Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I think less time should be spent talking about the stupid horse race and more time should be spent on the economy. I know that’s not your area of expertise, but Zandar1 has been doing yeoman’s work in the diaries recently. I think maybe an occasional guest spot on the front page is in order.
i rode one around key west in jan and was scared to death. i like more metal and fiberglass around me when im in traffic….esp with all those drunk drivers.
I’d probably only ride it during daylight hours, so I’m thinking there would be less drunks out then…but you have a point about the lack of body protection.
On Hillary dropping out? I’m generally for it, I have to say. I don’t want to deprive any serious candidate of their dream at the nomination–except whereby they screw with the country going in what I consider to be a more optimal direction. I’ve heard that this is simply a matter of precedence: No candidate with over 1,000 pledged delegates has ever dropped out before the convention. But most of those, I would guess, actually went on to get the nomination. And with MI and FL pretty much dead, there’s mathematically nowhere for her to go, barring an Obama collapse–and his race speech just reaffirmed for me that that doesn’t look likely. Hillary’s just indulging her ego, sad to say, even if she believes she really would be the better president. It’s just over.
But I get the sense things are finally starting to turn: Richardson may be a signal that other superdelegates will come out of the woodwork in the leadup to PA and mercifully preserve the Obama’s best possible chances against McCain. Anything less would be irresponsible to some degree, I think.
Yesterday we got the news that Obama’s passport file had been breached. Breaking news on Countdown. Breathless coverage all evening of the limited information. Corporate media’s crack Washington corps sprang into nonstop coverage of every little bit of additional info that dribbled in through the evening. Endless live on the air speculation by MSNBC’s best on the possible ramifications. I won’t recount it all here. You all probably sat through it all just like I did.
Now, after MSNBC and, I suspect, most of us spent most of an evening hyperventilating over this momentous political, possibly criminal, event, we find out today that Hillary’s file has been breached as well. Oh, and by the way, so has McCain’s. All three cases were handled routinely. What’s the big deal?
I wonder how long before the Old Hands in Washington start shaking their heads over the brash, inexperienced youngsters who overreact at every little bit of news. Obviously these people aren’t ready for the big show. I mean, really.
Emmett Till seems like ancient history to me and if anyone had asked me I would have guessed that those of his generation would have been much older than Pastor Wright – MUCH older. It surprised me that they were the same age and, like Hilzoy, it reminded me how the past isn’t that far away.
We just finished knocking about 35 independent doors and got 5 new Dem registrations for Obama, one guy that told us we were crazy to support ‘a guy that goes to I-hate-Whitie church’ and one expression of support for Clinton (we didn’t register them).
That’s good work. You said “we” – you and a group? You and the original BooMan? We who?
on March 21, 2008 at 7:47 pm
Two things in my life today. Well, three.
My daughter’s coming up from Santa Barbara for the weekend. We were supposed to have lunch when she got here, and since it’s quarter to five in the afternoon, I guess that’s now dinner.
The shower and the bathtub on the second floor aren’t draining. I’ve poured so much janitor in a drum down and still the slow drainage. My girlfriend’s house was built in the sixties, I think, and the pipes are crap. When I win the lottery I’ll replace the pipes. I think the hairballs are somehow linked to the Christian calendar because this always seems to happen around holidays.
I’ve been trying to get my computer to record music but I can’t seem to figure out how to get the timing between MIDI and audio. No rush on that, though. I’ll figure this out eventually.
Someone said in an open thread somewhere that you have to get yourself one of those whirlygig thingees (that’s the technical term) that clear out pipes. The Drano will just erode the pipes further.
I think less time should be spent talking about the stupid horse race and more time should be spent on the economy. I know that’s not your area of expertise, but Zandar1 has been doing yeoman’s work in the diaries recently. I think maybe an occasional guest spot on the front page is in order.
His diaries on the subject have been really excellent.
i think people really should watch this
Individual opinion is vastly overrated and, like, so 20th century.
It’s my opinion that:
a) loading even a relatively lightweight Vespa scooter up the ramp on the back of a rental truck is way harder than one would expect, and
b) I need to spend more time riding back highways and less time thinking about how much I wish Hillary Clinton would just go away.
Do you have a vespa? I want one of those…in red or purple, please.
i rode one around key west in jan and was scared to death. i like more metal and fiberglass around me when im in traffic….esp with all those drunk drivers.
You’re brave to do that in Key West. 🙂
I’d probably only ride it during daylight hours, so I’m thinking there would be less drunks out then…but you have a point about the lack of body protection.
Yes, a yellow LX-150.
On Hillary dropping out? I’m generally for it, I have to say. I don’t want to deprive any serious candidate of their dream at the nomination–except whereby they screw with the country going in what I consider to be a more optimal direction. I’ve heard that this is simply a matter of precedence: No candidate with over 1,000 pledged delegates has ever dropped out before the convention. But most of those, I would guess, actually went on to get the nomination. And with MI and FL pretty much dead, there’s mathematically nowhere for her to go, barring an Obama collapse–and his race speech just reaffirmed for me that that doesn’t look likely. Hillary’s just indulging her ego, sad to say, even if she believes she really would be the better president. It’s just over.
But I get the sense things are finally starting to turn: Richardson may be a signal that other superdelegates will come out of the woodwork in the leadup to PA and mercifully preserve the Obama’s best possible chances against McCain. Anything less would be irresponsible to some degree, I think.
I think we been gotcha’d.
Yesterday we got the news that Obama’s passport file had been breached. Breaking news on Countdown. Breathless coverage all evening of the limited information. Corporate media’s crack Washington corps sprang into nonstop coverage of every little bit of additional info that dribbled in through the evening. Endless live on the air speculation by MSNBC’s best on the possible ramifications. I won’t recount it all here. You all probably sat through it all just like I did.
Now, after MSNBC and, I suspect, most of us spent most of an evening hyperventilating over this momentous political, possibly criminal, event, we find out today that Hillary’s file has been breached as well. Oh, and by the way, so has McCain’s. All three cases were handled routinely. What’s the big deal?
I wonder how long before the Old Hands in Washington start shaking their heads over the brash, inexperienced youngsters who overreact at every little bit of news. Obviously these people aren’t ready for the big show. I mean, really.
This is me being lockjawed. We been played.
My opinion is that Hilzoy wrote something really good today.
Emmett Till seems like ancient history to me and if anyone had asked me I would have guessed that those of his generation would have been much older than Pastor Wright – MUCH older. It surprised me that they were the same age and, like Hilzoy, it reminded me how the past isn’t that far away.
My opinion is that if Obama is spending $1.5 million a day, he needs more help, and often. Please contribute here!
We just finished knocking about 35 independent doors and got 5 new Dem registrations for Obama, one guy that told us we were crazy to support ‘a guy that goes to I-hate-Whitie church’ and one expression of support for Clinton (we didn’t register them).
That’s good work. You said “we” – you and a group? You and the original BooMan? We who?
Two things in my life today. Well, three.
Someone said in an open thread somewhere that you have to get yourself one of those whirlygig thingees (that’s the technical term) that clear out pipes. The Drano will just erode the pipes further.
Good luck with that. Sounds fun, not..! 🙁