&N) in my cabinet.
I recently had the 151 grain alcohol for the first time in my life. Mix it in a bloody mary and you can’t taste it. Have a couple of those and your friends are dragging you to the car.
If that’s true it’s about damn time. The shelf life of gunpowder, under stable conditions, is about 5-7 years. Hopefully they didn’t use it all on this one event. I think they’re going to need quite a bit more before it’s over.
Never thought I would see this hug.
It is not damning because of McCain’s feelings toward Bush, it is because any intelligent person would have known better. A president McCain will not make.
re The FISA win: looks like the leadership done ‘specially good. Pats on the back for everyone (‘cept the Bush Dogs wot weenied out).
re the photo: Is THAT why Atrios calls McCain “Huggy Bear”?
“That’s right, BooMan is gone, baby, gone!”
About time. Thought he would never leave. Let the mischief begin.
That’ll be fun!
you mean aluminium foil, don’t you?
Someone has studied how terrorist threats affect us, although it should be intuitively obvious.
..”Potentially traumatic events evoke a wide range of responses and outcomes. From a motivated social cognitive approach to ideology, system-threatening events such as 9/11 should increase psychological needs to manage uncertainty and threat and, therefore, the appeal of politically conservative opinions.. .”
— Bonanno, G.A., & Jost, J.T. (2006), from abstract of Conservative shift among high-exposure survivors of the September 11th terrorist attacks. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 28, 311-323. [Special issue entitled “In the Era of 9/11: Social Psychology and Security.”]
A few added thoughts on the paper “Conservative shift.” Although traumatic events do shift people’s perspective towards the conservative/authoritarian point of view, the resultant shift doesn’t make them any happier. I’m reminded of cycles of violence, like the incidence of committing child abuse among formerly abused children.
Here’s some more of the abstract:
“we found relatively little evidence that embracing conservatismwas related to improved well-being as measured either in terms of survivors` mental health symptoms or friends-relatives’ ratings of their psychological adjustment. On the contrary, political conservatism, right-wing authoritarianism, and conservative shift were generally associated with the following: chronically elevated levels of
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression, desire for revenge and militarism, cynicism,
and decreased use ofhumor. Conservative shiftwas also associated with increased religiosity, patriotism, and the perception that the events of 9/11 created new interests and opportunities, suggesting that it may contain some adaptive (as well as maladaptive) features.”
Greg Palast has been connecting the dots on Spitzer. Great read thanks to BraveNewFilms site
No one notice that the Fed is going to guarantee 200 Billion in notes, many including sub-prime loans, whether they get repaid or not.
I think the link below has something to do with the bail out. As the politically connected Carlyle group was about to lose billions..
I have to admit to a certain shall we say small-minded pleasure at seeing Carlyle Group having to eat its greed for lunch and thinking that the Bush family, thanks to Jr’s leadership may have just had its own version of a Katrina moment.
When I read an article late last night about the Carlyle Group’s money woes, I had to laugh. I went to bed with the biggest grin on my face.
were you reading this, because it looks like W gave Carlyle their “Katrina” moment..hehehe
I guess I missed the announcement. Where is BooMan? I hope it’s somewhere fun and relazing. Also, when will he be back? I miss him already. <sniff>
So, is there a sub in the blog? If yes, I think that we should all change assigned seats and treat that person as if invisible. Then, it would feel like I was still at work.
Are you familiar with Miss Nelson Is Missing by Harry Allard?
The kids in Room 207 take advantage of their teacher’s good nature until she disappears and they are faced with a vile substitute. “Rarely has the golden rule been so effectively interpreted for children.”–“Booklist.” Full-color illustrations.
I’m sure HS kids would appreciate the humor too 😉
I have heard of it. I wonder if I could use it…hmmm.
A truly marvelous children’s author and illustrator is Patricia Polacco.
Her life experiences growing up in both Oakland, CA and Lansing, MI are the basis for many of her books. Pink and Say and Thank You, Mr. Falker are so powerful, no matter how often I read them I cry.
Hope you can check them out – I am sure your students would be moved by them too. And it really involves kids when the teacher can’t continue reading cause she is crying and hands the book off to one of them to continue!
I love that book. I read it to my grandkids, complete with scary Miss Swamp voice.
I am now watching Hannity & Colmes on Fox to see how Barack handles it. They are showing the most outrageous of outrageous clips and predicting that this is the END of Obama’s presidential run. Such sensationalism…
Am I missing something here? I don’t disagree with most of the pastor’s statements. They are typical of a black church with a pastor of that generation. I am not a religious person, but there is not a religious person I’ve ever heard of who doesn’t disagree with some things said by their pastors/rabbi’s, etc.
So next they’re re-running an old offensive re-run with the reverend that they did some time back where they accuse him of being a crazy radical leftist traitor. Then they will have Barack on.
OMG. The interview is with Major Garrett, not Hannity & Colmes? Odd. It’s not even like an interview, but more like a deposition, or interrogation.
after hearing Bush tell soldiers how romantic war is,
i think he needs to read Wilfred Owen on the romance of war…
Bent double, like old beggars under sacks,
Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge,
Till on the haunting flares we turned our backs
And towards our distant rest began to trudge.
Men marched asleep. Many had lost their boots
But limped on, blood-shod. All went lame; all blind;
Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots
Of tired, outstripped Five-Nines that dropped behind.
Gas! GAS! Quick, boys!– An ecstasy of fumbling,
Fitting the clumsy helmets just in time;
But someone still was yelling out and stumbling
And floundering like a man in fire or lime.
Dim, through the misty panes and thick green light
As under a green sea, I saw him drowning.
In all my dreams, before my helpless sight,
He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning.
If in some smothering dreams you too could pace
Behind the wagon that we flung him in,
And watch the white eyes writhing in his face,
His hanging face, like a devil’s sick of sin;
If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood
Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs,
Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud
Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues,–
My friend, you would not tell with such high zest
To children ardent for some desperate glory,
The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est
Pro patria mori.
Did anyone see Obama tonight? How did he do?
In looking for links at Big Orange I saw he just released his own youtube:
Huh? I just clicked on it and got “We’re sorry, this video is no longer available.”
dunno. It was working before. I went back to the Orange diary and clicked the link in it and it says This is a private video. If you have been sent this video, please make sure you accept the sender’s friend request.
Maybe he did it to be used through myspace or one of those social networking sites that I don’t belong to.
Weird though. Because at the end he asks people to send the youtube to people they know.
It’s basically the same as the blogpost he wrote for HuffPo.
I just looked on his website and under the text of his HuffPo piece he had this embedded. But it doesn’t work there either.
So I don’t know.
I stopped over at the great orange Satan just now. I was greeted by a banner ad for Chevron.
I mean, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, but what’s next? Is Kos going to shill for Halliburton?
It’s been an issue (with some) since at least Oct. 06. Google dkos + chevron.