It’s fun hobnobbing with Joe Klein, Howard Fineman, Byron York, and the rest. Gawd how I hate these people.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
cross you bears!
Once upon a time they were human. Their mommy diapered them and powdered their little butts. Since they grew up, however, they haven’t smell as sweet. But the same could be said of me. I am not sure about you. How much froo froo do you do?
In his fifties my Dad slowly began to lose his hearing. All those years around noisy farm machinery finally began to take their toll. Whenever his faulty hearing came up, he was fond of saying, ” You know I don’t hear too good. Come to think of it, I don’t smell too good either.”
me when I visited my dad and he was about the age I am now (66) is that he would talk all day about how he needed to take a bath. And eventually he would actually take the damn bath. But now that I am the age he was then, I understand completely. It seems as if I have to talk myself into everything these days – baths, cleaning house, running errands – nothing is as simple as it seemed to be when I was younger. Or maybe it was easier to just do things mindlessly?
You all don’t know I need to shave my legs. I have two little ones here. Everyday, I say, “Dang…when was the last time I showered?” It always seems like a week ago with all the nasty the kids share with me and all the running around I do. Every time I get up to do something, I get distracted or need to rest and well…there goes another day. Another thing or person not cleaned.
Joe Klein sez he’s not too crazy about you either.
Florida’s re-vote off the table and a Michigan re-do looking less likely.
All but dead.
What’s left for Hillary?
I think this might suggest the next approach, although the links in the comments make me think it won’t be too successful.
We certainly live in interesting times.
Solomon’s resolution
split MI delegates 50/50 and give one-half vote to each Florida delegate.
Somewhere in there a punishment should be added for Hillary’s violation of the rules.
But Billary will resist this route.
Trying to get MI and FL seated without redoes.
George Soros to Gov. Rendell: NO
Ben Smith has the details
yeah I buy that. Time for super-delegates to get off the fence.
Well, from day one of Obama’s campaign, many bright people in the African American community kept saying that he’d be assassinated. Is that an option for the Billary machine? Ya think?
You have my sympathies. I imagine being around such an ilk must feel like 6 or 7 days of constipation.
Nothing changes, stiff as a board, deaf as stone wall.