Plug In America

Action Gram

Now is our chance to save electric cars and revive California’s popular Zero Emissions Vehicle Program. We need to take action today!

In only two weeks the California Air Resources Board will vote on a proposal that would allow automakers to delay meaningful EV production for years.

Proposed revisions will profoundly weaken the program again instead of propelling our country toward a pollution-free and petroleum-free future.

Plug In America is spearheading a campaign to demonstrate widespread support for EVs. CARB needs to strengthen the Zero Emission Vehicle Program. Remember: in addition to California, ten states which together make up roughly half of the country’s population follow California’s auto policy. Wherever you live, we need your help!

Click here to send a message to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-445-2841
Fax: 916-558-3160

Click here to send a message to CARB Chair Mary Nichols.

We must begin to deal with our addiction to oil and global warming now.

Join us. Urge the Governor and Chairwoman Nichols to SAVE THE ELECTRIC CAR.

Please check our website often for campaign updates and send this Action Gram to everyone you know!

Chelsea Sexton
Plug In America

Chelsea Sexton