When, like Obama has, you adopt the arguments and policies of the oppressors in order to be accepted by the supporters of continued oppression then those who really do oppose oppression win nothing by supporting an Obama.

Rev. Wright, like Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks before him, confronted the institutions of continued racist oppression in America. Obama denounced the Rev. Wright for doing the right thing. Rev. Wright is called divisive by the racists of the status quo for confronting and pointing out the continued institutions of racism in America. This, pure and simple, is adopting the arguments of the racists who attack as racist anyone like Rev. Wright who confronts the manifestations of racism in America.
Sen. Barack Obama supports the drug war policies that flood our streets with unregulated drugs and that the racists of America then use as an excuse to mass disenfranchise America’s urban minorities and the poor. Rev. Wright denounced these institutions and Obama smeared Wright for doing the brave thing by pointing to these institutions of oppression.

The drug war policies that Obama supports have spread more drugs into more parts of America. They have caused more violence and aided the proliferation of more illegal guns on the streets of America. All so that he can pander for votes to the oppressors of poverty oppressed urban Americans and minorities.

Please see my essays of last summer:

  • Barack Obama: A Stereotype of Conventional Wisdom
  • Sen. Obama’s solution for post-Katrina poverty; police oppression

    My analysis of Obama was and is inspired in part by The Nation essay by Ira Glasser, former head of the ACLU who wrote: “The fact that so many people arrested, convicted and imprisoned for drug offenses are black or Latino is not because they are mostly the ones doing the crime; it is because they are mostly the ones being targeted. This is not a phenomenon of the Deep South. It is nationwide. And it is not accidental. As the racial profiling scandals a few years ago showed, blacks are disproportionately targeted while driving cars on the highway; for example, in a lawsuit challenging this practice, it was revealed that although only 17 percent of drivers on a stretch of I-95 in Maryland were black, 73 percent of all the cars stopped and searched for drugs were driven by blacks. Nor was this an isolated example. In Florida blacks were seventy-five times more likely than whites to be stopped and searched for drugs while driving. And it turned out that these racially targeted stops were the explicit result of a Drug Enforcement Administration program begun in 1986, called Operation Pipeline, that “trained” 27,000 state troopers in forty-eight states to spot cars that might contain drugs. Most of the cars spotted were driven by blacks. And this happened even though three-quarters of monthly drug users are white!” Legalized Racial Discrimination in America

    Further on Glasser observes (And could easily be speaking of liberals like Barack Obama): “Despite these patterns of racial targeting, it has not been fashionable among liberals to see drug prohibition as a massive civil rights problem of racial discrimination. Perhaps it would be easier if we examined the way racially targeted drug-war incarceration has damaged the right to vote, a right quintessentially part of the rights we thought we had won in the 1960s with the demise of Jim Crow laws.”

    In conclusion Glasser notes: “The fact is, just as Jim Crow laws were a successor system to slavery, so drug prohibition has been a successor to Jim Crow laws in targeting blacks, removing them from civil society and then denying them the right to vote while using their bodies to enhance white political power. Drug prohibition is now the last significant instance of legalized racial discrimination in America.

    That many liberals have been at best timid in opposing the drug war and at worst accomplices to its continued escalation is, in light of the racial politics of drug prohibition, a special outrage. It is also politically self-destructive, serving to keep in power white conservatives opposed to everything liberals stand for. Liberals especially, therefore, need to consider attacking the premises upon which this edifice of racial subjugation is based. If they do not, who will?”