Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Obama gave a speech today “The World Beyond Iraq” in North Carolina. I’ve read it. It’s pretty good. Here’s a clip of it, but I haven’t found the whole thing posted yet. None of the cable nets covered it in its entirety.
It’s my birthday today. I say this not to solicit birthday wishes, but to point out that it was on my 48th birthday five years ago that the bombs started falling. Thanks for nothin’, Chimpy. Next time just send a card.
Booman, I’ve been reading The Nation and found the article discussing your brother’s book, his letter back, and the rebuttal. I shared them with my circle, and the question came up of whether he has any children. I certainly will respect your brother’s privacy if this is information he prefers to keep to himself, but the comparison to Pat Buchanan came up and I didn’t know how to address it.
An addition to the conversation re-population and economic growth: Harpers has a great article in the latest issue about aging societies and freedom.
Doesn’t bode well for us as the Baby Boom tilts us ever older.
Still think the paradigm the arguments in regards to the relationship between population growth, demographics, economic growth, etc is fatally flawed when you factor in natural system limits such as limited resources, but hey I guess reality has rarely been a field of economics.
The MoveOn 5 year anniversary rally against the war is right outside my office and I’ve heard more car honking this year than any year in the past. Sounds like the average office worker is expressing their desire to end this thing.
You mean Crappy Shock and Awe Day”.
How lucky those iraqis are! we liberated them from their lives!
Obama gave a speech today “The World Beyond Iraq” in North Carolina. I’ve read it. It’s pretty good. Here’s a clip of it, but I haven’t found the whole thing posted yet. None of the cable nets covered it in its entirety.
It’s my birthday today. I say this not to solicit birthday wishes, but to point out that it was on my 48th birthday five years ago that the bombs started falling. Thanks for nothin’, Chimpy. Next time just send a card.
Booman, I’ve been reading The Nation and found the article discussing your brother’s book, his letter back, and the rebuttal. I shared them with my circle, and the question came up of whether he has any children. I certainly will respect your brother’s privacy if this is information he prefers to keep to himself, but the comparison to Pat Buchanan came up and I didn’t know how to address it.
An addition to the conversation re-population and economic growth: Harpers has a great article in the latest issue about aging societies and freedom.
Doesn’t bode well for us as the Baby Boom tilts us ever older.
Still think the paradigm the arguments in regards to the relationship between population growth, demographics, economic growth, etc is fatally flawed when you factor in natural system limits such as limited resources, but hey I guess reality has rarely been a field of economics.
five years and still looking to win it.
Three of the architects’ quotes setting up we’ll there for 100 years:
Richard Perle: We can’t turn this around overnight..”
Vice Cheney: We won’t be blown off course..The longer We’re In Iraq, The Better Iraqis feel About America
Little preznitwit: [.] it’s a fight we must win. Throughout the war on terror, we have brought the enemy — we have fought the enemy on every single battlefront.
So now were in Iraq, to make the Iraqis feel better about America. what’s next, US invades Iran to help them feel better about America, too.
Has it really been five years?….yep, it just seems like twenty!
text and action items available at C&L
The MoveOn 5 year anniversary rally against the war is right outside my office and I’ve heard more car honking this year than any year in the past. Sounds like the average office worker is expressing their desire to end this thing.