At the urging of Rush Limbaugh, thousands of conservative Republicans crossed party lines to vote in Ohio and Texas for Hillary Clinton in an effort to sabotage the Democratic Party’s nomination process, in what Limbaugh dubbed “Operation Chaos.” Those were states that held open primaries where Republicans could vote in the Democratic primary if they chose to do so. However, since Pennsylvania is a closed primary state (i.e., only registered Democrats can vote in the primary) it was thought that the Limbaugh Effect would have little bearing on the outcome of the race. Well, that assumption may just be dead wrong:
Even in the crucial swing state of Pennsylvania, where the April 22 primary is closed to independents and Republicans, there are signs that some Republicans are going so far as to switch their party registration by the March 24 deadline to participate in what Limbaugh has dubbed “Operation Chaos.” In the last five months, there has been a 2.2% increase in the number of registered Democrats in Pennsylvania versus a tiny dip of 0.12% in Republican numbers. Veteran Pennsylvania pollster Terry Madonna expects some 100,000 new Democrats to vote on April 22, about 5% of the total expected to vote. In historic Gettysburg, Adams County Elections Supervisor Monica Dutko told the local newspaper, The York Daily Record, she was a seeing an unprecedented steady stream of switchers, some of whom volunteered they were changing registration from Republican to Democrat at the urging of Limbaugh. […]
In both Ohio and Texas, Republicans and independents were a higher percentage of the votes than in other states. “Based on past results, you would think that favors Obama, who has done well in ‘open’ Democratic primaries where Republicans can cross over on election day,” [Dave Mann, a political writer for the progressive Texas Observer] said. Obama won among California independents 58-32%; Virginia Republicans went for him 72-23; and he won Missouri Republicans 75-21. But in Texas and Ohio the two Democrats split the Republican/independent vote. It appears “the Hillary Republicans cost Obama Texas,” Mann said, adding that without detailed vote analysis and interviews it is difficult to say for certain. The Mississippi results a week later confirmed the trend. “There was a complete reversal,” Mann said, and Obama was now losing Republicans and independents two to one to Clinton. “Without a doubt, Rush, and to a lesser extent me, had some effect on the Republican turnout,” Ingraham told Fox News. “When you look at those exit polls, it is really quite striking.”
Isn’t this just peachy. Rush Limbaugh is manipulating the Democratic primaries in order to affect the outcome of the general election in favor of McCain and the Republicans. Kos tried to keep Romney in the race in Michigan using a similar call for Democrats to vote in the Republican primary contest, but obviously it wasn’t nearly as successful as Limbaugh’s Operation Chaos campaign. Rush does have the bigger mouthpiece, after all. If Clinton wins Pennsylvania and then goes on to win the nomination will she be sending roses to Rush? We already know her campaign sent Bill out to appear on Limbaugh’s radio show the day of Ohio and Texas primaries. Was that an implicit quid pro quo for the help he was giving their campaign? And what kind of person courts the favor of the man who has consistently demonized Democrats, in general, and both her and her husband, specifically, for decades?
This is what turns off so many people from voting in America. If Clinton wins the Democratic nomination with an assist from Rushbo, how many Obama voters will not show up for the general election? And how many who might have voted for Obama will instead vote for McCain? This is just pure speculation on my part, but I suspect that both numbers easily could be in the tens of millions.
So super-duper delegates, this is my question to you. Is that what you really want? To allow Rush Limbaugh to rig the election by helping keep the Clinton campaign afloat? Well, is it? Because the longer this goes on the more that seems to be the case.
that’s grotesquely rumsfeldian
This is definitely an argument in favor of closed primaries.
I’d like to see a new way – let independents vote but not have their vote count.
Let Republicans vote for a Demo but not have it count.
That way, we can get a sense of preference, but if there’s monkey business it won’t come into play.
PA already has a closed primary.
The Hatman Drudge who broke the stained dress saga has two ‘red letter’ developing stories:
1. With pic of “The President and Rev. Wright…in one of the ornate rooms at the White House (could be that’s why HRC’s camp told all to be silent on the Wright Obama flap).
2. Dirty tricks at State Dept, 2 fired for unauthorized access to Obama’s personal passport data file.
this could get interesting. I never under rate this guy..a leaker and embargo breaker…Monica and Prince Harry
well Ben Smith at Politico has picked up story No:1
Oh, My. So will MSM now drop this? That pic makes equal the candiates or does it?
you can count on the Hatman. PassportGate
MSNBC Breaking News:
2 fired over Obama passport file breach
Third employee at State disciplined over accessing candidate’s records
this may be very serious. Story will be updated. Obama campaign demands to know who broke security and privacy and for what purpose!!!
rethugs never learn.
Hasn’t Obama sent out solicitations for Reps/Inds too register as Dems for a day to vote for him, then revert to prior registration? Why is that ok but this is condemned?
Why? Because the only reason an independent or a Republican would actually do that is because they like Obama. On the Limbaugh approach, you vote for Hillary because you hate her (i.e., because she is the Democrat least likley to beat McCain) and at the same time you help block Obama, who is the stronger candidate (precisely because of his attraction for independents and some Republicans).
Let me just say that altho the Limbaugh tactic is entirely disgusting, I don’t believe the effect will come anywhere near countering the new voters who support Obama.
Sorry to hijack the thread, but…
His passport file was breached 3 times: 1/9 (on our about), Feb and 3/13 or 14; Obama learned about it only today when his Senate ofc was notified.
There will be conf call w/ State Dept IG, others shortly.
This is really interesting. Keith Olbermann did his whole 1-hour show on this topic with NO commercial breaks. Then Dan Abrams did his whole show on it with only one commercial break. Now Keith is back again live with only a few breaks. Nothing but this story has been reported on MSNBC for the last two and a half hours. Nonstop. With all of their applicable resources focusing on just this story.
So is Keith making this a story in order to break the ugly Rev. Wright narrative? Maybe. But it is a very disturbing story. And it sounds like Republican opposition research via “contract employee” proxy at the State Department – with middle management afraid to report it upstream. But now they’ve been caught. Very interesting.
l wouldn’t jump to that party-centic conclusion too quickly. it may have well been a democRAT oppo…just sayin’.
L have no idea where the “order” came down from, but there’s a lot of animosity out there in hillaryville.
Could be. But from the timing, it fits what they did in 1992 preparing to go up against Bill Clinton in the general when they did the exact same thing and got caught. But I wouldn’t put it past Hillary, either. She plays by the same rulebook.
this from C&L:
who benefits most from this?
the most obvious conclusion would not be RATpublicans…but l’m cynical by nature.
there’s no such thing as coincidence
my 2¢ YMMV
Let the Congressional investigations begin!
And Joe Biden could have some fun on C-Span with this one too. Just wait for the Senate committee hearings…
No, let me put that more correctly — not specifically because they hate Hillary, but because they hate all Democrats, they are trying to screw up the Democratic primary.
Limbaugh and his ilk are just salivating over a second Clinton to punch around. Many Democrats want to go back to the last Democrats to occupy the White House before this GWB disaster started.
Obama was not my 1st, 2nd, or even 3rd choice. But, we cannot survive another four years of Ken Starr investigations – which I suspect is what we will get with a new Clinton White House – if they can beat McCain.
Kos encouraging Democrats to cross over to vote for Romney was not one of his finest days, IMHO.
Well lookee here. Apparently Pastor Wright was a respectable enough guy to be invited to the White House by the Clintons….
Then again in Pennsylvania, my mother, lifelong Republican, has changed parties to vote for Hillary in the primary because she thinks she’s wonderful.
Now that she’s a Democrat, we’ll be working to convert her to the Obama camp.
Superdelegates explained…
I’m not feeling this panic. My household is divided between Obama and Edwards supporters, but none of us is going to fall on the fainting couch if Hilary wins. How that could motivate any Dem to throw victory to the Republicans after 8 long years of our country’s destruction is simply beyond me. Yes, it sucks that Limbaugh is up to his old tricks, but so what? Are you saying you’d like a repeat of the 2000 election, when the media had the Democrats buying into their lies about Gore to the point that people stayed home or went Nader rather than sully their precious sensibilities?
Please, people, stop this madness right now. Hilary may not be Obama, but she is light years better than McCain-Lierberman-Bush. This dogpile on Clinton (not just here but all over the politisphere) reminds me of the Republican mouth-frothing back in the 90s, and will do nothing for our goals except to leave the party fractured and badly crippled if Clinton gets the nomination into the general election. If you really want to see people like Limbaugh win, just keep eating our own alive.
This is just plain unconscionable. It truly is.